God of Destruction

Chapter 3592: Disappointment

Chapter 3592 Disappointment

"Does it really make sense for you to make such a decision? With the enchanting talent of Xingtian, the number of times you enter the land of inheritance is not important. With his talent, it will not take too long to get it yourself, so you can count a junior. Is it suitable for a disciple with a talent for horror? Don't you worry about ruining his loyalty to the school?"

When faced with such a result, Lord Lieyang, as Master Xingtian, would not be able to speak up against it. After all, his opening would make more people feel dissatisfied, but Lord Ziji, as the head, did not give such consideration, directly Speaking out of his own heart, how important a Tianjiao evildoer is to the sect, he believes that all the elders present are very clear, but they have made such a decision now, which makes him very dissatisfied. In his opinion, this is right Martial crime.

"Master, don’t forget that Xing Tian is just a junior, a junior, and we have to balance the thoughts of other disciples. It is impossible to disgust other disciples just because he is alone, let alone this. It is also a test for him. If he is loyal to the sect, he should be grateful to the sect, not dissatisfied with the sect. After all, the resources he gets from the sect far exceed those of other new disciples. What qualifications does he have? Dissatisfied with martial arts!"

When he heard these words, Lord Lieyang couldn't help but shook his head, and a faint disappointment flashed across his face. This was not disappointment at Xingtian not getting more resources, but disappointment at the mentality of these younger elders. Their selfishness is too heavy, and it has affected the development of the martial art. With their current state of mind, it is difficult to go further.

Although he understood that there was something wrong with the mentality of these many elders, Lord Lieyang, who was the Supreme Elder, did not say anything. Even if there were his descendants among these elders, Lord Lieyang did not speak to remind. , It's useless to say anything at this time, because these people won't believe it at all and won't be awakened by a word.

Venerable Ziji couldn't help but sighed at this moment: "Well, since you are determined to do this, then I don't have much to say, just do everything as you say, and I hope you won't regret it in the future. Efforts are directly proportional to gains. You are unwilling to pay even this little resource. How can you get true returns from the other party in the future!"

auzw.com report? For these many elders, they have never wanted to get anything back from Xing Tian. Even Xing Tian has amazing talents, but there are too many Tianjiao evildoers in the Supreme Chaos World, but not all Tianjiao evildoers. Can grow up, and not all evildoers will enter the ranks of the high-level human civilization, so they did not regard the words of Venerable Ziji as the same thing, because they only cared about the interest in front of them. Long-term consideration.

Although the high-level human civilization has clear civilization rewards for all forces, but in the highest chaos world, among the various forces of human civilization, how many forces can really cultivate powerful Tianjiao evildoers, not many, even endless It is impossible for a sect to have a few people in the years, and those who really grow up are even rarer, especially their power in these remote places, that is far from enough! The reason why they agreed to double Xing Tian's resources was only to give the headmaster and give face to Lord Lieyang. They did not believe that Xing Tian had the possibility of success from beginning to end.

Perhaps there is only a faint hope in the hearts of those elders, but they are not willing to gamble with the entire sect’s generation of disciples. After all, if there is an accident, it will be a devastating blow to the entire sect. Being able to pull the entire sect into danger for his own sake, and let the entire sect bear such a terrifying danger!

When the meeting of elders was over, Venerable Ziji, who was the head of the Yunxiao Sect, sighed and said: "It has changed. Now the hearts of the entire sect have changed. They all have too much selfishness, which is fundamental to them. They didn’t put the interests of the sects first. No matter how many excuses and reasons they have, and the true thoughts are just too selfish, and they only care about their own interests. I really don’t know if they do this again. In what direction will the martial arts slide!"

When he said this, Venerable Ziji paused, his expression condensed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice, "Perhaps when the sect has changed, or even if there is a real Tianjiao evildoer in the sect, it will be because of the internal selfishness. However, it is difficult to obtain favorable training, and ultimately cannot stand out among all the arrogances, and eventually fall into the ordinary!"

"Forget it, don't care about these issues. Although you are the head, you can't help everything now. Moreover, Tianjiao evildoers such as Xingtian are rare. They are selfish, but the root cause is still in the door. Above, and we can’t change the rules of the door just because Xingtian is alone. This is the end of this matter. If you are interested, take care of Xingtian and give him enough time to practice, and don’t let the chores of the sect affect him. After all, for a Tianjiao evildoer like him, too many chores will only affect the speed of his practice, and it’s good, everything is governed by the rules, no one can be an exception!"

Even Lord Lieyang was somewhat disappointed with such a result in his heart, but he did not think there was any problem with the result, because everything was restricted by the rules, no matter how selfish these elders were, they did not violate the rules. , They all acted on the basis of the rules of the door, if they had to forcefully promote that would be a great bad thing, it would disrupt all the order of the Yunxiao Sect!

"But I am unwilling. I know that Xing Tian has endless potential. If he can grow up, he will bring endless benefits to the sect. However, he is subject to the restrictions of the door and cannot get the best training. This makes me this The head is somewhat unacceptable. After all, Tianjiao evildoers such as Xingtian are not always there. Once they are missed, they will have an unimaginable blow to the school! If such Tianjiao evildoers grow up, they will bring a strong spirit to the entire school Fortune, don’t they know? They can’t see it!” When he said this, Venerable Ziji's emotions became a little agitated. You must know that Xing Tian was the first powerful Tianjiao he encountered as the head. Enchanting, in his opinion, this is his own chance, the chance of Yunxiao Sect!

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