God of Destruction

Chapter 3594: Festival farce

Chapter 3594 Farce

"Don’t let go, do you really want to fight against the elders of the whole sect, do you really intend to make the sect turbulent because of this little thing, once the sect is turbulent, anything can happen, and if such a situation arises? , How long do you think Xingtian’s information can be kept, and what choices will those **** who are affected by private thoughts make? Put away the grievances in your heart, this is fate, this is God’s will, you don’t need to change the situation It's even more terrifying!"

When I said this, Lord Lieyang spoke, and after taking a deep breath, he sighed: "Do you think I am willing? Do you think I don't feel sorry for my disciples? I am also heartbroken, I We are not reconciled, but we can’t lose big because of small things, we can’t forget the roots of the school, and we can’t let the whole school fall into crisis because of a single disciple. We have to make choices, so even if everything is in our hands We can't act recklessly!"

Although Lord Lieyang has always persuaded Lord Ziji to be the head, but the other party did not listen to it. Because the positions of the two sides are different, the things considered are different, so Lord Lieyang said again. No matter how many explanations there are, they cannot help Venerable Ziji, nor can they dissolve the magical thought in Venerable Ziji's heart!

I didn’t get the result I wanted at the elders’ meeting, nor did I get the result I wanted in Lord Lieyang. This made Venerable Ziji very annoyed and felt that his master did it. He was really frustrated. He could only leave silently when he couldn't find a way to break the game. It would be impossible for Venerable Ziji to use his resources to cultivate Xingtian, because he would not use his own resources. Such a waste, he also has disciples and selfishness.

farce! When Venerable Ziji retired, this farce of the Yunxiao Sect also ended. Although Xing Tian had gained a little bit, with the end of the elders' meeting, his own situation became more subtle and more dangerous. When you get up, no one knows whether there are lunatics among the many elders. Will anyone take the opportunity to kill people with a knife and use the hands of outsiders to eliminate the huge threat of Xingtian, even if Xingtian's talent is good, but if it affects In the interests of these elders, these **** can do anything, which will put Xing Tian into more trouble.

What Xing Tian was doing at this time, he was naturally still cultivating, still comprehending his own Avenue of Stars, fusing the Avenue of Stars, and strengthening his god-given power to inherit the Chaos True Body. You must know that the origin of this star is very important to Xing Tian. At this time, to complete the mastery of the Avenue of Stars under this opportunity will greatly accelerate Xing Tian’s cultivation, and will greatly enhance Xing Tian’s mastery of the Chaos True Body, and will be able to enhance his own combat power and make himself more self-protection. Ability.

auzw.com The endless origin of stars was drawn by Xing Tian from the starry sky, and the huge origin power continuously poured into Xing Tian’s body, opening up Xing Tian’s star acupuncture hole. Tempering Xing Tian's star dao bones, Zhou Tian's star power is constantly polishing Xing Tian's body, and the inheritance of the star-refining hand has been continuously enhanced with Xing Tian's perception of the star avenue.

When the Avenue of Stars evolved to a certain extent, Xingtian’s acupuncture points changed. The Zhoutian Star Dou formation appeared in Xingtian’s acupoints, and star nuclei one after another were in Xingtian’s acupuncture world. Born in the middle, that is the origin of the Avenue of Stars that Xing Tian mastered. When the star cores formed the star formation of the sky, Xing Tian felt that he once again mastered the power of the rules of the Avenue of Stars, once again possessing a powerful Combat power, one step further on the Avenue of Stars.

When there was such a change in himself, when his Avenue of Stars took a further step, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed, and said to himself: "It's a pity, although his Avenue of Stars has gone further, the Avenue of Yin and Yang does not have a little bit. The change, even if it is the power of mastering the rules of the Avenue of Stars, but it has not evolved the Yin-Yang Avenue that I want, let alone the Taiyin-Sun Avenue that I have felt, and has evolved a powerful magical power!"

Based on the two great stars of the lunar and sun to evolve the real Yin-Yang road inheritance and evolve the real magical powers, this is not what Xing Tian can do with the little star origin, nor can it be done by a little bit of the power of the stars. Yes, after all, Yinyang Avenue is different from the Avenue of Stars. Even if Xingtian has the foundation, it cannot be accomplished overnight. If Xingtian is really allowed to do it, then he is not a Tianjiao evildoer, but a real strong By.

Being able to go further on the Avenue of Stars is already a great opportunity for Xing Tian. If he wants to get more gains, he can only say that Xing Tian's ambitions are too great, and such a situation cannot happen to him. , Even if his background is profound, it is impossible. There can be no shortcuts or quick success in any practice. If you really do it, you can only say that your cultivation has gone on a path of no return, a death. Dead end.

When such a situation occurs, what Xing Tian has to do is not to be happy, but to fear and uneasy. Xing Tian needs to re-examine himself and even destroy the magical powers he has sensed. Only in this way can he keep his foundation unaffected.

The endless stars are constantly falling from the void into the peaks of Xingtian, and continuously pouring into Xingtian's body. As long as Xingtian's thoughts continue, the origin of the stars will not be cut off. When Xingtian is so crazy The earth absorbed the origin of the stars, and when the Avenue of Stars evolved, the purple star that had been hidden in Xing Tian also got huge benefits. Although this huge origin of the stars was almost completely absorbed by Xing Tian, ​​a small part of it still fell on it. The body, and this small part of the origin of the stars, is also enough to make Zixing happy, happy for it, and let it see the possibility of recovering itself!

"Well, what a Xing Tian, ​​he really has a talent that ordinary people can't understand. He can evolve the Avenue of Stars to this degree in a short time. It seems that his Avenue of Stars has already walked out of its own path and already has its own. Will, it won’t take long before he will grow up. With the true meaning of this powerful star origin, my body can not only recover, but can even go further!” When I thought of this, the spirit of Zixing was extremely excited. I am extremely happy with my decision!

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