God of Destruction

Chapter 3595: Avenue of Stars

Chapter 3595: Avenue of Stars

Stepping out of his own avenue means that Xingtian’s avenue of stars has been integrated into his god-given inheritance. How can such a result not make Zixing happy? This means that Xingtian’s future is unimpeded, only to realize that he belongs to him. The Dao of Xing Tian is the most suitable Dao for him. If Xing Tian blindly practiced the Dao of Stars he got from him, on the contrary, Zi Xing would not be so happy. After all, other people's Dao belonged to others, and even if the cultivation was strong, there were limits.

The power of the Avenue of Stars is constantly tempering Xing Tian’s body, constantly polishing Xing Tian’s physical body, and even constantly tempering Xing Tian’s soul. After all, Xing Tian’s star dao bones are in the head, leading to the origin of the stars. When refining oneself, he also subtly tempers Xingtian's soul, allowing Xingtian's soul to get huge benefits.

change! While Xing Tian was constantly comprehending his own avenue of stars, and constantly sacrificing his own star acupuncture orifice, a line of inheritance unknowingly rushed into Xing Tian’s heart, and the source of this inheritance was his own star dao bones. This inheritance is only in a change of characters, the change of stars, referred to as the change of stars, the appearance of this inheritance made Xing Tian's heart a surprise!

"Is this a godsend inheritance or an inheritance of self-evolution?" Xing Tian couldn't help thinking in his heart, saying that this is a godsend inheritance, innate inheritance. This is because he evolved from his own star avenue in the course of cultivation, with acquired inheritance. However, this inheritance appeared from the dao bones of the Chaos True Body from his own heaven-sent inheritance. This is related to the heaven-sent inheritance. This situation made Xing Tian unable to figure out the "star change" he had obtained. Is it inherited by nature or acquired?

The Star Transformation is the avenue of stars that best fits Xing Tian's own. The inheritance of this Star Transformation can not only temper the body, but also calculate the heavens and the earth, calculate the cause and effect, and even evolve endless killing. It can be said that the inheritance of the Star Transformation is also all-inclusive. Qian, after gradually understanding the inheritance of the Star Change, Xing Tian doubted whether this inheritance was related to his previous practice, because this inheritance contained too many Zhoutian Star Battle Arrays that he had obtained in the prehistoric times. The shadow of, but this inheritance is much stronger than the'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array' back then, and it also has endless potential.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian’s realm is still very low, and the inheritance and information he has been exposed to is also very limited. It is difficult for a while to understand what is going on with this sudden'star change' inheritance, but Xing Tian can be sure. With this inheritance, I already have a foundation that truly belongs to me on the Avenue of Stars. I no longer have to worry about big problems on the Avenue of Stars in the future, because the origin of the stars evolved by the'Star Transition' can be Fuse all the Avenue of Stars.


"What a avenue of stars, what a star change, it has such a powerful potential, but unfortunately the origin of the stars I can attract is still too few. It takes a long time to truly fully condense the unscheduled map of the'star change'. The years, after all, to condense each star nucleus requires too many star origins, and each star nucleus can contain a kind of star supernatural power! If it can condense all the star nuclei, the entire star avenue hole is really true I will be shrouded by endless stars, and I will have an endless source of stars, and I will be able to resist any consumption war!"

It’s scary to think about it. Every star core can contain a kind of supernatural powers of the Star Avenue, whether it is innate supernatural powers, acquired supernatural powers, large supernatural powers or small supernatural powers, all can be stored in the star core. At this time, Xing Tian also had to admit that'Star Change' was really strong. Once he was able to condense the treasure of his own Star Avenue from the Star Acupuncture Aperture, at that time, Array One Out, endless stars and supernatural powers can be transformed into meteors to destroy the world! Even enemies who are stronger than oneself will be killed in the unstoppable formation of stars if they are not prepared.

Of course, if you want to leapfrog to kill the enemy, even the powerful formation of Star Change has limitations. After all, due to the limitation of the realm, the star core that Xing Tian can condense is also limited. At most, it can only kill the enemy by a higher level, but this It is enough for Xingtian. It can be said that Xingtian now has the ability to protect itself as long as there is enough time. The power of the Star Avenue has given Xingtian strong support, allowing Xingtian to see endless hope and let Xingtian I saw the true power of the god-given inheritance chaos body!

Although the God-given Inheritance Chaos True Body has terrifying power in the tempering of the physical body, it can make oneself walk a long way on the road of the physical body, but the three thousand bones are not only on the physical body practice, but also have the principle of origin. With the power of, the Star Dao Bone can evolve such a powerful inheritance, allowing oneself to see endless hope. Will other Dao Bone also have such a chance, and it also hides a powerful inheritance that allows one to practice in the Three Thousand Dao Law Going further?

Although this thought only flashed through Xing Tian's mind, it was not impossible, because the "star change" of the evolution of the Avenue of Stars had given Xing Tian see hope, and Xing Tian could feel God's gift of inheriting the true form of chaos. Where it is truly powerful, perhaps the three thousand bones will eventually evolve as they thought.

Of course, it’s not an easy task to do this. What really makes the three thousand bones and the god-given inheritance chaos real body change is after the acupuncture orifice is opened, and the acupuncture orifice that condenses the origin of the Star Avenue appears. After that, that is to say, if I really want to make the three thousand bones evolve a powerful inheritance, he must pay attention to the physical acupuncture points, and he must open the same acupuncture points as the three thousand bones. This is where Xingtian has to devote a lot of energy and origin.

It can be said that what restricts Xing Tian's cultivation today is not Dao insight, nor its own bottleneck, let alone realm, but resources. If there are not enough resources, Xing Tian's cultivation will take a long time, because Xing Tian's background is really too powerful. Now, the condensed origin is terrible. The resources needed for each further step are astonishing. Fortunately, no one knows the true situation of Xing Tian himself, only he alone knows. If all this is known, even if it is The Yunxiao Sect must carefully consider whether to train Xingtian as a core disciple. After all, the resources required for Xingtian cultivation are so terrifying and huge, to the point that it is too difficult for the Yunxiao Sect to support!

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