God of Destruction

Chapter 3596: Section failed

Chapter 3596: Failure

"Bang!" A loud noise exploded in Xing Tian's acupuncture hole. This is Xing Tian's third failure. Xing Tian will use his own condensed star power to carry the power of the stellar core and evolve the'star change' No battle plan failed. Although the origin has always been, Xing Tian failed again and again. After this failure, Xing Tian's brows could not help but frowned.

"What went wrong, and why the star map condensed by the origin of the stars cannot carry the power of the star core, and cannot truly evolve into a powerful formation. Could it be that the inheritance I got from the bones What's wrong?" When Xing Tian thought about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but ponder. Although the star core is important, if there is no formation that carries the power of the star core, the power of the stars will not be able to be fully utilized, and the power of the Star Avenue will also be affected. limit.

"No, it shouldn't be the fault of the inheritance. The inheritance evolved by the Dao Bone is in the same line as the god-given inheritance of the Chaos True Body. Even if it is not inherited by the innate, there is no possibility of problems. It must be something I made a mistake. But what’s wrong?” At this time, Xing Tian is a little bit distressed. You must know that every failure will damage Xing Tian’s acupuncture orifices, and it will take a certain amount of origin to repair it, which will greatly delay Xing Tian’s practice. , If the problem is no longer found, Xing Tian can only temporarily let go of the aggregation of the'star transformation map', after all, Xing Tian doesn't have so many sources to waste.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Xing Tian's mind, and he muttered to himself: "Maybe I was really wrong. The inheritance in this bone is not the inherited inheritance as he thought, but the true inborn inheritance. , Although the origin of the stars condensed by oneself is very pure, it still has the aura of acquired nature. In the future, the origin of the heavens will carry the Xiantian Dadao. This is simply impossible!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian understood in an instant, and finally knew what his problem was. If he wanted to truly condense the origin of the star nucleus and the avenue of stars, he must look for innate things. , Only Innate Treasures can do this, and Xing Tian currently has no such treasures at all.

"Damn, how could this happen, if there is no inherent treasure of the origin of the stars, it will not be able to carry this avenue of stars, and my acupuncture hole will not be able to condense the strong origin of the treasure, and my avenue of stars will be forced to stop."

Xing Tian also thought about his Master Lieyang Lord, but he finally gave up. Although Xing Tian entered the Supreme Chaos World for a short time, from past experience, the original treasure of the innate stars is not an ordinary existence. Even in the Yunxiao Sect, it is a rare treasure. A disciple who has just started, how could he get such a treasure from the master.

"It's impossible for the teacher to gain anything. It seems that you can only ask Zixing about it. Maybe it will know about such an innate treasure. After all, its original owner was the Dao Xing Chen Dao. Maybe there will be such a treasure in its heritage. !"


The heart is not as good as the action. When he stops at the step of condensing the "star change map", Xing Tian can only give up his practice. After all, at this time, there is no treasure that carries the Dao, and no matter how he cultivates, he can only condense some of the origin and grow. The power of the stellar core would not work if it wanted to truly take a crucial step.

When Xing Tian Shouxin opened his eyes, without waiting for him to speak first, the spirit of Zixing jumped out and said: "Xing Tian, ​​how did you gather your gong? Have you condensed your own origin of the Avenue of Stars?"

Suddenly lost the origin of the stars, Zixing was a little bit excited at this time. If you know Xing Tian’s gains, it will not be able to use Xing Tian’s practice to restore its origin and body. How can it be? Can not be impatient!

Hearing this, Xing Tian shook his head and said, "No, I have not condensed my own origin of the Avenue of Stars. I am still short of a crucial step. It is very difficult to complete this step with my own strength, so I thought Ask if you can do it!"

"Oh! What happened to you that you couldn't complete this vital step? Could it be that the Avenue of Stars you have realized has serious flaws? If that is the case, it is useless for you to find me, I am just a Qi Ling, even if I know the inheritance of the master, but it can’t help you. The road that really belongs to you is only for you to understand. Outsiders can’t help you at all, and everything can only depend on yourself!” When he said this, Zi Xing sighed involuntarily!

"No, it’s not that there is a problem with my own avenue of stars, but that I did not carry the innate treasures of my avenue, so even if the acupuncture hole is opened, even if the star core is condensed, there is no way to carry my own stars. Come on the road!"

"What? You said you failed because you didn't carry the innate treasures of the Dao? How could this be possible, no matter how good your talent is, no matter how high your understanding is, even if you are inherited from the Yunxiao School I realized the innate magical powers, but this does not require innate treasures to carry the great magical powers. Did you make a mistake?” At this time, Zixing was a little bit agitated, because he had never encountered such a situation. , I haven't even heard of it, so I can instinctively make it think whether Xing Tian has a problem with himself or whether Xing Tian himself has hallucinations!

Xing Tian shook his head again and said, "Yes, I'm not stupid enough to have hallucinations. Do you have any innate treasures of the origin of stars? If you don't have them here, then I can only temporarily stop practicing on the Avenue of Stars. After all, there is no innate treasure that carries the avenue. Every time you gather, you have to waste your own source to repair the damage of self-knowing acupuncture points. If the number of times is too large, it will even affect the nature of one's own acupuncture points. Such a problem really occurs. The trouble is even greater!"

"You must use innate treasures to carry your own avenues. So what you feel is the true inheritance of the innate avenues. How is this possible? You are just a small mortal junior, even if you have extraordinary talents. It’s from the Yunxiao Sect that I have felt the innate magical powers, but the source of the magical powers is different from that of your own practice, unless you integrate the avenue of stars you have felt into your heaven-sent inheritance!" In an instant, Zixing understood the key to the problem. Looking at Xing Tian with a shocked look, if his guess is true, then Xing Tian, ​​this kid is really too powerful, too great.

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