God of Destruction

Chapter 3602: Festival shock

Chapter 3602: Sudden Change

After gathering his mind and completing his self-regulation, Xing Tian took a deep breath and sat cross-legged, slowly closing his eyes, the breath of stars exuded from Xing Tian, ​​and as the breath of stars surged, Xing Tian held his hands. The origin of the stars also exudes a dazzling light, which is consistent with the aura of stars emanating from Xing Tian's body! In an instant, the entire cave was shrouded in starlight, and the origin of endless stars burst out in an instant, allowing Xing Tian to be enveloped in the endless starlight!

"Okay, the great Avenue of Stars. This is a complete evolution of stars. It seems that we still underestimate Xing Tian. Although his realm is very low, he has gone far on the Avenue of Stars, and he is not just He only cultivated the two major star origins of the lunar and sun, but built the foundation with the complete star origin. The most important thing is that what he operates is not an acquired inheritance, but an innate inheritance!"

As the head of the Yunxiao Sect, as a sacred powerhouse, Venerable Ziji could see the changes of Xingtian at a glance, and he could see through the origin of Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars. If it evolves the day after tomorrow, Venerable Ziji would have nothing. The response, after all, no matter how strong the acquired inheritance is, it is ultimately limited, and it still needs to evolve to the innate, and Xing Tian directly completed the innate inheritance when it was so weak.

"This is the god-given inheritance he got, evolving into a complete avenue of stars. Although it is still a long way away, this conception is far beyond the other gods of the same realm. Even the existence of the gods is not as good as his The sentiment on the Avenue of Stars, is this really the crush of talent, or is his physical body completely compatible with the Avenue of Stars?"

Seeing that the ultimate star origin treasure in Xing Tian's hand disappeared in an instant, and when it poured into Xing Tian's body, Venerable Ziji couldn't help but mutter to himself, all of which brought him a huge impact, although He had also learned about Xing Tian from Lord Lieyang before, but he still underestimated Xing Tian's ability. He didn't expect Xing Tian to integrate this apex of star origin into himself before the blink of an eye. This speed is really too fast. It's amazing.

"I don’t know if it’s his god-given inheritance, but one thing is for sure. He has an unimaginable talent on the Avenue of Stars, even more so than the Avenue of Yin and Yang. This time our Yunxiao Sect really got a big deal. Only with his luck can he incorporate such a Tianjiao evildoer into the sect. With his talent, if he has endless resources to practice, he will complete his transformation in a short time, because his state of mind and will are far more than the same. The existence of realm!"

Speaking of this, Lord Lieyang couldn't help but sighed, wanting to give Xingtian endless resources to practice. This is just an illusion, and it is impossible to do it. The elders of the school will not agree, even if it is. No matter how powerful Xing Tian’s performance is, the same is true. The rules of the gate restrict everything. Even if he is too elder and the head of the team, he cannot give Xing Tian enough resources to practice. It is only from Xing Tian’s short performance, Lie Yang The Lord will be able to know the horror of Xing Tian's background.

auzw.com"His background is really terrifying. To train him, it will cost tens of thousands of times or even higher than the average Tianjiao enchanting evildoer. This is something that the sect cannot bear. It’s also unacceptable. My head can’t make such a decision. Every realm has such terrible resources. No matter how much the sect has, he can’t hold on. Everything depends on him. The only thing we can What they do is just to **** them and prepare the resources they need to make breakthroughs."

As the origin treasure of the stars merged into itself, Xing Tian’s body’s acupuncture hole opened, pulling this origin treasure into it, and earth-shattering changes occurred in the Xingtian acupuncture hole. When the origin treasure entered the acupuncture hole, Without waiting for Xingtian’s avenue to be fully integrated into it, this original treasure emits terrible suction to absorb Xingtian’s avenue of stars, as if it is going to directly swallow Xingtian’s avenue of stars and complete its final transformation. Such terrible changes have brought Xingtian huge Threat.

When faced with such a terrible change, Xing Tian's heart was dreadful. This is the worst accident. Once such an abnormal change occurs, it means that the sealed original treasure will regain its instinct in advance, allowing its instinct to swallow all the roads to complete. The final transformation of himself, once Xing Tian can't suppress such a scene, the consequences will be unimaginable. His breakthrough will directly fail, and his own avenue will be shattered as a result, and he will reconsolidate the origin of the avenue of stars and start from the beginning.

"Damn it, the worst has happened!" The Venerable Ziji who had been paying attention to Xing Tian discovered Xing Tian's changes in an instant, and couldn't help but lose his voice. Once such a terrible change appeared, Xing Tian was in a real crisis. Among. In an instant, Venerable Ziji wanted to help Xing Tian suppress the crazy backlash of the original treasure.

At this moment, a deep voice rang in his ears, "Wait a minute, don't rush to make a move. This is Xing Tian's own catastrophe, unless he really can't resist the backlash of the original treasure, otherwise we can't make a move. That will interrupt the evolution of his own avenue, even if the exemption is successful, it will leave irreparable defects!"

"What?" For a moment, Venerable Zi Ji was a little shocked. He didn't expect Venerable Lieyang to stop him, so an extremely shocked expression appeared on his face, and he said incomprehensibly, "Elder Supreme, you know so What does it mean to do? That is to push Xing Tian to the edge of death, and his realm is simply unable to suppress the resurgent origin of the stars. His avenue of stars will be completely swallowed by the origin of the stars, even if we want to take action at that time It's too late!"

As a sacred powerhouse, Lord Lieyang didn’t know the danger of doing so, but he still said without changing his face, “I believe him, I believe he has such a will, and can hold on to the end, this battle is In his physical acupuncture orifice, if he does not even have the invincible will, even if he can escape this time, it will be difficult for him to make a higher breakthrough on the Avenue of Stars in the future. I believe he can hold on. It must be able to refine the origin of the stars, this is a test for him!"

With such a price as a test of Xingtian, I have to say that Lord Lieyang is domineering and has to admit his madness. Once Xingtian did not persist to the end, the result was too serious, even Xingtian could not bear it. The Yunxiao Sect will also lose a top treasure of origin, as well as a goddess demon with no potential!


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