God of Destruction

Chapter 3603: Test

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Chapter 3603 Test

Venerable Ziji wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say what he said, because Venerable Lieyang is Xingtian’s master, and he has the right to decide all this, even if he is the head of the Yunxiao Sect. He also has no right to make a decision at this time, but can only sigh secretly, and can only pray that Xing Tian can successfully refine the origin of the stars and not be backed by the origin of the stars.

Seeing the unwilling look of Venerable Ziji, Venerable Lieyang said indifferently: "Do you think I am a little crazy, a little unreasonable, feel that I am taking the future of the Yunxiao Sect to take the risk? Master is a little irresponsible!"

Without waiting for Venerable Ziji’s answer, Venerable Lieyang continued: “I know your worries and understand how dangerous Xing Tian’s situation is now, but it’s still the same sentence. This is his test and his disaster. , Every true Tianjiao evildoer must face the test. It seems that the origin of the stars is automatically awakened and is launching a counterattack. In fact, all you see and understand are just false images. The reason for this is not the origin of the stars, but the will of the Supreme Chaos World. This is the test of Xing Tian. Only after passing this level, Xing Tian can truly gain the approval of the Supreme Chaos World and condense the endless Only with the luck of Qiyun can you complete the true transformation and become the child of Qiyun!"

When the words of Lord Lieyang fell, Venerable Ziji’s face once again showed endless horror. This explanation made him even more horrified. He could hardly believe his ears, he couldn’t believe it. With these words, he said aloud: "How is this possible, how can the will of the Supreme Chaos World watch the'ant' like Xingtian and put down the test on him?"

"An ant? You think Xing Tian is a'ant'. It is true that he has no power at all now, but he is not an'ant'. Why did he put the test on him? The reason is very simple, because Xing Tian has touched the rules of the supreme chaotic world. Able to integrate the great path he has understood into the inheritance of the godsend. Everyone who can complete such a Tianjiao enchanting is the child of luck, and they have to face relative calamities. This is the test, the test of himself, the external force We can’t intervene. If we take action to stop it at this time, it will only destroy Xingtian’s chances, and will only be hated by the source of the Supreme Chaos World. You don’t want to be suppressed by the rules of the Supreme Chaos World when you break through again. Only watch the changes!"

Venerable Ziji lost his voice: "How is this possible? Why is there no such record in the records of the sect, how did the Supreme Elder know all of this? Could it be that there is still a head of the sect that I cannot understand? Secret?"

With these words, there was a faint sense of loss and anxiety in Venerable Ziji’s heart. If there are secrets in the sect that his head can't understand, what is the meaning of his head, how is he? Able to master the overall situation of martial art!


Venerable Lieyang shook his head and said: "No, nothing is impossible in this world! As for the sects, there are secrets that you can't understand, and naturally they don’t exist. As the head of the sect, You know all the secrets of the sect. As for this secret, it does not belong to the sect, but the inheritance of our yin and yang ancestors. Naturally, our own inheritance will not be included in the secrets of the sect, and all this is also the yin and yang ancestor The warnings left behind will naturally not be known to outsiders!"

Although Lord Lieyang’s explanation is very good, there is still something in the heart of Venerable Ziji, even if this secret belongs only to the ancestors of Yin and Yang, he is also somewhat difficult to accept. There are many divisions in the Yunxiao faction. , God knows how many inheritance those ancestors have left their own line, and how many secrets have not been incorporated into the sect!

As if seeing through the thoughts of Venerable Ziji, Venerable Lieyang smiled calmly and said: "The headmaster should not find this a bit unacceptable, which is due to chance, otherwise this secret will not be known by outsiders, don't It is said that it is in the Yunxiao Sect. Even in this Outland, not many people know such a secret. Only the existence of this rule is truly touched, and only the gods who have really survived the disaster can know this secret, and such a secret is not. What is allowed to spread is the rule, the rule of the will of the supreme chaotic world. No one can violate it. It can only be passed on by one line! As for whether there are secrets in the other branches of the school, it naturally exists. After all, people have selfish hearts and many The ancestors are no exception, but the secrets only concern themselves!"

With this explanation, Venerable Ziji breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood improved a lot, but soon he became distressed again, worried that Xingtian could be able to support it. After all, Xingtian's realm was too low, you can say Xing Tian's breakthrough was also a great ordeal for him, and it was difficult for him, a sacred powerhouse, to feel at ease. This was a situation he had not encountered for a long time!

Venerable Lieyang said in a deep voice: "Receive your heart and wait for the result. Since Xing Tian can touch the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, then it is not a mortal situation, there is a way to crack it. All we can do now is just wait and prevent There are emergencies, to ensure that Xing Tian has enough source for its breakthrough to prevent the leakage of this powerful rule atmosphere! This secret can no longer be known to a third person in any case. One more person knows, and Xing Tian has one more It's dangerous, you should understand that!"

After hearing these words, Venerable Ziji nodded, expressing his understanding. As the head, he still has some understanding of the situation in the martial arts, knowing that there are some enemies’ eyes and ears in the dark, and these eyes and ears have been They are all spying on the secrets of the sect, and their existence poses a huge threat to Tianjiao evildoers like Xing Tian. However, these eyes and ears cannot be eliminated, because even as the head, he cannot fully control the entire school, nor can he dig out all the ears and eyes of the enemy forces!

In fact, this is not only the case of the Yunxiao Sect, but also of all the sects. It is not only the hostile forces watching everything secretly, but the enemies of human civilization are also watching everything secretly, even in human civilization. The Yunxiao faction is not worth mentioning at all, but there is still a view of hostile forces. This is the general trend, the general trend that cannot be changed, and no force can stop it in front of the general trend. If anyone dares to block the general trend, it will only be directly crushed into powder. Dissipate directly between the world!

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