God of Destruction

Chapter 3604: Festival star chart

Chapter 3604 Star Chart

Taking a deep breath, Venerable Ziji sighed, "Obviously, I have the ability to prevent this from happening, but I can't do it. This is really hard to accept. Putting such a Tianjiao evildoer in danger, I The head is really hard to accept!"

"This is the rule, this is the reality, and the reality is so cruel. Now we can only wait for the result. I believe that Xing Tian will be able to succeed because he has this ability. He is a genius who grew up from killing, and his will is better than others. Tianjiao must be more determined. If even he can't succeed, I don't think anyone from his age can do it!"

Lord Lieyang is right. If even Xing Tian can't succeed, no one can succeed anymore, even if Xing Tian's realm is still very low, Xing Tian's will is extremely firm, even though the swallowing power burst out from the origin of stars is very strong. Powerful, but it is impossible to shake Xingtian's mind. As long as he can't shake Xingtian's mind, no matter how the origin of this star erupts, he can't inflict fatal damage on Xingtian, because Xingtian possesses an unimaginable foundation.

When the abnormal change appeared, Xing Tian didn't panic at all. When his mind moved, the inheritance of star change started instantly, and the star core in the acupuncture hole burst out with endless rays of light, which was directly crushed by Xing Tian's avenue of stars, which was the origin of the star. No matter how powerful it is, it was instantly suppressed under the crush of that huge star core, and at this instant, Xing Tian moved, and the inheritance of the star change burst out with endless light, swallowing the origin of the star and the star core completely, together The light of Dao's stars radiated from the acupuncture holes of Xing Tian's physical body, and Xing Tian's star dao bones also emitted powerful star origins to echo it.

No matter how much the origin of the stars resists, it will be directly crushed by Xingtian’s Great Dao. As Xing Tian’s full burst of power, the power of the origin of the stars is refined bit by bit, and a picture gradually emerges from the virtual and solid to Xingtian’s. In the acupoint orifice, this is Xing Tian's unsuccessful picture of the Stars Transformation, which condenses Xing Tian's evolution of the Star Avenue, and is also the foundation of the Star Avenue.

When this star transformation map appeared, the star nuclei in the hole fell and attached to the star map one by one, giving this star map endless power. Unfortunately, the star core condensed by Xing Tian was still far from enough. Filling up the star change map, even one-thousandth is not enough. This result makes Xing Tian smile again and again. Even if he counts Xing Tian, ​​he has not counted that the star cores he has condensed before will be so small, even if It was the star formation that succeeded in condensing, but there were not enough star cores as the base of the formation, and Xing Tian could not display the supreme power of the star formation. Such a result shocked Xing Tian, ​​and this also proved that he was from the stars. The Avenue of Stars inherited from the bones has an incomparably powerful power. This may be the true foundation of the three thousand bones.

Although Xing Tian's heart was somewhat lost, when Xing Tian attached many stars to the formation, Xing Tian felt a change in his own star dao bones, and the marks of the avenue of stars appeared silently on Tao. Above the bone, there was an inexplicable change in his chaotic body, and the appearance of this change made Xing Tian's heart pleased.


"It seems that my guess is true. Once the Dao Bone in the acupuncture hole condenses, it will cause the transformation of the Dao Bone, and the transformation of the Dao Bone will also promote the transformation of the Chaos True Body, but it is a pity that the star core that I have condensed It's far from enough to fill the array, otherwise Xiaocheng's star change is enough to make a stronger change in his dao bones, enough to make the chaos true body go further!"

When thinking of this, a crazy idea appeared in Xing Tian’s heart. This is his master’s cave, this is a forbidden place for the Yunxiao Sect. On the peak of his own mountain, no matter if he let go of his hands and feet to attract the origin of the stars, he can be here. Without any consideration, the master will block everything for himself. If he can use the power of the teacher’s cave, whether he can condense more star cores, can cultivate the stars to the realm of Xiaocheng in one fell swoop, and complete the filling of the array. !

When this idea appeared in his mind, Xing Tian was moved by it, and he thought to himself, "If I do it, no matter what the result is, this is an opportunity for myself. If I only rely on my own strength to practice, I want to complete the star change. I don’t know how long it will take for the evolution to accumulate so many star cores. The opportunity is indispensable, and the loss will never come again!"

With a movement of heart, the star-changed array of stars revolves in Xingtian’s acupuncture points, and endless starlight radiates from Xingtian’s acupuncture points to cause the origin of the stars. When this array of images changes, the star-shaped array revolves. , The endless starlight was madly attracted by Xing Tian, ​​and rushed into Xing Tian’s acupuncture like a turbulent wave, refined by the power of the formation, and turned into star nuclei attached to the star map. , Constantly enhancing the power of the star map, perfecting Xingtian's Avenue of Stars.

When Xing Tian made this move, the origin of endless stars poured into Lord Lieyang’s cave house in an instant. Fortunately, he had already made all-out preparations before, otherwise such crazy changes would expose the cave house directly In the sight of others, even if this is the forbidden land of the Yunxiao Sect, it can't stop such crazy star origin fluctuations.

"Okay, very good, this kid really succeeded, and it only took such a short time to complete it. It seems that he really has an amazing talent in the practice of the Avenue of Stars. His terrible talent is worth our efforts. Cultivation!" Speaking of Lord Lieyang, he couldn't help laughing. Although Xingtian's madness would consume a lot of the origins of his cave mansion this time, compared to Xingtian's amazing talent, this consumption is not worth mentioning, and this time The success of Xing Tian also means that Xing Tian has taken a crucial step, and his god-given inheritance has undergone a qualitative transformation. As long as this step is taken, Xing Tian has unlimited potential in the future.

"The elder Taishang is right. Xing Tian deserves our full training. The hateful thing is that we can't give him enough resources. Otherwise, he can grow up quickly with his talent, but we can't do nothing now. Before Xing Tian understood the four opposing Yin-Yang Dao inheritances, we need to prepare him many innate origins, otherwise it would be impossible to wait for him to collect it himself. After all, his realm and strength are too weak, and all this is only us. Come to complete it for him, and these innate origins are not so easy to collect. Although there are some stocks in the treasury of the martial art, they are not the most extreme. For evildoers like Xingtian, we either don’t do it, or do it. Do the best!"


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