God of Destruction

Chapter 3612: Resurrection

Chapter 3612

Lord Lieyang is telling the truth. When he was young, Xing Tian didn’t need to care about other people’s opinions, because he lived for himself, practiced for himself, and caring too much would only waste his time and energy. , It will only cause huge pressure to yourself, which is not worth the gain for the practice! In almost all schools, the real Tianjiao evildoers on the ground will not put too much pressure on them, because for these Tianjiao evildoers, all they need is practice!

Xing Tian nodded. He remembered these words deeply. Although this may not apply to him, Xing Tian still has to keep it in his heart, because it is very important to him! There are countless disciples in the entire Yunxiao Sect, but they have received many benefits. This is a kindness, and the kindness that I have to repay in the future is cause and effect!

"Go back, the head has prepared everything for you, don't be too surprised by the unexpected, only your own strength is the real support, no matter how strong the external object is still only the external object, your own strength is the root of everything!" The Lord Lieyang waved his hand to indicate that Xing Tian could leave. For a strong man like Lord Lieyang, it is rare to be able to say so much to Xing Tian. This is not only because of Xing Tian’s talent, but also because Xing Tian is his disciple.

When Xing Tian returned to his place of practice, and when he saw everything in front of him, he couldn't help but sighed inwardly. For a moment, he understood the head's intention. This was to protect himself, this was to worry about himself. Security.

Time was like flowing water. It didn’t take long for the changes of Xingtian Mountain to gradually spread among the Yunxiao Sect. With the dissatisfaction of many disciples, all this was known to the hidden enemies. When they once again knew the Yunxiao Sect’s During this change, everyone felt dignified and pondered whether they had been fooled.

"Xing Tian is really just a **** placed by the Yunxiao faction on the bright side, an abandoned piece to lure us into the game? If so, how could the Yunxiao faction make such a big movement over and over again? Why on earth?"

"Damn Yunxiao faction, what exactly do they **** want to do, and even the head of it, just for a little new entry disciple to fight so hard, what kind of secrets are hidden behind this, can it be said that this is just a The game, a game designed to kill us all, if so, the price paid would be too great!"

auzw.com"Hiding a new beginner disciple so deeply, is there really no question worth pondering? Maybe this time we really shouldn’t be silent anymore, one in the Yunxiao school The disciples among them must spend so much effort to guard against it. If there is no secret in this kid, it is really unacceptable!"

"Shoot? What do you want to do? You must know that the kid has not shown his head, who knows if he is really hidden in that mountain, and who knows if it is a big trap in this mountain. A fool will only take action until everything is clear. A person who accidentally not only exposes all the informants, but also exposes himself to the enemy. If this is really just a trap, it is easy to step in, but to get out. It's so difficult!"

When everything came to pass, all the hidden enemies had different ideas and an eager desire to figure out the problem, but everyone was a little worried, and they were afraid that this was still just a trap, a target for their enemies. Trap, so even if someone wants to take action, they are also concerned and worried. It is not an easy task to deal with Xing Tian, ​​a hidden arrogant hidden in the depths. Once it is shot, it will inevitably lead to a chain reaction.

But if you don’t do anything, everyone’s heart is uneasy. If this bureau is just to confuse them and buy time for Xing Tian to practice, people like themselves will give Xing Tian enough time to practice if they don’t take action. This is also something they don’t. The result they are willing to see is also a result that they cannot accept. A grown-up Tianjiao evildoer poses a greater threat to them!

"Contact all colleagues who have deep hatred with the Yunxiao faction. This matter is not something our family can afford. We need to act together. Even if we pay a little price, we must find out the realm of Xingtian in the shortest possible time. This is related to the safety of all our forces. There must be no carelessness. Only when everyone joins together can we pay the minimum price and get everything we want, even if it is to sacrifice some dark children!"

In the face of heavy pressure and shock, the secret enemies of the Yunxiao faction finally couldn’t bear it and had to take action. Moreover, these enemies had to act together, and the target was only Xingtian, a little beginner disciple, who had to say for To kill the Tianjiao evildoer of a hostile force, all enemies are compromising and have to make sacrifices.

Attack the Yunxiao faction? Such a stupid idea is impossible, and no one dares to do it. It is not possible for ordinary forces to attack the Yunxiao school. It is impossible to attack a sacred school without paying a heavy price. And the life of a sacred strongman needs to be paid, and no matter which power is able to bear such a price, the combination of these secret enemies only uses the means to activate the dark child they arranged in the Yunxiao faction.

Although these hidden pieces will be exposed to the eyes of the Yunxiao faction once they are activated, they will all be cleaned up, but for the sake of safety, the major forces have to do this too. Who makes them fearful in their hearts and exposes some pieces to confirm their concerns. It is worth paying for this point. What's more, this kind of effort is not borne by one power, but by everyone. Since then, the price paid by all parties is naturally much smaller, so that they can also bear it. Up.

Soon, there was another dark tide. The goal was directed at the Yunxiao Sect and Xing Tian, ​​the newcomer who became a disciple of the Supreme Elder after joining the Yunxiao Sect, had paid such a high price for such a junior. It was thousands of years. , Even something that hasn't happened in tens of thousands of years, but everyone can't oppose it and can only accept it! Because this is the general trend, and the general trend is unmatched. If you have to stop all of this, you will only be crushed by the general trend, and will only end in a dead end!

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