God of Destruction

Chapter 3613: Nodal crack

Chapter 3613 Crack

"There is no news, no news at all. What do you guys do, you can't even handle this little thing, and you have lost so many dark children in vain, you are all a bunch of rubbish!" The roar roared frantically. After paying a huge price, but not getting any information about Xingtian, the enemies of the Yunxiao faction finally couldn't help but gather again to measure countermeasures together, and the several forces that suffered heavy losses were annoyed by it.

"No, I can’t blame us for this, but the Yunxiao faction’s defenses are too good, and I don’t think such a result is useless at all. On the contrary, I think this Qiaqia is the greatest information, and no information is the greatest information. , Yunxiao faction protects a new entry junior so well, and also gives huge resources, even the Taishang elder and the head have stood up to endorse, this shows a big problem, this is a trap, one is against us The trap, and only this explanation can explain why the Yunxiao faction did this. We have already said that this is a trap, but you have to step into the trap set by the enemy. Can you blame us? After this temptation, no matter how much movement the Yunxiao faction makes, we will not participate. You big forces cannot afford such a loss, let alone our small forces, of course, we don’t. So many resources can be wasted on enemy bait!"

A low voice suddenly sounded, as those small forces are united at this moment. Although their losses are not as great as their power, their own strength is limited. At this time, they naturally also annoyed the other party’s attitude and directly made the final They didn't want to participate in this crazy secret fight of the Yunxiao Sect.

silence! In an instant, the atmosphere became heavy. Although the strong people of the big forces were unhappy with the other party’s attitude, they had to think deeply about these words. After repeated defeats, these people also had to think about it. Some.

"Oh! Maybe this is really a trap deliberately arranged by the Yunxiao faction in order to kill the chess pieces we arranged next to them. The junior Xingtian may really be just a bait thrown by them, but the real Tianjiao evildoer is because of his existence. It is completely hidden. If we continue to target this junior, we will only lose more strength. At this time, under this history, even if we are unwilling to admit it, we must admit that we have failed. Let go, even if the Yunxiao faction really hides the evil spirits of Tianjiao in the dark, we can't understand it for a while. After all, the power we lose is too great for us all to bear!"

"Give up! Knowing that the Yunxiao faction has problems but wanting to give up targeting them, this is really ironic and unacceptable. If we give up here, our previous efforts will be wasted, and we will truly give Yunxiao. Given the opportunity for these **** to grow and develop, we will also be the sneer of the Yunxiao School. Is this the result everyone wants to see?"

Silence, there was another silence in the court, no one wanted to give up like this, but it was impossible not to give up. Everyone could not bear the loss as before. If the loss continues, it will not take long before all the power they arranged will be sent by the clouds. Follow the vines to clean up all of them, and even some of their strongholds will be uprooted by the other party one by one. They really can't afford such a loss. You must know that these many arrangements are accumulated after countless years. Being destroyed is too serious and too cruel, which is unacceptable for them.

auzw.com After a while, someone sighed: "What if we don’t accept it? Do we still want to give the Yunxiao faction a chance to hit all of our strengths? We must know that the Yunxiao faction today is We are waiting for us. I don’t know what other people think, but I can’t accept to continue secretly fighting. After all, our strongholds are accumulated over endless years, just because of a junior, an unknown junior. , It is necessary to ruin this power, this is impossible!"

unknown! For these Yunxiao Sect enemies, they really don't know whether the Yunxiao Sect really has the existence of Tianjiao enchanting. After all, they still have nothing. If they don't exist at all, then everyone's contribution is even more tragic.

"Everyone, I don’t know what you think, but I decided not to participate anymore. No matter what you want to do next, we will not participate. We no longer have the power to participate in this hidden battle that cannot see the future. We don’t have so much power or energy to invest in this secret fight. We will not do anything until there is no clear information!"

information! It is not an easy task to find useful information from the well-guarded Yunxiao faction. If you start the secret chess piece once again, it will only make him sacrifice in vain. Such sacrifice has no effect, too. It is unacceptable to everyone. After all, no one wants to waste their own power. If you continue to fight at this time, that is a stupid decision!

"Forget it, since everyone has doubts and anxiety in their hearts, let this matter go for the time being. Let's ignore the bait of Xingtian, but even if we give up taking the initiative, we still can’t really be against Yunxiao faction. Do nothing, we still need to monitor the Yunxiao faction's every move, only in this way can the exchanges get the information we want in the shortest time, and then they can truly know what the Yunxiao faction **** want to do!"

"Okay, I agree. I think it is feasible to observe in secret. After all, this does not need to expose the chess pieces we hide inside the enemy, and will not threaten the lives of those chess pieces. I promise, as long as you really find the Tianjiao hidden in the secret of the Yunxiao Sect. The enchanting evildoer will surely make every effort to destroy it before the opponent grows up!"

committed to! Is such a promise useful? In fact, it's useless at all. Those who can sit here are not fools, they just say that this is just empty talk. If the other party really knows the hidden power of the Yunxiao Sect, I am afraid that it will make a big shot at the first time, even if it is. Give a little representative to destroy it, who makes such a threat really terrible and terrible. It was so terrible that he couldn't bear it, and he could only say such a scene!

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