God of Destruction

Chapter 3624: Causality

Chapter 3624: Cause and Effect

With three thousand swords, when Xing Nao really wanted to condense a sword, he suddenly found himself in a tragedy again. Although the Avenue of Thunder has been restored, Xing Tian still knows how terrifying the origin of the terrifying Thunder is. Yes, at this time, under this situation, the Thunder Sword should be condensed first. This clearly means to trouble yourself. As for the Star Sword, Xing Tian has a headache when he thinks of it, because Xing Tian has not yet condensed the star into the star. The last star core in the picture is unable to fully mobilize the power of the Avenue of Stars.

Without the help of the power of the Avenue of Stars, and without the full blessing of the origin of the stars, Xing Tian could not condense the real Supreme Dao Sword of the Avenue of Stars, so Xing Tian was naturally in a tragedy. He could only give up this idea and choose again. .

Condensing the last star core, completing the cultivation of star change, the power of the perfect star map, is it just right now? Xing Tian couldn’t help but have a faint worry in his heart, and this worry is not really worrying that he will fail, but worrying that when his stars become perfect, it will cause terrible changes in the sky, which will make himself above the mountain. The collapse of the formation will cause endless trouble. After all, the power of the star change comes from the stars in the void, and once it is perfected, it will definitely cause the sky to change.

Of course, Xing Tian also has a choice. He can ask his master for help. With the power of the sacred strong man, he can completely conceal the secrets for himself, and he can completely solve the changes that day. It’s just that this situation will affect his own transformation. After all, the Avenue of Stars To be in harmony with the stars, once the astrology is concealed, will his own transformation leave hidden dangers? The most important thing is that Xing Tian does not want people to know the limits of his avenue of stars, because this is his own secret, which has a bearing on his own. Life and death.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xing Tian finally shook his head and gave up. His secrets cannot be exposed to outsiders, even if that person is his master. Moreover, Xing Tian doesn’t know what the Yunxiao Sect is like now. I don't know how many strong people are watching their every move and watching their own situation in secret.

Everyone has selfish motives. Xing Tian doesn’t think that when the evolution of his perfect and powerful avenue of stars is completed, the changes in the sky will cause some people to have evil thoughts. Xing Tian is not willing to trust his life and death on others. The best thing is that only one person knows the secret. If one more person knows, then it is no longer a secret. Just like the yin and yang avenue that he has learned from the congenital stone wall, everything is not a secret, and he cannot become his own killer mirror. Xing Tian obviously could continue to comprehend the Xiantian Cliff and enter the inheritance of the Yunxiao School, but there was no reason to do so.

Even if the inheritance in Xiantian Stone Wall is very powerful, Xingtian doesn’t care about all of this, because all of these are no longer secrets. They are not secret magical powers, and they cannot become his own assassin. This is not what Xingtian needs. The power of Xing Tian is also the reason why Xing Tian did not actively practice. No matter how good the inheritance of Yin Yang Dao is, it is not the Dao he needs. Only the Dao that suits you is the best, and only the Dao that can be integrated into yourself is the most suitable. my own.


Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian's mood gradually calmed down. Although his heart was eager to make the Avenue of Stars go further, his instinct still allowed Xing Tian to suppress such thoughts! In an instant, Xing Tian's heart suddenly thought of leaving the Yunxiao Sect. Although joining the Yunxiao Sect gave Xing Tian a lot of resources and made Xing Tian a lot of gains, he was also in the Yunxiao Sect. Let Xing Tian feel the restraint and pressure, so that Xing Tian could not follow his heart to practice.

"Wait a little longer, first adjust yourself to the best condition, and then make the choice to leave. The Divine Weapon Realm is still just an ant in this supreme chaotic world. The knowledge I have absorbed from the illusory world needs to be digested. The most important thing is that I need to understand the inheritance of the Yin-Yang Dao and I need to give an explanation to the Yunxiao Sect!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. This is cause and effect. Benefits must be paid.

Inheritance, all I have to pay is the inheritance, only the four opposing Yin-Yang Dao magical power inheritance in the innate stone wall. If I did not leave these inheritances in the Yunxiao Sect, it would be impossible to venture into the world alone, Yunxiao Sect. Regardless of the leader, or your own master, it is impossible for them to give themselves this opportunity, because they will all have concerns in their hearts.

Xing Tian was right in thinking. Whether it was the head of the Yunxiao Sect or his master, he would not let Xing Tian leave the Yunxiao Sect and go to the highest chaos world at this time. After all, endless years. Among them, he is the only one who has obtained the inheritance of the supernatural powers of Xiantian Shibi, and there are still four supernatural powers. If Xing Tian did not retain the insights of these four supernatural powers, they would not easily let Xing Tian leave, even if the Lord Lieyang has already I have noticed that leaving Xingtian in the Yunxiao Sect is probably a kind of restraint, but he still doesn't want to let Xingtian leave. This is selfishness.

If Xing Tian accidentally falls outside, many of the inheritances he received will also disappear with his death. Such consequences are unacceptable to Yunxiao Sect and unacceptable to Lord Lieyang. After all, as Yin and Yang The descendants of the ancestors, he did not want to see the inheritance of the yin and yang ancestors severed again in the Yunxiao School.

The yin and yang supernatural powers condensed by the Taiyin Taixing, Xing Tian has already realized that he can rub his own insights, while the other three avenues need Xing Tian to understand. Only Xing Tian has realized these three supernatural powers and can rub them off. At that time, only then can the cause and effect be settled, and only then can there be a chance to restore freedom and leave the Yunxiao Sect.

Xing Tian didn’t think too much before. He just thought that the better he was, the more he would get. I didn’t know that the more he got, the more restrictions he would have. If Xing Tian could see this, I’m afraid that In the land of Yunxiao Sect inheritance, Xing Tian would not perform so well, and would not forcefully comprehend the four opposing supernatural powers. After all, no matter how good supernatural powers are, it is not as important as one’s own freedom, nor does one’s own safety. But all of this has already happened. This is the cause and effect, and this is the destiny. When the cause and effect come, everything is under the control of Xingtian. When the destiny falls, everything is under the control of Xingtian. Under the general situation, Xingtian can only obey. There is no choice.


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