God of Destruction

Chapter 3625: Knot binding

Chapter 3625 Binding

No matter whether Xing Tian is willing to accept it or not, he has no choice in the face of the general situation of the world. Under causation, he has to pay back. As much as he gets from Yunxiao Sect, he has to pay the price. Don’t say that it’s just the previous share. The origin of the extreme stars is enough to make Xing Tian pay a huge price. What's more, Xing Tian can practice in the Yunxiao Sect so easily, how much his master and the head of the Yunxiao Sect have paid, all of this needs Xing Tian to repay. Of cause and effect.

Regardless of whether Xing Tian is willing or not, Xing Tian must do his best to comprehend the Yin-Yang Dao, because time waits for no one. The more he touches the power of the supreme chaotic world, the more disturbed Xing Tian's heart is. , The more worried, the less time left for me, I can't waste a single cent, it is precisely because of this pressure in my heart, it is precisely because of this pressure that I need to face such pressure, Xing Tian also directly gave up on the illusory world Grind!

Although there are many resources in the illusory world, there are many inheritances, and there are countless killings, but they are still illusions, even if it is because of the blessing of the strong human civilization that can transform the illusion into reality , But that kind of tempering is not very useful for Xingtian. After all, Xingtian’s potential cannot be forced under such an environment. The most important thing is that Xingtian has no time to waste here. Who will leave Xingtian’s time too short? , Who made Xing Tian gather the supreme foundation with the Three Thousand Dao? His breakthrough was much slower than other Tianjiao evildoers, and there was no time to waste.

The reincarnation of life and death is the second Yin-Yang Dao magic inheritance that Xing Tian has felt. The power of life and death is constantly colliding in the sea of ​​knowledge of Xing Tian. Although Xing Tian is based on the Three Thousand Dao to condense the supreme origin, although Xing Tian has other talents The evildoer has no background, but the two opposing avenues of life and death put Xing Tian under tremendous pressure!

The reincarnation of life and death is said to be yin and yang magical powers, but in Xingtian’s eyes, this is not yin-yang magical powers at all. This is the reincarnation magical powers. This is the fusion of the two avenues of life and death. Perhaps among the powerful people of the Yunxiao School, the'Yin-Yang Mirror' has possible power, but in Xingtian's view, such supernatural powers are not worth putting too much energy into. What really fascinates him is life and death. Reincarnation is the supreme supernatural power.

The cycle of life and death is much stronger than the Yin Yang mirror. If Xing Tian is to determine, perhaps only the Dao of Time and Space can be compared with it. Unfortunately, the magical powers of the cycle of life and death are too profound. The most important thing is Xing Tian’s perception from the innate stone wall. It was only a trace of fur, and did not touch the real meaning of reincarnation. This result made Xing Tian's heart involuntarily give birth to a trace of pity. Is it because his realm is too low and he missed the opportunity, or is he in the innate stone wall? The meaning of reincarnation of life and death conceived is fundamentally insufficient, and has not reached the fundamental path of reincarnation?

When his mind was constantly touching the'Yin-Yang Mirror' that evolved on the Avenue of Life and Death, Xing Tian couldn't help thinking in secret. Such a powerful reincarnation magical power was in front of him, but he couldn't get started. This brought Xing Tian Feeling really uncomfortable, Xing Tian couldn't help screaming in pain, screaming out the depression and pain in his heart!


You can die in the morning and at night, but you can't touch the Dao before you. Let alone Xingtian, even if any strong person faces such a situation, he will have the same mindset as Xingtian. After all, Dao is rare and no one can refuse it. The temptation of powerful reincarnation magical powers.

"Forget it, I'd better give up. Time doesn't wait for others. I don't have so much time. I can't waste it on this ethereal reincarnation magical power. With that time, I might as well turn the'Yin and Yang Mirror' earlier. It’s only ten years for me to understand the magical powers. In any case, in ten years I have to understand the four magical powers that I have realized from the congenital stone wall, and be able to rub them off!" , Xing Tian sighed involuntarily.

Ten years of time, for practitioners, it was a flash, even if Xing Tian has been used in the illusory world for these ten years, with the help of the illusory world to enlighten the Tao, a lot of time can be left in the sky. Time is still far from enough. What's more, after realizing the Dao of Thunder and condensing the eyes of Thunder Punishment, Xing Tian's heart vaguely understands that although the illusory world is good, it can increase a lot of time in peace, but it is not useful for enlightenment. It’s really so useful, because the origin of the world in the illusory world is illusory and unreal. Even if the strong human civilizations standing on the top of the supreme chaotic world work together, the origin of the illusion is still not so real. There are still many shortcomings for enlightenment.

Fortunately, the supernatural powers Xing Tian now comprehends are not so powerful. Otherwise, it seems to be very beautiful with the help of the illusory world to enlighten the Dao, but the road he has realized is definitely not comparable to the true meaning of the Dao realized in the real world. In this supreme chaotic world The avenues in the middle of the world are more real, more powerful, and more reliable than the illusory world!

The yin and yang magical power is constantly condensed and shattered in Xingtian’s soul consciousness. Each condensed and shattered can bring new insights to Xingtian, and can be on the two opposing avenues of life and death. There is a deeper understanding. It’s just how Xingtian can deepen his understanding of this life and death avenue, but he can’t induce changes in his own dao bones, cannot induce the power of his own acupoints, and cannot make his life acupoints and the origin of death acupoints. Turn it on!

"Could it be that this is a limitation. The enlightenment in the illusory world can't make a breakthrough in one's physical body, and cannot make one's dao bones evolve, because here I don't have a real body, here I am just the soul? Touch, so no matter how you feel about the Great Path of Life and Death, you can’t touch the evolution of your body or lead to the evolution of your own dao bones. If so, this illusory world is not suitable for physical practice at all. For physical practitioners, There are huge shortcomings!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly, what is his root, Godsend inherits the chaotic body, this is his root, if he can't let his chaotic body evolve, this kind of enlightenment will come to him. Saying that it is not very useful, maybe I should change the way to practice God-given and inherit the chaos real body, let it transform and evolve!


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