God of Destruction

Chapter 3627: Worry

Chapter 3627 Worries

The yin and yang supernatural powers centered on the avenue of life and death have all been realized. Naturally, there is no difficulty with the Kurong supernatural power. After a little recuperation, Xing Tian once again enters the state of enlightenment to realize the new yin and yang supernatural powers, no matter which one it is. Neither supernatural power nor Xing Tian was able to touch the changes in the bones of his own Dao, nor was he able to touch the true meaning of the Dao, nor could it resonate with himself, as if the Dao he felt in this illusory world could not be in harmony with himself.

Xing Tian didn’t think about whether it could be solved by leaving this illusory world. Xing Tian also made a test. Unfortunately, the result still disappointed Xing Tian. After leaving the illusory world, although he could absorb the gains from the illusory world, he still couldn’t. Resonating with the great road, this situation also made Xing Tian completely give up, and also made Xing Tian understand that no matter how good the illusory world is, it is as tasteless to him. When he hadn't noticed this before, he still had ideas and planned to march. In the illusory world, he took the opportunity to collect the resources he needed, but now Xing Tian no longer had such thoughts.

Although the resources are important, they are not worth mentioning compared to their own avenues. As for the inheritance in the illusory world, Xing Tian also no longer holds any hope. An inheritance of the avenue of thunder is enough to make Xing Tian vigilant, Lei Zhi Dao Xingtian can retreat with his whole body, and next time he can still have such luck, his luck will not always cover him, he will not always give him endless power, so that he can ignore all secret calculations, and be cautious. The real way of practice.

Time is passing fast. One year, two years, and three years, the mountain where Xing Tian is on is nothing. This situation makes Lord Lieyang and Lord Ziji, the head of Yunxiao Sect, feel a little impatient. , They were worried about whether Xing Tian had a problem, and why there was no movement at all in three years, which was a huge gap with Xing Tian's previous practice.

"Summon this kid to come and ask?" For an instant, Lord Lieyang couldn't help but feel like this in his heart, but soon he shook his head again and gave up "No, this is only three years. , It’s just an instant for cultivation, there is no need to be so impatient, there is no need to fight so aggressively, after all, this kid is not safe now!"

Three years is very important for ordinary people, but for practitioners, it is instantaneous. A retreat and enlightenment of oneself is more than this time, but Xing Tian can be so easy without worrying about the tasks of the sect. Thanks to his own identity, if he hadn’t been accepted as a disciple by the Supreme Elder as soon as he started, Xing Tian would now have to be the same as other disciples, wasting his practice time on that task, wasting Above the collection of resources.

Based on Xingtian’s horrible background, if he wants to find resources by himself and do his own tasks to make up for his lack of resources, then Xingtian really doesn’t have much time to practice. After all, the resources Xingtian needs are too terrifying. Fortunately, all of this has nothing to do with Xingtian. .


With Xingtian’s retreat, his figure is no longer in the entire Yunxiao faction. Those who are hiding in the dark and want to spy on Xingtian’s virtual reality can’t find a chance to start, because they can’t even see Xingtian’s shadow. Let's talk about any spying on Xingtian's fictitiousness and reality, unless they have the courage to directly force the Yunxiao faction, otherwise they have no choice but to take Xingtian.

Ten years passed in a flash. In the illusory world, Xing Tian finally realized the four magical powers, and rubbed all the four magical powers. However, for Xingtian, apart from the "Yin and Yang Mirror", other None of the three magical powers of Xingtian madly cut off his origin. After all, Xingtian is not a lunatic. It is impossible to be crazy enough to disregard his own origin and ignore his own damage. For such a big move, Xingtian has a "yin and yang treasure". Mirror' is enough to win enough luck for himself. There is no need to condense the other three spiritual treasures. What's more, Xing Tian also deeply knows a truth, enough to stop, knows what is Sheng Mien, the truth of fighting Mien, if so Given too many benefits to the Yunxiao Sect, not only would he not get a huge gain, but on the contrary, he would also be under tremendous pressure. No matter his master or the head of the Yunxiao Sect, it was impossible to let himself go easily. Let yourself continue, let yourself feel more supernatural powers, and gather more spiritual treasures!

This is selfishness! The same is true for Xing Tian. He also has selfish motives. It is impossible for him to sacrifice his own interests and time for the Yunxiao Sect. The causality is too great and it will only hurt himself. Xing Tian still understands this principle, and clearly Know what you should do and what you should not do!

Ten years passed in a flash. Ten years did not cause any disturbance to the Yunxiao Sect. The disciples who started with Xing Tian did not have any amazing changes, but this supreme chaotic world had some changes. When Xing Tian once again After returning, I can clearly feel that my anxiety has become a bit heavier, and my mood has also become heavier. Obviously this is a change of heaven and earth, and this change has endangered himself, which has increased the pressure on Xing Tian’s heart. a lot of.

"What to do? This world obviously has new changes, which have already begun to affect your body and mind. If you don't do anything, let the situation develop. I am afraid that it will not be long before the world that you worry about will When it comes, then the entire Supreme Chaos world will undergo earth-shattering changes, and the shock and pressure that I have to face will become even more terrifying!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. Time waits for no one. He needs to speed up to make up for the wasted time of the past ten years when he entered the illusory world. There is also a clearer understanding, even if I have taken a step beyond Dao’s perception, but this perception is also flawed. If you want to hit a stronger realm and want to go further, you must Face it!

Knowing his own fundamental path and his own problems, Xing Tian is naturally unwilling to continue wasting his time, but Xing Tian also understands that this is not a chance to contact Yunxiao Sect and teachers, because ten years are too short, at least This is the case in the eyes of my teacher. If I hand over the four avenues in this way, I am afraid that trouble will follow, and I still can't avoid the entanglement of cause and effect!


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