God of Destruction

Chapter 3628: Section defect

Chapter 3628 Defects

Causal entanglement is what Xingtian is most unwilling to accept now. After all, there is cause and effect. Once causation is added, it means that he will be entangled in the many interests, and he will not be able to return to freedom. Without enough power to break free from the shackles of interests, then one's fate can be imagined!

Of course, Xing Tian didn’t dare to hand over the treasure of “Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror” so easily, even in the face of his master. After all, this treasure is too tempting. If it is his master and Yunxiao Sect Greed again in the head of the head, I am afraid that he will gather the spirit treasures of the other three great avenues, then his trouble will be even greater, and it will be even more difficult to get out of the Yunxiao Sect!

For Xing Tian, ​​the original consumption is not important, because this point of the original consumption can not shake the foundation of Xing Tian, ​​and the most important thing for Xing Tianlai is the waste of time, because his time is pressing, there can be no waste, and now I have wasted ten years due to causal reasons. Even though I have some insights on several avenues in these ten years, these insights still cannot make up for the waste of time. After all, these insights are certain. The defect of, there is no problem for ordinary people, but it is different for such a goddess and evildoer like Xing Tian, ​​such a person who gathers his foundation on the Three Thousand Dao!

Defective perception cannot resonate with oneself, cannot make one's own Dao bone vibrate, and cannot open one's own acupuncture orifices, and cannot obtain the great inheritance contained in Dao bone. This will greatly affect Xing Tian's practice. This is Xing Tian. What is unacceptable, if Xing Tian condenses the other three kinds of yin and yang magical powers, Xing Tian will waste more time!

Time is life, at least for Xingtian, and even in this supreme chaotic world, Xingtian feels this way, because now Xingtian can still feel the terrible pressure and the danger is approaching step by step!

Xingtian can’t avoid the battle of the big world. In the big world, all the evil spirits of Tianjiao must be faced. In the battle of the big world, there is no retreat, no peace, no victory or defeat. There is only life and death. , The battle of the great world is opened, all the gods and evil evildoers are enemies, the strong survive, and the living plunder everything from each other, whether it is resources, luck, or even chance, this is the great struggle, this is war, this is Destruction, this is a completely cruel battle!

What will I do next? Xing Tian's heart was asking himself, and soon Xing Tian had an answer. With the help of his past experience and his own three thousand avenues, he truly understood his own avenue of life and death, unlocked the power of his own bones, and opened himself. The power of the acupuncture points accepts the inheritance of the Dao Bone and strengthens its own power step by step.

auzw.com What to use as the treasure of its own destruction of the avenue, and what to use to refine the destruction of the avenue, Xingtian has already thought of it, it is the innate in the inheritance of the Yunxiao School The stone wall, the congenital stone wall that carries the magical powers of Yin-Yang Avenue!

Why did Xing Tian make such a choice? Why did he use a congenital stone wall that carries the Yin-Yang Avenue to carry his own destruction avenue? This is obviously incompatible with his own avenue. Could it be said that Xing Tian is crazy, or that Xing Tian has lost his reason and made a Stupid decision, make a crazy decision to put oneself in destruction and face the impact of death!

No, Xingtian is not crazy, and there is a reason for this choice! The array that carries the Dao of Destruction does not necessarily use the treasure of the Dao of Destruction, because the origin of Xing Tian itself is different from ordinary people. The most important thing is that Xing Tian felt the Dao of Yin and Yang from the Xiantian stone wall, condensing the Dao of Yin and Yang. , And this yin and yang Taoist species can evolve everything. The combination of yin and yang can evolve chaos, chaos can carry destruction, and the avenue of chaos destruction can naturally condense successfully.

Of course, such a decision requires Xing Tian to pay even more energy, and it will cost more to condense the Chaos Destruction Avenue, but this is Xing Tian’s most suitable method and the quickest way. You know, you want to find one. It is really difficult to carry the treasures that can carry his own chaotic destruction avenue, especially now that Xing Tian is still very weak and can't find it by himself, which forces Xing Tian to use the idea of ​​Yunxiao faction and use his mind here.

What Xing Tian used in exchange was naturally the "yin and yang mirror" in his hand. Compared with the incomprehensible congenital stone wall, the head of the Yunxiao school or other elders, he was more willing to accept the "yin and yang mirror" in the hands of Xing Tian. , After all, although Xiantian Stonewall has an extraordinary heritage, it is a dead thing to them, and it is of no use. Since the endless years, only Xing Tian has realized the magical powers of Yin-Yang Dao from it. It is better to keep it. Xing Tian, ​​in exchange for the'Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror' that can suppress the luck, can add a real supreme treasure among the martial arts, a treasure that can deter the enemy.

Excuses! What excuse did Xing Tian use to cover up his true intentions? This is very easy to solve, because even if Xing Tian doesn’t say anything, everyone who is the Yunxiao faction will find a reasonable explanation for Xing Tian. After all, Xing Tian has the origin of Yin-Yang Dao. Too many reasonable explanations.

It is not easy for Xing Tian to understand the Great Way of Life and Death, to unlock the power of Dao bones and the power of acupuncture orifices, even Xing Tian has a lot of experience, even Xing Tian has enlightened in the illusory world , But because of this experience, Qiaqi has a huge influence on Xingtian's practice, so that Xingtian can't touch the true meaning of life and death in a short time.

"Damn, one step wrong, wrong step. I knew that the roads I felt in the illusory world would have such a big impact on myself, so I shouldn't do this, even if I wasted a little more time than this time. Failure!" After experiencing failures again and again, Xing Tian couldn't help feeling a lot of anger in his heart. Failures again and again were caused by the flaws in the path of perception in the illusory world, because of the power of perception. It has been imprinted on his own soul, giving himself a trace of instinct, and this will affect Xing Tian's perception little by little. Let Xing Tian be interrupted every time he resonates with Dao Bone when he succeeds in resonating with himself, so that his efforts can be turned into flowing water, and his cultivation will fail!

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