God of Destruction

Chapter 3637: Section exchange

Chapter 3637 Exchange

"Xing Tian is no joke, you have to think clearly, the inheritance tool is not trivial, don't go the wrong way because of the momentary excitement!" At this time, Lord Lieyang's expression became extremely solemn. , I was worried that Xing Tian would be embarked on an evil road because of the momentary greed in his heart, because he also couldn't believe that Xing Tian condensed an inheritance tool in the body of an ant!

When he saw the reaction of the master and the head, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed in secret. This is the result of the lack of strength, even if he really did it, but in the hearts of these strong people It's all impossible.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian said in a deep voice, "Master, I really did it. I have condensed a real inheritance tool, and it is the "Yin and Yang Mirror", if it hadn't been because of such a terrifying inheritance tool. , Do you think that with my wisdom and understanding, I might hurt my origins because of my practice? I am not a fool, and I will not risk my future! If this were not the case, how could I know the importance of Xiantian stone walls to the school? , I have to ask you for the Xiantian Stone Wall, because only the Yin-Yang origin in the Xiantian Stone Wall can restore the origin that I lost by condensing the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror"!"

When he said this, Xing Tian’s voice paused, and he said, "It is precisely because I condensed the'Yin-Yang Mirror' that I hurt my origin, and the inheritance of this'Yin-Yang Mirror' comes from the Xiantian stone wall, and only Xiantian stone wall. The origin of ‘s can recover my damage! Of course, if you are unwilling, then I can only refining the “Yin-Yang Precious Mirror” and integrating it into myself to make up for my own damage. There is no more chance!"

At this time, Xing Tian didn't need to cover up anymore, and directly expressed his thoughts. Although he said that this was threatening Venerable Ziji, this was Xing Tian's decision. He wanted to let himself hand over the "Yin Yang Mirror" for nothing. It is impossible. If the Yunxiao Sect is really unwilling to make this exchange, Xing Tian can only refine the'Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror' and forcefully start his own Yin-Yang Dao!

When he heard this, an unnatural look flashed across the face of Venerable Ziji. As the head, as the sacred powerhouse, he naturally understood the meaning of Xing Tian’s words. This was putting pressure on himself. , If Xing Tian really refines the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror", it means that the martial art will lose a great opportunity. For the Ziji Venerable, he is willing to make this transaction with Xing Tian, ​​using the tastelessness of food, a pity to discard it. Xiantian Stonewall exchanges the inheritance tool like the "Yin Yang Baojing", but this matter is extraordinary, and his head can not be alone. After all, this is not a small matter, it is a major matter related to the place of inheritance!

Venerable Ziji smiled bitterly and said, "Xingtian, this matter is not my sole responsibility. I am willing to accept this exchange, but I cannot be the master now. I need to discuss with other elders. After all, this is not a trivial matter. The development plan of the Yunxiao School requires all the elders to discuss together before they can make a decision!"

When Xing Tian heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but frowned. Although Xing Tian had thought that things would not go too smoothly before, Tuan Gan thought that it would be such a trouble, which made Xing Tian feel a little uneasy in his heart. Xing Tian was really too weak, and it would be very detrimental to him if things dragged on for too long, and if he was not careful, he would bring himself a fatal disaster.


"The head, it’s not that I am Xingtian deliberately trying to embarrass you, but that time is not waiting for others. My own situation cannot tolerate too long. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so anxious to come to see Master and ask for Xiantian stone wall. , My time is running out. If you can’t make a decision quickly, for my own future, for my own avenue, I can only refine the "yin and yang mirror"!"

When he saw Xing Tian's decisive look, Venerable Ziji couldn't help but sighed. He could see that these words were Xing Tian's determination and would not be shaken by external forces. In fact, he understood Xing Tian's mood at this time. If the two parties change their status, they will make the same decision as Xing Tian. The interests of any school are not as important as their own practice. When the interests of the school conflict with their own interests, they will naturally choose under the influence of selfishness. Decisions in your favor.

"Time, tell me how long you can hold on, I need an accurate time!" When things reached this point, Venerable Ziji didn't want to discuss anything with Xing Tian, ​​because it was useless to discuss anything in front of the avenue. , Xing Tian can't give up his own interests, can't deny himself to be a man, sacrifice his own practice for the sect, sacrifice his own future, this is human nature!

"In three days, I can only persist for three days. No matter how long it takes, it will only cause irreversible trauma to my origin!"

At this time, Xing Tian naturally understands what is best for him. Although his own situation is not that serious, in order to get the Xiantian stone wall and achieve his goals, Xing Tian can only say that, otherwise Delaying it for too long will make those elders think that they shouldn't have, and plunge themselves into a greater crisis.

"Well, for these three days, you will stay in the cave mansion of the Supreme Elder. I will summon the elders of the sect to consult. If everyone agrees, then your request will be passed. The Xiantian stone wall in the land of inheritance will be It will be handed over to you. If it fails, you will refining the'Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror' by yourself and repair your own origin. The sect will not let you, such a Tianjiao, lose its foundation!"

Forcibly snatching the "Yin and Yang Mirror" from Xingtian? Venerable Ziji had never considered such a thing, because this is not something that a head can do. Even if the "yin and yang mirror" in the hands of Xingtian is important, he can’t do it as a head. This is not only It is only related to one's own face, but also to the life and death of the sect. If such a thing spreads, the credibility of the whole sect will directly collapse, and all the disciples of the sect will be at risk, and the whole sect will lose its cohesion. heart.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xing Tian has a good master, Lord Lieyang will not let himself help this way, and Xing Tian is not a fool. If he dares to make such a request, he is naturally fully prepared long ago. Therefore, Xing Tian will definitely complete the refinement of the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror" before he plunders it. Even if the moment is endangered, Xing Tian will be able to destroy this inheritance tool. After all, this treasure was condensed by Xing Tian with Xing Tian. The breath and brand!


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