God of Destruction

Chapter 3638: Council of Elders

Chapter 3638: Conference of the Elders

The importance of the inheritance tool is still the importance of a Tianjiao evildoer. This has different understandings for everyone, but for the Ziji Venerable who is the head of the Yunxiao School, Xingtian is still important, and he does not want to be because of this. A tool of inheritance is grudges against Xingtian, and he is unwilling to let such a Tianjiao evildoer and the sect be separated from each other. Even if the tool of inheritance is good, the whole sect cannot be separated. Moreover, he also has a little bit of selfishness. The more Xingtian develops It’s good, his head can also get more Qi Luck and enable himself to have greater development. In comparison, an instrument of inheritance is nothing at all.

In the dialogue between Xing Tian and Zuji Venerable, the Venerable Lieyang, as Master Xingtian, did not say a word. At this time, under such circumstances, it’s really hard to speak in his capacity. The Supreme Elder, he should stand above the interests of the sect, but as Xingtian's master, he should also safeguard the interests of his disciples. Under these two identities, he can only be neutral.

Soon Venerable Ziji left and gathered all the elders of the Yunxiao Sect. After all, this is a major event related to the development of the sect. There can be no carelessness. An elders meeting will be held again, and no one thought of it in Xingtian. After getting started, the Yunxiao Sect will have so many things, and in such a short time, two elders conferences have been held because of Xingtian.

Although many elders are very dissatisfied with such a dense elders conference, this is affecting their practice, but they can't violate the command of the head, and if the head is so eager to convene the elders conference, something important must have happened. Otherwise, the leader would not hold the elders meeting so urgently!

The time is still too short, some elders cannot return to the school at all, and there are still people absent from the elders meeting, but 90% of the elders are present at the meeting, and their hearts are eager to know why the head is so anxious to summon everyone.

Seeing the anxious expressions of the crowd, Venerable Ziji said, "I know everyone is dissatisfied with my frequent meetings of the elders, but what I want to tell you is that I have no choice, because the matter is important. , It’s not that I can call the shots alone. If I could call the shots, I wouldn’t convene everyone. Today we are discussing only one topic. Xing Tian wants to learn the four inheritances of his own cultivation plus an instrument of Yin-Yang Dao inheritance in exchange for the sect inheritance. Xiantian stone wall in the earth!"

"What? Sovereign, you are sure that you are not wrong. The junior Xing Tian has cultivated four Yin-Yang Dao magical powers in such a short period of time, and has also condensed an inheritance tool? You know this joke is not a good idea!"

auzw.com"Yes, the joke like the headmaster is really unbelievable. You are too false. We admit that Xing Tian has extraordinary talents and insights that ordinary people do not have, but only In such a short period of time, four types of Yin-Yang Dao magical powers were cultivated. This is a bit fake, not to mention that he also condensed an inheritance tool, which is even more incredible!"

In an instant, many elders were all talking about it, and they were unwilling to believe the words of Venerable Ziji. They all believed that this was another excuse that their heads wanted to help Xing Tian found out, and even willing to pay for Xing Tian. interest! Although many elders sent many disciples after Xing Tian realized the magical powers of Yin and Yang Dao, and they all failed, they were unwilling to give up, and they didn't want to give Xiantian Stonewall this powerful inheritance tool to Xing Tian.

"No, I'm not joking. I also know that it is difficult for you to believe it, but this is the truth, and I also understand that in your hearts, I also think that this may be the intention of me and the elder too, and I paid my own pocket to make up for Xingtian's practice. Resources, but I can tell you clearly that there is no such thing. Xing Tian really has to come up with four Yin Yang Dao magical powers inheritance. Although the magical powers he understands are only at the elementary level, they can get many people to get started. Let’s discuss whether to accept it. !" When he said this, a faint smile appeared on Venerable Ziji's face, and he was very happy with the reaction of these elders. I want to get the shock of these elders, or else how can I explain my wise and martial arts.

"Master, have you seen those four inheritances of supernatural powers? What is the inheritance tool of Yin Yang Dao condensed by Xing Tian this junior? Why did he ask for Yin Yang Da Da inheritance stone wall, we must know that this is an important inheritance of our Yunxiao School!"

"I have seen the four kinds of yin and yang avenue inheritance, and the yin and yang aura on Xing Tian's body is enough to prove his success. The yin and yang avenue inheritance tool that Xing Tian condenses is even more remarkable. It is the'yin and yang treasure mirror' we have been looking forward to, which has infinite evolution. As for why Xing Tian wanted Xiantian Stonewall, because he hurt his origin when he condensed the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror" and needed the same Yin-Yang origin to recover. He only gave me three days. He was not trying to We put pressure on, but our body can only support for three days. If we can’t agree for three days, he can only refining the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror" this inheritance tool to restore his own damage. The importance of the inheritance tool is that you all Clearly, it is time for you to make a choice."

Venerable Ziji gave the right to choose to many elders, and did not express his position. After all, his power alone is limited, and only these elders make choices. After all, the place of inheritance cannot be opened at will. Not everyone can take away the inherited treasures at will. The most important thing is that you can't bear the heavy responsibility for such things!

As the elders of the Yunxiao Sect, everyone is naturally very aware of the importance of an inheritance tool, not to mention a powerful inheritance tool like the'Yinyin Treasure Mirror', which is even more remarkable. Just let them make a choice. Really embarrassing, the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror" is indeed great, but the congenital stone walls in the land of inheritance are even more remarkable, but if they are asked to give up the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror", it is very difficult. You must know the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror" condensed by Xing Tian 'It is the most suitable treasure for sect inheritance.

Difficulty, all elders are very difficult at a time, making it difficult for them to make a choice at a time. Because of their own problems, the time left for them to consider is very limited, preventing them from discussing one by one. Time does not wait for others. After three days passed, Xing Tian refined the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror" for his own reasons. Then this opportunity really passed by everyone, and this result also made them unacceptable!


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