God of Destruction

Chapter 3639: Section warning

Chapter 3639 Warning

"Head, is there any other choice? You have to know that taking out the Xiantian stone wall from the inheritance place is also very difficult for us. It is difficult to make a decision. Can Xingtian's own injuries be repaired with other Yin and Yang origins. If so, We don’t need to be so embarrassed. After all, a complete heritage stone wall is very important to Yunxiao School!"

"It is reasonable. We can solve the problem in another way and use other yin and yang sources to restore Xing Tian's own damage. There is no need to give him the treasure of the inheritance. Although we also understand that this is a bit embarrassing, we It must also be considered in the long-term. Even if it is Xiantianshibi, no one can realize the powerful Yin-Yang Dao inheritance in the endless years, but when there is a new disciple who will realize the Dao, we cannot. Entrusting him to a disciple like Xing Tian cut off the chances of other younger generations. This is very detrimental to the Yunxiao School!"

"Okay, I know what you are thinking in your mind, the questions you can think of, do you think I and the Supreme Elders will not think of it? We don't want to exchange the Xiantian stone wall, but Xingtian's own damage is different, only able to Use the origin in the Xiantian stone wall to restore, so your idea is impossible to realize!" Looking at these selfish elders, Venerable Ziji sighed and said, "Time is running out, you have to make a decision quickly. , Lest you miss a major event!"

Just as the words of Venerable Ziji fell, a voice suddenly sounded, "Head, in fact, we don’t need to be so embarrassed. As a disciple of the sect, Xing Tian should contribute his own strength to the development of the sect, when the sect needs it. , He must surrender the four inheritances of magical powers, and the inheritance tool, this is his responsibility!"

"Well said, this is too reasonable. As a disciple of the sect, after accomplishing something, he even forgot the help that the sect gave him. Instead, he came to ask for more treasures from the sect. This is too unreasonable. We should Directly confiscated the inheritance of supernatural powers and inheritance tools in his hand. If he is allowed to continue to be so arrogant, how can the disciples of the whole sect be disciplined!"

I have to say that when the temptation to benefit, the crazy and ignorant evil thoughts in some people's hearts came out, and they even said such ignorant and ridiculous words in front of many elders. At this moment, they They have forgotten the hidden precepts of the door, what they have in their hearts is only benefit, and they can do anything to benefit them!

"Enough, shut me up, do you know what you are talking about? Do you still have the rules and precepts in your eyes? You use righteousness to punish the sky, to take away the opportunities and treasures of the disciples. If you are so ignorant and crazy, the whole school will collapse. Is there still a school in your eyes? I'm afraid that there is only the interest in your heart in your eyes, law enforcement elder, what punishment do you think such a person should be punished?"

Although Venerable Ziji knew that some of these elders had already been eroded by selfishness and had forgotten the rules and precepts, but he did not expect these **** to be so crazy, and he dared to say such things in front of many elders. In their eyes, there is no existence of their own head, nor the existence of the superior elders, nor the existence of sects. For them, sects are just their own tiger skins, only tools they use, and they don't care at all.


"According to the door, those who arrogantly seize the treasures and chances of the same door will die. This is the iron law that our Yunxiao Sect will never change. No matter who it is, anyone who violates the iron law will die. There is no possibility of mitigation. Some people dare to try the law by themselves, and the door rules will never show mercy!" At this time, the law enforcement elder stood up and issued a warning with that murderous language.

Forcibly seizing the chances and treasures of the disciples under the sect, this is a good thing, what would the disciples under the sect think, what would the Supreme Elders think, I am afraid that before they have succeeded, they have already detonated the civil war of the sect, and the entire Yunxiao Sect is Be shaken for it.

"You want to beat Xingtian's idea, and you want Xingtian to surrender your chances and treasures. Then why don't you elders who have been blessed by the sect for countless years give up your chances, you only know to use righteousness to suppress others, yourself But you will only stand aside. How is this feasible? Before you want to use righteousness to overwhelm others, be yourself first. After you hand over your opportunities and inheritance, it is not too late to say such ignorant and ridiculous madness. Otherwise it will only make people laugh!"

Although many elders present did not regard Xingtian as the same thing, let them say such things in such a scene and use righteousness to suppress a junior. Most elders would not do it, nor could it, because they Knowing the cause and effect of this, most of the elders stood on the side of the head and were unwilling to do such shameless things!

"You don’t want to do to others anymore. How can you impose something on Xing Tian, ​​who is just beginning to learn? What's more, Xing Tian has such an enchanting ability. He really has to force such a Tianjiao enchanting. On the side of the Yunxiao party, at that time you will be ruined too late. I don’t want to hear someone say such ignorant words again. This is the last time. If anyone dares to commit such ignorant and inferior things, then Don't blame me, the head of my face, for turning his face ruthlessly and punishing him with the husband!"

Venerable Ziji, who soon became the Yunxiao school, directly stated that his wife was not willing to risk his life and future, and he could not afford such serious consequences, and he was unwilling to take the life and death agreement of the entire school. Come on adventure.

"Head, please calm down. They are just hot-headed and nonsense for a while. They will not make mistakes under the rules. To be honest, it is really difficult for us to make a choice. I don’t know if the head thinks we should now How to choose?"

Soon someone stepped up to excuse the two before, lest Venerable Ziji would directly kill these two elders who had deep malice towards Xing Tian in a moment of anger. If something like this happened, it would be righteous. Change, one carelessness will cause the entire school to collapse, make the entire school disappear in this supreme chaos, and make all the disciples of the school disappear. Such serious consequences are unacceptable to anyone. You must know that the elders are not ordinary. Disciple of, each of them has a big force behind them, and if they take action against them, the whole sect will be affected by accident, so this situation is complacent, otherwise once it happens, there is really no room for recovery. .


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