God of Destruction

Chapter 3661: Jie Fate

Chapter 3661

Chapter 3661

Encouraged by Lord Lieyang, Lord Ziji also did his best to pay. As the head, he is advancing and not retreating now, does not want to die, does not want to lose his rights, he can only show the domineering side, Cong Lie After Venerable Yang’s cave mansion left, Venerable Ziji launched a full blow to those elders. No matter how many elders resisted, what awaited them was strong suppression. Soon the entire Yunxiao faction became Venerable Ziji In his words, under his strong pressure, even if many elders are unwilling and resentful, it is useless. This is the result of insufficient strength, in front of the powerful sacred power of Venerable Ziji , All resistance is not worth mentioning, this is a powerful performance.

At this time, no matter how many elders want to open the secret realm, they can’t get approval. They can only endure. Some elders who don’t know how to retreat have been forcibly suppressed. At this time, everyone understands that the limit to dare to challenge the head is in themselves. Looking for death, the dignity of the sacred strong and the head can not tolerate provocations, and the head of his family has changed, he has become unknown to them, and he has become extremely domineering.

Why is there such a change? The elders also had speculations. Many people thought of Xing Tian, ​​but they quickly gave up. Although Xing Tian is a demon of Tianjiao, Xing Tian is only a junior, and cannot affect the changes in the head. To make the leader so crazy, so unhealthy, only the realm catastrophe.

When thinking of the Great Tribulation of the Realm, many elders feel very heavy. They all want to take the luck from the Great Tribulation of the Realm, and seize the great opportunity for their own breakthrough. It is a pity that they were directly suppressed by the Venerable Ziji. Nothing to resist!

"Do you really have to accept your fate like this? We really have to let the head cover the sky. If this continues, we will never have the opportunity to resist. This time we have lost the opportunity and there will be no possibility of breakthrough in the future. Our qualifications limit Unless some of you are willing to sacrifice your life to participate in the Great Tribulation of the Realm, give up this power and start anew!"

For those who are still unwilling to support the elderly, they secretly gather together and are discussing countermeasures, because they are unwilling to give up this great opportunity. They want to obtain luck from the territorial catastrophe and rely on martial luck. In one fell swoop, you can break through your own bottleneck, and in one fell swoop, you can take the key step of becoming a monk and get rid of the current predicament!

auzw.com"At this time, what can we do if we don’t admit our fate? Could it be that you still have the heart to resist. Don’t forget that we are only ants in the eyes of the head. If we are not sacred, we will end up as ants. If we don’t compromise, we will only die. One, there is only the fate of being suppressed. Such a result is even more unacceptable and unacceptable to me. In contrast, safety is the most important thing!"

"Ignorance, the realm battlefield will appear, and the entire supreme chaotic world will usher in terrible disasters. If we cannot go further, we cannot be sacred. We don't even have the ability to protect ourselves and want to survive the catastrophe. , Only by seizing this opportunity at the moment and fully cultivating disciples, so that they can succeed in the realm catastrophe, so that we can get more luck and gain from the human civilization. As long as we can get more resources, we can naturally get rid of all threats as long as we can succeed. By then, even if the head is dissatisfied with us, he dare not act rashly. Is it possible that you are all willing to put your life and death on others? Let others control your own life and death!"

"Resist? What do we use to resist? What we have to face is not the enemy of the same realm, but the sacred strong, the master of the general sect. What ideas do you have in your heart, that is your own business, but don’t Involving all of us, I don’t want to follow in the footsteps of those people before, and I don’t want to be suppressed. The most important thing is that we don’t have the ability to resist at all. We have to do this, just to perish and destroy ourselves. Not the result I wanted!"

"Direct resistance is naturally a dead end. We naturally can't be so stupid. Now that the secret realm has been rejected by the head, we can use this matter as an argument and let the disciples set off a storm against Xingtian. Therefore, it is directly rejected, which is also related to Xingtian. Xing Tian obtained Xiantian Cliff from the school, whether he is comprehending the supernatural powers of the Yin and Yang Dao in the Xiantian Cliff, or whether he really wants to use Xiantian Cliff to restore himself. This is our great opportunity! As long as the disciples in the whole school make trouble, even the head of the school has to compromise, and this is our chance to get back the initiative! Let's speak up, everyone speaks, we must know that this is our only The opportunity is also the only choice!"

Everyone has selfishness. Although these words sound very reasonable, almost all the strong who can stand here are in the pinnacle realm of gods, but it is not an easy task to actually implement them. , No one wants to be the first to stand up, and no one wants to take risks under unknown circumstances, even if someone encourages them no matter how they are.

For many elders, they all know one thing very well. As long as the words of their own people reach the head, their situation will be very dangerous, and the head now has no mercy at all! No matter how good the interests are, it is not as important as your own life. Take your own life at risk. Is this a wise man? You don't want to be targeted by your own boss!

"Forget it, let's not discuss it anymore. If you have an idea, you can act on your own. We don't agree with your opinion. But don't worry. Everyone will not betray you. If someone is willing to join, then each According to my own decision, I have something to do, so I won’t discuss it with you any more, so don’t let it go!” While talking, an elder stood up and left. He didn’t want to go on any longer, lest he was accidentally calculated. , Ended in a dead end.

"Well said, this kind of thing depends on your own mind, don't make everyone know, otherwise it is not a good thing for everyone, if you have any ideas, then gather in secret, it is not suitable for discussion now. Matter!" Before speaking, an elder stood up again, turned and left. For him, he was unwilling to participate in such a thing. If this person really wants to resist the tyranny of Venerable Ziji, he shouldn’t. Talking so much nonsense, he should stand up and do everything himself, but he didn't want to do it, he just wanted to encourage others to come forward. Such a move made everyone feel shameless!

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