God of Destruction

Chapter 3662: The festival is set

Chapter 3662 The general trend has been set

Delusion to use their own words to inspire them to charge into the battle, hiding behind to reap the benefits of the fisherman, this kind of action seems very clever, but in fact it is very stupid, because to become a Yunxiao elder, no one is a fool, as long as there is one person Stand up and leave on your own initiative. Soon everyone will leave one after another. This is the heart and the general trend.

Soon the elders secretly gathered this time and broke up. Many of the calculations carefully prepared by the other party failed. No one attached and no one agreed. This gave the elders who led this gathering a cold heart and a charming eyes on their interests. It is said that when he wakes up, his heart is extremely frightened. Although everyone has said that he will not be betrayed, can he really believe it? If he believes it, it would be really stupid. In the face of interests, all oaths are false, not to mention that the elders did not make oaths at all, just a false statement.

"Damn, these **** are damned, I'm not doing this for myself, but for everyone's benefit, but these **** are so ignorant that they don't respond at all! No, you can't let these **** go to the head first, or I am If you can't say anything, you will be targeted by the boss, let alone the benefits of the territorial disaster, even your own safety is not guaranteed!"

I shot my head, this time I really had to do a stupid thing. I was fascinated by the ridiculous benefits. I didn't even see the most basic issues clearly. Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it and I want to save myself. Life, only to surrender to the head, and only in this way can you save your life and let yourself survive this crisis.

When thinking of this, the elder did not hesitate anymore, and immediately went to the cave mansion of the head. It was too late. When others betrayed himself first, there would be no room for recovery. With endless hatred, this person Go to see the head, and when he took this step, he officially parted ways with all the elders, and they could no longer stand together.

After such a situation occurs, no matter how many calculations the elders have, it is useless. They can no longer challenge the authority of Venerable Ziji. A group of selfish elders with their own calculations is a piece of loose sand. If they are willing to let go All selfishness, the ability to work together, and the ability to fight against the head, even if the Venerable Ziji is sacred, they also have the power to fight, but it is a pity that they do not have the belief in this, and the determination is lost in vain The chance of a comeback.


After such a thing happened, as the head, Venerable Ziji could clearly feel the changes in his own fortune. No one in the sect could challenge his position, and no one could fight his own power. , Because from this moment on, most of the luck of the whole school is blessed on oneself, and to be the enemy of oneself is to be the enemy of the whole school!

"This is the chance, this is the chance to be the leader. I did it wrong before and wasted endless time. Fortunately, there is the guidance of the elders. Otherwise, I don’t know how much time will be wasted. Below you, your speed of cultivation will increase, and your enlightenment will be much faster under your body. It’s a pity that you’ve come to realize it too late, and now you don’t have time to practice meditation. Well, I can use the power of luck to evolve the'Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror'. With the treasure mirror in hand, no one can resist the power of life and death, and no one dares to stand in front of me!"

As the head, he understood his own opportunity and the head of the avenue. At this time, Xing Tian also used the resource given by Venerable Ziji to complete his recovery. This is cause and effect, precisely because Venerable Ziji took a crucial step, obtained the cause and effect of Xing Tian, ​​and received the approval of Lord Lieyang. That is why he has the opportunity like today, and it is precisely because of this opportunity and cause and effect that he will become Zi The Supreme Being did not receive a single block when refining the "Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror".

The power of cause and effect is wonderful. There will be gains if you give. With all changes, the entire Yunxiao Sect is also changing. All disciples of the school are practicing with all their strength. No one wants to miss this great opportunity. Under the management of the sect, the whole sect has given out endless vitality, so that the cohesion of the sect has been greatly enhanced, and the fighting has also been reduced.

At this time, even if someone who wants to use the secret realm to attack the Purple Extreme has no chance of success. After all, the disciples that the secret realm can accept are limited. Previously, the places in the secret realm were controlled by the high-level sect. For those at the lowest level There is no hope at all for the disciples of, they are more willing to accept the current situation than the secret realm! The human heart is the Tianxin. When most disciples approve the decision of the head, the position of Venerable Ziji is completely consolidated. No one can threaten him anymore, even if the many elders go out together at this time. It also couldn't shake the position of Venerable Ziji.

As the sect's fortunes continue to increase, Venerable Ziji is even more deeply moved. What is the center of gravity of the sect, what determines the future of the sect, is it the power of those high-levels? No, although high-level power dominates the development of the sect, it is the low-level disciples who really determine the fate of the sect. The cornerstone of their talented sect. Without their approval, no matter how strong the sect is, there are fatal flaws, even if the sect appears. A powerful Tianjiao evildoer can bring the sect to a new level, but the foundation of the sect will not change. Only low-level disciples can really change the foundation of the sect.

"Perhaps there is no need for the sect to recruit more casual cultivators, and there is no need to regard them as the main force in this domain war. Instead of wasting resources on these casual cultivators who do not agree with the sect, it is impossible to use resources. Invest in those disciples who are at the lowest level, as long as these disciples still have the heart to fight, they can pay all costs, fight hard in the realm war, and fight for the final victory for the sect! Fair, now the sect is going to grow and grow To survive this terrible catastrophe, all you have to do is to treat each disciple fairly and fairly, and everything speaks with your own ability. Without the ability, you will not be vigorously cultivated by the sect. Pay and gain are complementary. Only in this way can the sect be able to constantly evolve and become stronger!" When I thought of this, there was a faint joy on Venerable Ziji’s face, and there were no more worries in his heart, everything was in my control. !

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