God of Destruction

Chapter 3667: Section explanation

Chapter 3667 Explanation

"You are here, have you made a choice? You know the basic situation of the Great Tribulation of the Realm. This is related to your own practice. As a teacher, you cannot make decisions for you. Your destiny should be in your own hands. If you don’t want to, even the head can’t force you. Don’t be influenced by the righteousness of the sect. Follow your own heart and don’t have any consideration. Being a teacher can block everything for you, whether it is sect or external forces. As a teacher, you can protect your safety!"

The words of Lord Lieyang moved Xing Tian very much, but this is not the reason why he came here. Xing Tian took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, teacher, for your help. I would like to ask the teacher that the realm battlefield can really wash the flesh. Is it really possible to change aptitude? Tianjiao evildoers like me are no exception. Can they use the power of the realm battlefield to strengthen themselves?"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! I understand what you mean as a teacher. You want to participate in the realm battle, but you are afraid that the power of the realm battlefield cannot meet your requirements. The realm battlefield is indeed a great opportunity for all creatures. It is indeed possible to change the qualifications of everyone, but there is a prerequisite for all of this, that is, to give up all of your own cultivation base and directly enter the circle of reincarnation. Only in this way can you complete the change of your own qualifications. If you are a goddess Entering the realm battlefield directly, even if you can win the final victory, all you can get is only your luck. It is impossible to enhance your aptitude. Your background limits everything, and it is for all the most extreme gods. , The situation faced is the same as that of many powerful people. Only when you enter the circle of the realm, wash away all your own cultivation bases, and transform your cultivation bases into your own foundation, and only in this way can you enhance your own qualifications, and only in this way in the final victory Only then will we be able to take advantage of the huge air luck in the battlefield of the realm to wash ourselves and make our aptitude further."

"In this way, all of this can be done, and if you really do this, you can also have two opportunities to enhance your own qualifications. Once you succeed, you will have amazing gains? If so, why does the martial arts have to fight so hard? Such a good thing. How could it be possible that ordinary disciples shouldn't have been assigned long ago?" A trace of doubt appeared on Xing Tian's face!

Lord Lieyang sighed and said, "Yes, this is indeed a great opportunity, but there are endless dangers behind this opportunity. I don’t know how many arrogant evildoers, and how many strong people who can’t make progress for This can change the opportunity of your own qualifications and completely fall into the realm battlefield. The time you choose to cultivate is still too short. I don’t know that the creatures in the realm world are not primitive spirits at all, but those who fail and are trapped. The disciples of the various forces in the realm battlefield, if you are willing to directly enter the realm battlefield, there is still the possibility of retreating all over, from the reincarnation into the realm battlefield, you will surely be contaminated with the breath of the realm battlefield. , Failure also means destruction, and all the origins of the body will be swallowed by the battlefield of the realm!"

Dangerous! This territorial battlefield is indeed very dangerous, but this danger can not scare Xingtian. With too many experiences, Wu Zai will not shrink from this danger, especially now that Xingtian’s situation is not good. If there is no chance, it is extremely difficult to move more steadily, but if you have this opportunity, everything is different. If you can use the opportunity of the realm battlefield to improve your aptitude twice, then your god-given inheritance chaos true body There will be a qualitative transformation, and a perfect chaotic body will be formed. At that time, all the resistance that hinders one's practice will dissipate!

auzw.com"Master, what kind of resources are there in the secret realm of sects, can they qualitatively improve the enchanting evildoer like me, can they improve my realm, and let me realize a new road? Real intention? Let me go one step further in my practice?"

Lord Lieyang shook his head and said, "There are resources in the secret realm, and there are also some ancient inheritances. However, it is impossible to directly improve the realm. It is even more impossible to realize the true meaning of the Dao. After all, it is for you. For Tianjiao of Tianjiao, every step requires great opportunities, and do you think that if there is such an opportunity in the secret realm, the sect will be so easily open to you disciples? Such an opportunity has long been grasped by many elders. Only those many inheritance avenues in the land of inheritance can feel the true meaning of the avenue. Of course, it does not rule out that there will be new opportunities in the secret realm!"

When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but frowned. Although resources are very important to him, Xing Tian pays more attention to time in comparison. If he is willing to give up the secret world, can he get more from the school? More resources, in order to consolidate one's foundation, make one feel more avenues, open more acupuncture points, and activate more dao bones.

Xing Tian didn’t want to enter the realm battlefield directly. What Xing Tian had to do was to use the power of reincarnation to enter the realm battlefield, turn his own body into the roots, into his own heritage, and enhance his own qualifications, so Xingtian naturally I hope to have more time to practice, instead of entering the secret realm of sects to hunt for treasures. For thousands of years, if Xing Tian has enough resources, he can definitely advance a little bit above the Dao insight, open more acupoints, and activate more. Many bones.

"Master, if I am willing to give up the opportunity of the sect secret realm, can I get the sect's vigorous tilt over other resources? For me, what I want is not to enter the realm battlefield directly, but to reincarnate and bring myself to life. Cultivation is transformed into foundation, transformed into aptitude, so that one's aptitude can go further. For a Tianjiao evildoer like me, every point of aptitude can give one more foundation, allowing one to go further on the road of cultivation! Maybe it would be dangerous to do so, but I believe I can succeed!"

"Xingtian, you can figure it out clearly. This is no joke. Once you make this layman's decision, there is no possibility of regret. You have to know that every secret realm qualification is very important and very popular, for some resources. To give up such an opportunity is not worth the gain, after all, the resources in the secret realm are much better than those given by the sect!"

"Master, I know what I am doing, and I also know that the resources in the secret realm must be very important, but the best for me is the best. No matter how good the resources in the secret realm are, it will not be of great benefit to me. Because I need more time to perceive more avenues in order to integrate into my own avenues, knowing that every time I perceive more avenues, there will be more background in the reincarnation, so that I can have greater potential. !"


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