God of Destruction

Chapter 3668: Festival

Chapter 3666

Xingtian knows what he wants and knows what decision to make is best for him. Although there are many resources in the secret realm, it takes a lot of Xingtian time, and the time is very tight for Xingtian. Xing Tian is willing to sacrifice some resources if he is able to have enough time. After all, time is the most important to him. Xing Tian didn’t care about the short-term gains and losses. In the battlefield of the realm, he would also give him enough resources. A battlefield that can support the sacred powerhouse is absolutely rich in resources, even more than what the sect gave him. More.

"Samsara enters the battlefield of the realm. This is a two-handed sword. Once you miss it, you will eventually be destroyed. You must think clearly, this is no small matter. With your current qualifications, there is no need to take such risks. You can use the safest method, so that although you can't improve your qualifications, you can bring enough luck to yourself. With the increased luck, the high-level human civilization will naturally pay attention to you, and will vigorously train you and give you Enough opportunities for growth!"

Relatively speaking, Lord Lieyang does not want to see Xing Tian make such a decision. The power of Samsara is very important. When entering Samsara, Xing Tian’s body and strength will be dissolved. Without strong power to protect his body, even if he has luck Under the body, there is also the possibility of death and death, after all, weakness is sin, especially in the crazy place of the battlefield of the realm.

"Master, I know that this is the safest way for me, but what I want is not safety, but to improve my qualifications. Among the Yunxiao Sect, I am a talented person who can be vigorously cultivated by the Sect. Among human civilizations, I am afraid that there are too many arrogances like me. If I don’t even have confidence in this point, I will talk about how to grab more resources and talk about standing on the top of the world. What I pursue is constant Forward!"

As soon as Xing Tian's words fell, Lord Lieyang sighed secretly in his heart, but this result made him very pleased. A disciple who could not be afraid of danger and march forward courageously would go further on the road of cultivation and possess such a mindset. His disciple is much better than fear of danger. As long as Xing Tian can successfully pass this test, there will be endless potential waiting for him.

"Go, let go and do it. The teacher will fully support you. Now the restrictions of the school have been completely released. No matter how many resources you can get from the head, the teacher will give you the greatest support so that you can Gathering more roots, accumulating more powerful background, and maximizing your aptitude, this is the only thing that the teacher can do for you!"

auzw.com With these words from Lord Lieyang, Xing Tian nodded. This is the result he wanted. Perhaps this time his choice is very dangerous, but Xing Tian is not afraid. I will not be afraid, as long as I can use the power of reincarnation and the power of the domain battlefield to make my aptitude further, and turn my chaos true body into innate, then all the resistance that restricts my practice will disappear. There is no obstacle to his own chaotic destruction avenue!

Soon Xing Tian left the teacher’s cave and went to see Venerable Ziji, the head of the Yunxiao School, and expressed his thoughts. Although Venerable Ziji did not agree with Xingtian’s decision, he could not change Xingtian’s decision. , In order to be able to help Xing Tian to the greatest extent, Venerable Zi Ji also tried his best to give Xing Tian the greatest support.

The next thousand years will be very important to Xing Tian. With the full support of his master and master, Xing Tian can devote himself to his practice, use all his strength to polish himself, realize the three thousand great ways, and inspire Three thousand bones, opening the acupoints, and strengthening his own origin, it is precisely because Xing Tian has been madly engaged in his own practice, not being moved by the outside world, and not participating in the secret realm. This result has even more bewildered many enemies. , Also made Xing Tian completely invisible from the Yunxiao Sect, and even the many elders no longer watch Xingtian, as if the Yunxiao Sect had never been like Xingtian.

With the help of huge resources and devoting himself to his own practice, Xing Tian’s practice also made rapid breakthroughs. All the roads originally held by Xing Tian were opened one by one. With the help of repeated enlightenment, Xing Tian’s own The chaotic body is also being perfected bit by bit, but it is a pity that such perfection is not comprehensive, because Xing Tian does not have enough resources, there is not enough innate source treasure to open the power of the acupoint, only can stimulate the power of Dao bone Therefore, such a perfection is not perfect and has fatal flaws. For ordinary people, such flaws will seriously affect their future practice. After all, such an increase in strength will leave serious hidden dangers to themselves. In other words, all of this does not exist, because Xing Tian has already made the craziest decision to give up his powerful practice and start from scratch.

Once Xing Tian relies on the power of reincarnation to enter the battlefield of the realm, no matter what his defects are, he will disappear, everything will come back from the beginning, and his power will evolve into his own aptitude. It is precisely because of this that Xing Tian will Doing this extreme practice so madly, let yourself embark on this terrible and crazy path of practice.

People who are against the sky naturally want to go against the sky, and naturally they must be different. Only such an extreme path of practice can enable Xing Tian to maximize his own background, strengthen his aptitude, and improve all his hidden dangers. I will go further on the road of practice in the future, and this has a prerequisite, that is, Xing Tian can have the last laugh and can achieve the ultimate victory. If he fails, only destruction is waiting for Xing Tian, ​​and he will die completely.

For the creatures in his inner world, Xing Tian also thought about leaving them in the supreme chaotic world, even using this territorial catastrophe to integrate them into the human civilization, but in the end Xing Tian gave up. Although they have their own help, for the creatures in the inner world, they can be integrated into the highest chaotic world, but their abilities are still limited, and they cannot be given enough help. When the catastrophe comes, when the danger comes, These creatures will fall into the supreme chaotic world because they don’t have the power to protect themselves. In any world, in any catastrophe, weakness is sin, and the first to be destroyed are the creatures who are not capable of protecting themselves. These are the creatures at the lowest end of the world.


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