God of Destruction

Chapter 3669: Divergence

Chapter 3669: Disagreement

This thousand years before the Great Tribulation of the Territory was really calm and unwavering, was it really true that no forces were crazy about it? No, it is impossible for any force to understand that it is only the first five hundred years that is really peaceful. During these five hundred years, it is not that they don’t want to fight, but they cannot. They need to arrange everything and do a good job. All preparations are made. When they have really mastered the list of the enemy's Tianjiao evildoers, the crisis will begin, and the killing will begin. In order to ensure their final victory in the territories, they are willing to do so. Destroy all its enemies before starting!

"That's good. Xing Tian is willing to give up the secret realm dispute and practice alone. This is conducive to hiding himself from the attention of foreign enemies. In this way, in the terrible disaster, we can get the first opportunity and one step first. Step by step, as long as Xingtian can complete his plan and help the martial art to win a battlefield in a realm, the martial art can be preserved. This is a good thing for us. It is indeed not easy to expose for Xingtian, at least in the catastrophe. You can't be exposed before you start!"

If Venerable Ziji, the head of the Yunxiao Sect, has not been able to complete the overall mastery of the sect, even if he has the intention to shelter Xing Tian, ​​he has the heart to help Xing Tian, ​​but it is different now. He has completely mastered the overall situation, and everything is in him. In his grasp, he had the intention to hide Xingtian's existence, and it was not difficult to hide Wu in the dark without being noticed by outsiders.

With the help of Venerable Ziji, Xing Tian was able to get more resources, and he could devote himself to his practice without being affected by external forces. It was precisely because of his own teacher and the help of his head that Xing Tian was able to do so. Thousand years of time can be completely controlled by oneself, and there is no need to worry about changes, let alone unexpected events.

It is precisely because of the concealment of Venerable Ziji that in the entire school, there are not many people who can remember Wuzai, only those elders still have some impressions. After all, before Xingtian, four Yin-Yang Dao magical powers were added to the school. A means of inheritance was added, but with the passage of time, under the admiration of interests, these elders gradually ceased Xing Tian, ​​leaving Xing Tian completely hidden in the dark. Even the elders of the elders still insist on this, not to mention the enemies in secret. They even more forgot the existence of Xingtian.

Time flies. Hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye. For hundreds of years, the entire supreme chaotic world is calm and there is no fighting, but everyone understands that this is just the peace before the storm, and it will not take long. The tranquility will be broken, and countless creatures will die. This is the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Supreme Chaos World. This is the general trend of the world.

After hundreds of years have passed, almost all the forces have searched the real situation of the hostile force with all their strength. After all preparations have been made, a new war has begun. This is a crazy assassination battle. In a short period of time, the entire The Supreme Chaos World is slaughtered and charged into the sky. Countless creatures fell in a pool of blood and died under assassination. All of them are true gods and evil spirits, all of whom have great luck, but they did not persist in the face of the catastrophe. In the end, all of them died.


"Damn, the war has begun. Next, we should converge our strength, try our best to preserve our vitality, and wait for the beginning of the territorial catastrophe. If our Tianjiao enchanting evildoer is eliminated by the enemy at this time, when the territorial war starts, we will be one. Powerless to face that terrible catastrophe, all the sects will face a crazy battle of destruction!"

"Let’s start with the head. We never fear war. If the enemy wants to fight, then we will fight with them. As the elders of the sect, we are willing to take our own responsibilities. We will do our best to protect all the gods and evil spirits and prevent them. Being assassinated by external forces, anyone who dares to challenge the bottom line of our Yunxiao faction will have to pay a heavy price for this, and start to wash all external forces with all their strength, and destroy the enemy's power directly in the budding state for the next Prepare for the catastrophe!"

"It's easier said than done. I also want to go directly to the war and directly kill the killer. But we don't have such power. Once the war starts, it will be a frontal confrontation. There is no room for relaxation. So I think everyone It’s better to be rational, don’t be affected by external forces, at least don’t let the foreign affairs office affect our judgment and xinxing! Be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years. The time of this thousand years is only half of the past, and there are still five hundred years. We have Enough time to perfect the plan!"

"Well said, what we have to do now is to wait, and a quick shot is to make a big move. It will only plunge us into a more terrible crisis of destruction. The most important thing is that our luck is not as strong as we imagined. It is impossible. Confronting all the forces, even if someone can't bear it and wants to go to war, you must make complete preparations! Because this is too much to do, the life and death of the entire school is in this battle, no matter how big your heart is Anger, I hope everyone can calm down and look at all of this with a normal mind. Even if there is a war, the later the better, the later the strength we can get will be stronger!"

Soon the elders were divided into two factions. One faction supported the direct war, surpassed the power of the Yunxiao faction, and killed the enemy. The enemy had to retreat and had to admit defeat, but the price paid was real. It’s amazing. The other faction is reluctant to go to war. Instead, it accumulates strength. Only when it truly develops and grows and accumulates its inexhaustible combat power can it gain the greatest benefit from the Great Tribulation of the Territory and achieve the ultimate victory in one fell swoop. .

With different opinions, there will naturally be disputes. At this time, even as the head, Venerable Ziji also felt the endless pressure, making him wonder what he should do. According to normal circumstances, the school should Be patient and wait for the final battle to come, but doing so will severely hit the confidence of the disciples of the martial art, which is somewhat undesirable.

"War, head, we still have five hundred years. These five hundred years are enough for us to clean up all the enemies within the martial arts. If we want to laugh to the end, our biggest weakness must be protected, no matter what. We must not allow the enemy to continue to exist in our reins. Only in this way can we ensure the safety of the rear and allow the disciples to devote themselves to the final sprint, strengthen their own combat power, and welcome the arrival of the territorial catastrophe! "


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