God of Destruction

Chapter 3670: Festival arrangement

Arrangement for Chapter 3670

"Well, now that you have made a decision, then act. I hope that this time I won’t be disappointed. I hope these disciples can truly grow up. Only after experiencing the **** storm can their moods be fulfilled and be able to Take advantage of the terrible disaster!" When he said this, Venerable Ziji couldn't help but sighed slightly. He was still a little wary of the many elders of the school, worried that these elders would secretly Do tricks. The temptation of rights and interests is enough to make anyone crazy, and these elders are no exception. It is not impossible that they are willing to let go!

Venerable Ziji had never thought about Xingtian, because he understood that Xingtian didn’t need such trials and hardenings. Xingtian possessed the aura of killing and killing that even sacred and powerful people like himself were shocked. Xing Tian is the Tianjiao evildoer who has really come out of the killing, and such Tianjiao evildoer has no defects in character!

Five hundred years, neither long nor short. When the forces of all parties move, no matter which one is, they will cleanse their own power for the first time, stabilize the rear, and countless creatures are silent. Being exterminated without interest, the entire Supreme Chaos world was shaken by such crazy killing, and a strong murderous intention enveloped the Supreme Chaos world.

Xing Tian did not change in the unexpected world, and devoted himself to his own practice, to understand the Three Thousand Dao, and try his best to perfect his chaotic real body. You must know that at this time, you should understand more of the three-thousand Dao. In the future tribulation of the realm, I will have more background and more power, even if the external killing is crazy, Xing Tian will not be moved, except for a few times to enter the illusory world to understand some basic conditions, Xing Tian hardly puts his time of practice in the illusory world anymore. The more he understands, Xing Tian will be more vigilant and worried about the illusory world. The way of others will always belong to others and not suitable for him. If oneself went astray for a while, then the trouble would be great.

Now Xing Tian only enlightens the Dao, stimulates the origin of Dao bones, masters the Dao Dao, but does not open the acupoints and condense the real magical powers, because Xing Tian does not have enough origin for himself to consume. In 500 years, Xing Tian is more than Dao’s perception. Furthermore, now the avenues of stars, slaughter, yin and yang, destruction, life and death, and the five elements have been realized.

When Xing Tian enlightened the Tao, he did not forget to repair the Ziguang Xingyao. When Xing Tian let go of his own avenue of stars, the endless source of stars was used to repair the Ziguang Xingyao. Although the five hundred years was very short, it was in Xingtian. With the great help of, the current Ziguang Xingyao has recovered most of it, but the origin of Ziguang Xingyao has been damaged too much. It is difficult to go further for a while. What is needed is no longer the origin of the stars, but the innate existence. Treasures.

auzw.com"Zixing, how much has your strength recovered? Can you go further?" Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian gathered his mind and asked Zi Xing, although Zi Xing is a weapon Ling, but after the previous trials, Xing Tian has completely trusted it. Although there will be restrictions in the battlefield of the realm, Xing Tian does not dare to relax in the repair of Ziguang Xingyao, because Xing Tian has a heart in his heart. The more crazy idea is to use the time of the realm catastrophe to let Zixing take out all the resources left by the original owner and use it as the capital for his next practice. Only at this time can he not disturb anyone, silently. Do it at ease.

For Xing Tian, ​​one more foundation is one more strength, one more assassin, and one more security. Even if his master said, this time the territorial catastrophe is highly valued by the high-level human civilization. In the end, all the victorious people can be vigorously cultivated by the human race, but Xing Tian does not want to put all his hopes on others. Life and death are controlled by others, and his own practice is restricted by others. This situation is beyond Xing Tian's tolerance.

"Master, now my body has been restored in half, but the core origin of Ziguang Xingyao is seriously damaged. With the power we have now, it is impossible to fully recover. After all, the sacred treasure is extraordinary, even if it is the stars of your master. No matter how pure the source is, it is impossible to complete the cultivation of the core source, because this is no longer a question of the source!"

"Give you another five hundred years, how much power can you recover, and can you recover your original master’s treasure alone? I think there should be enough cultivation resources, even many treasures, left in that treasure. Let you restore the strength of your heyday! If you can recover, it will be of vital importance to us!"

"What? Master, you don't want to take me into the realm battlefield together. You want to take an independent adventure. This is very dangerous. Once you are reincarnated, all of your strength is gone. At this time, you are the weakest. At that time, an accident will cause irreversible changes, and I can protect you by your side!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "I know what you said. Although the matter of protecting the road is very important, what I want you to do is more important. Only in the terrible disaster can you take it out silently. There are so many treasures that do not disturb anyone. If we miss this time, it will be very difficult for us to do this. Compared with the resources we need in the future, compared with the freedom in the future, this danger is still worth taking, not to mention me. It is impossible not to protect the Tao!"

Reincarnation is indeed very dangerous for many people. It is completely different to Xing Tian. Even Xing Tian’s cultivation will be transformed into his own qualifications and roots due to reincarnation, but the five distractions in Xing Tian’s soul knowledge sea It will not be destroyed, the power of the Chaos Destruction Avenue cannot be wiped out by the power of reincarnation, as long as one can mobilize a trace of the power of Chaos Destruction, you can protect yourself.

The most important thing is that Xing Tian has been practicing in retreat since joining the Yunxiao dispatch. Not many people knew of his existence. He was already forgotten by others. Under such circumstances, what Xing Tian has to face The danger is extremely small, so Xing Tian felt that he took his own life to take a risk, and with the help of the time of the terrible catastrophe, to restore Ziguang Xingyao to the original, let him take out the many treasures of the original owner and prepare for his future practice. Make a comprehensive preparation! I don't know why, there is always a faint feeling in Xing Tian's heart, even if he can win victory in the end, he may not be able to break through the sacredness, because his background is too strong, and the road he has practiced is too crazy.

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