God of Destruction

Chapter 3671: Reincarnation

Chapter 3671: Reincarnation

For Xing Tian, ​​whether it is the Avenue of the World, the Avenue of Chaos, or the Avenue of Chaos Destruction, all have endless potential, and they are not completely suppressed by the battlefield of the boundary, so for many powerful people, they can use the opportunity of the battlefield to break through the boundary. Sacred, but this is not suitable for Xing Tian, ​​the power of the battlefield of one side is not enough for Xing Tian to complete his own accumulation.

Accumulation is Xingtian’s greatest threat. Without strong enough accumulation, it’s almost impossible to go further. So at this time, under such circumstances, Xingtian can only collect all resources desperately for his future practice. Prepare, if you can break through the sacred in one go, if not, you need to mobilize more resources to prepare for your practice, so this time Xing Tian is willing to pay a huge price to restore Zixing's body, Ziguang Xingyao.

Five hundred years is a drop in the bucket for Sanqian Dadao. Xing Tian himself knows this. However, Sanqian Dadao is the foundation for his god-given inheritance of the true body of Chaos. No matter how much it costs, he must complete it. With this insight, one more Dao Bone can be stimulated. If the Dao Bone of the Three Thousand Great Dao can be stimulated, Xing Tian can obtain a more perfect body through the reincarnation of the boundary battlefield, which can condense the innate Chaos Dao body. Unfortunately, this is not. It may be successful, no matter how talented Xing Tian is, it is impossible to complete the stimulation of the three thousand Dao Bone within 500 years. He can only do his best to realize more Dao Dao.

Five hundred years have passed in a flash. For a whole thousand years, the Yunxiao Sect has recruited more disciples during the thousand years, and countless disciples suffered heavy casualties in the last five hundred years, but the name Xingtian has long since disappeared. Among the Yunxiao Sect, almost no disciple still remembers this name, as if Xing Tian had been forgotten.

In five hundred years, Xing Tian finally restored Ziguang Xingyao to 70% of its original origin, which was enough for Zixing to control the body to leave the Yunxiao Sect and walk into the highest chaos world. Only when the battlefield of the realm is opened, everything can proceed smoothly. .

In five hundred years, many elders were also lost in that war. This is the cruelty of heaven and earth. At this time, everyone is waiting for the opening of the battlefield, whether it is the many disciples or Many elders who have awakened from their deep sleep, and others, who cannot see the way forward and cannot participate in the war, are waiting for the arrival of the final moment.

At this time, Xing Tian had already left the customs and came to the great place of the Yunxiao faction. When Xing Tian appeared, there were still many Tianjiao evildoers who participated in the war, and the elders who had to reincarnate, but among the many Tianjiao who participated in the war, few Personal feeling is as crazy as Xing Tian, ​​he has to give up all his own cultivation base, reincarnate into the battlefield of the realm, and use the power of reincarnation to make his own roots further. After all, such crazy things are too terrifying, and they almost kill oneself. It is a result that they can't accept because of external forces. After such a long period of cultivation, how many people can give up everything!

"It's started. Are you all ready? Once you make a decision, there is no way back. Now it is too late for any of you to withdraw?" As the head, Venerable Ziji opened his mouth and said to everyone, although in his He didn’t want to see anyone withdraw in his heart, but he still had to remind everyone before everything started, that the twisted melon is not sweet. If someone is afraid, even if they are forced to participate in this terrible territorial catastrophe, the result will only be death. No good for the overall situation!

auzw.com As those strong men whose lives are about to come to an end, they all sighed and said, "We are all ready. If you don’t participate, there is only a dead end. Don’t fight to death. Only let me leave more regrets in my heart!"

Being in the Yunxiao Sect, even though it bears the mark of the Yunxiao Sect, even if it is reincarnation, it may be retrieved by the sect. However, for the huge reincarnation crowd, the disciples who can really be retrieved are not even one-tenth. In contrast, everyone is still willing to let go and fight hard in the territorial disaster, not just to give up their cultivation base, and this cultivation base will also be transformed into their own heritage, making their own roots stronger and more promising. , So they are willing to give it a go!

"So I invite you seniors on the road. The battlefield of the realm is already open, and you can enter the cycle of reincarnation. I hope that Senior Run can return to the school after the catastrophe!" At this time, Venerable Ziji didn't say much, he said. Many are useless. Entering the battlefield of the realm is a two-fold heaven. Life and death are in peace, and everything depends on themselves.

Soon, a respected elder, and those strong men who could not see hope all plunged into the samsara of the realm battlefield. The light of samsara rose, and they disappeared into the heavy ground of the Yunxiao faction, and this At that time, Xing Tian also sighed, stepping forward, his face was extremely quiet, the opportunity was right in front of him, and he also needed to let go.

"Xing Tian, ​​have you made a decision, you have to know that reincarnation is not the only choice for you?"

Hearing the words of the head, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Think about it, all preparations have been made, and everything is left to the will of heaven. This battle will either fall into the endless abyss or fly into the sky. There is no second choice!"

As he said, Xing Tian turned his gaze to his master again. The master and apprentice looked at each other, and there was a faint flicker in each other’s eyes, but this is reality. Xing Tian wants to go further and wants to. Not being thrown away by other Tianjiao evildoers, there is only this way to go, after all, the realm battlefield is the most suitable place to accumulate resources.

"Master, I'm leaving, take care, my inheritance and supernatural powers have been preserved here, you accept it, I hope you and me, master and apprentice will meet again the day!" Xing Tianjiang said in his own hands The inheritance jade that had been prepared for a long time was handed over to Venerable Lieyang, and at this moment, whether it was the head or other elders, they all cast their eyes on the inheritance gem and wanted to hit it. Idea, it's a pity that Lord Lieyang didn't give them such an opportunity at all, so he put it away.

"Take care, be careful in everything. Don't be too careless. With your ability, as long as you spend the first period of time carefully, there will be no danger. I believe in your ability. Go ahead and do what you want to do. Everything, nothing is taken care of in the realm battlefield, everything is up to your heart, don't restrict yourself by the superficial power, you are free in the realm battlefield!"


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