God of Destruction

Chapter 3677: Causality

Chapter 3677: Cause and Effect

Entering the mountains, Xing Tian’s first thing is to look for the traps he left behind, and see how he gains one night. After all, this is his ration after the heavy snowfall. You can’t be careless, or your own future. The stomach will suffer. If people know that they are still suffering after they have the ability, they will lose their face. Even if no one knows, it is unacceptable for a proud person like Xingtian, regardless of the battlefield in the realm. How dangerous and how many benefits are there, for oneself, the first thing is to protect oneself, keep oneself safe, before this, everything else can be put down. And rations are the top priority of safety. Even if you cannot guarantee your own rations, you are even more dangerous.

During Xingtian’s search, he found that one of his traps had been destroyed, and it was man-made destruction. This privatized Xingtian was very annoyed. Xingtian never considered himself a good person and would not do great things of sacrificing himself. At this time, under such circumstances, there are still people who want to take their rations, which is challenging their own bottom line.

"Asshole, every hunter in this mountain obeys the rules. Someone dared to break the rules and stole my prey. I want to see who stole my prey!" Xing Tian knelt down and measured it. Looking at the information left by the thief, even Xing Tian is still very weak, but such detection spells are not unimaginable.

For a moment, Xing Tian's expression turned gloomy. Since he entered the world of practice, no one has been able to take advantage of his own advantage and steal his own things. No matter who the other party is, he must pay for this. This is his principle and principle of dealing with others. What cannot be destroyed during this time is related to one's Dao Xin and one's own practice!

"Well, what a man in the army, even the soldiers are so loose, so arrogant, dare to break the invisible rules, it seems that this army also has a problem, I am afraid that the battle of the realm is more terrifying than I thought. It's even more terrifying!" From this little thing, Xing Tian was able to directly covet to the top, and the people in the army still felt like this. This shows the seriousness of other problems.

The court in the realm battlefield is not an ordinary human dynasty, but a real Qiyun dynasty. The entire dynasty is supported by the Qiyun Golden Dragon. The people in the army are still so scattered, which shows how much the entire dynasty is in. It is dangerous. Perhaps every time the battlefield of the realm appears, it is because the dynasty that dominates the battlefield has been damaged and has reached the edge of collapse, or the dynasty has a problem and entered a terrible test period due to external forces. .

"Unfortunately, my body has lost the Dao Eye, otherwise the power of the Dao Eye will be able to directly see the real situation of the Human Fortune Dynasty, know what problems the entire Human dynasty has, and be able to deal with the next things. Taking the initiative, what I have to do now is to swallow the essence of the sky, the sun, and the moon to nurture myself!"

As a mortal body, even Xing Tian has endless potential, but the Taoist Eyes are extraordinary. Before shedding the mortal, it is difficult to open the Taoist Eyes. Reluctantly, it will only cause his own body to collapse, for a short time. , Putting himself into a crisis of death, Xing Tian was not so stupid, and soon recovered his peace of mind, no longer sighing about the Daoyan!

auzw.com With a thought, Xing Tian climbed onto the top of the mountain and began to vomit the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon. After a while, Xing Tian slowly recovered his breath. This is already at his own limit. If he continues to continue It will only increase one's own weight, and it will not be good for future practice. Even if the ranunculus is strong, the five-year-old body still cannot withstand much strength!

"I want to see who dared to take the cause and effect with me, whether it was a robbery by heaven and earth, or his own chance!" Xing Tian went away, chasing the breath of the thief, asking for one for himself Justice is also righteous to one's Dao heart!

Xingtian will not be afraid of the enemy and the human robbery, let alone fear. Below the chaotic destruction road, the world and everything can not be killed, and those who prevent themselves from proving the Tao will return to nothingness, and they must be under their own chaotic destruction road. Obliterated.

With Xing Tian's footsteps, he quickly found the person who stole his prey in the mountains. This was a man in armor with a strong murderous aura, but compared to Xing Tian, ​​this murderous aura was not worth mentioning! And this person proudly said at this moment: “The orion in this mountain is really a good person. Knowing that I can’t eat enough in the barracks all day, I specially sent me a rabbit so that I can have a full meal. It's a great thing." It's a pity that this person didn't take a few steps before he saw a small figure standing in front of him. At least for this person, Xing Tian was small at this time.

Although Xing Tian had strong anger in his heart, he did not give birth to the heart of killing. After all, it was not worth Xing Tian to kill for a rabbit, at least for now, but the other party still has to pay the price. This is cause and effect!

"Oh, somebody's little baby is running around in the mountains, be careful that the jackals come and take you away, don't hurry down the mountain!"

There is very little knowledge about Xingtian of the Qiyun dynasty in the battlefield, and I don’t know the official uniforms and the ranks of soldiers, but the armor on this person seems to be of good workmanship. It should not be an ordinary soldier. Such people all steal The hunter's prey move made Xing Tian less expectation of the Qi Luck Dynasty in his heart, and he secretly sighed at the chaos of the army.

For any dynasty, the army is an important force to maintain the dynasty. Even the army is chaotic to such an extent. Xing Tian has a little less confidence in the dynasty that dominates the battlefield and is more vigilant about this territorial catastrophe.

"You stole my prey, do you want to leave like this, shouldn't you give me a confession?" Xing Tian asked, looking at the man who continued to walk towards him, with a touch of anger on his face. Meaning, this is the impact of human nature on Xingtian.

A mortal body, with human nature, prevents Xing Tian from being able to get rid of the influence of human nature. This is also the case. There is also a touch of vitality in Xing Tian's body, a trace of mysterious power of creation. This is the power of human nature. It was Xing Tian's chance. It is this human power that makes Xing Tian have a mysterious connection with the boundary battlefield, and it is this connection that allows Xing Tian to be recognized by the boundary battlefield through his actions, and finally win the battlefield and complete his mission. Obtain the ultimate heaven and earth awards, harvest the most powerful rebate in this battlefield world, further improve your own avenue, and get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth!

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