God of Destruction

Chapter 3678: A sword

Chapter 3678: One Sword

"Your prey?" The man was taken aback, stopped and took a look at Xing Tian, ​​and then a faint embarrassment flashed across his face. He stole a child’s prey and was caught, which made him feel a little difficult. Accept, if you let others know, you will lose your face, and you will not let others know.

Just when the other party was stunned, Xing Tian's expression changed, and he sneered and said, "It's not mine. Could it be that this trap is born from nature, and then you happen to encounter it? If there is such a good thing, you also tell me where to go. Find!"

The man in front of him was flushed with Xing Tian’s words in an instant, and his face was slightly irritated and shouted, "You little baby, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth. Didn't you just eat a rabbit! What's so great, I'll pay you a big deal!"

Don’t think about how good the soldiers of the Qiyun Dynasty are today. From Xingtian’s speculation, these soldiers are actually not much different from the bandits. The difference between the two is not very big. The soldiers of the Qiyun Dynasty that are not regulated are not fuel efficient. Each of the lamps was extremely arrogant and domineering, but the person in front of him was not bad, and he killed people without becoming angry.

Even so, Xing Tian said indifferently, "This is not a matter of a rabbit, but a matter of principle of life. In this barren mountain, you can't buy a rabbit even if you have money, let alone this trap. Lord! I give you two choices, one is to pay me a rabbit, and the other is to give me ten times the price, you choose!"

"What if I don't want either of these two options?" The big man laughed loudly, without taking Xing Tian's words to heart.

"If you have to do this, then I will teach you how to behave!" As he spoke, Xing Tian's face showed a trace of tyranny!

"Teach me to be a man? Interesting! Really fun! How do you teach me to be a man as a little child?" the big man said curiously.

"It seems that you don’t plan to choose the two paths I gave you. It’s your choice. Seeing that you are a member of the military, you must know the art of war and martial arts. If you can take my sword, this This is the end of cause and effect. If you can’t, you can only blame your bad life. This is the boundary fierce realm. The death and soul can only be said to be the fate!” Xing Tian slowly put down his cloak, revealing the emptiness. It seems to be a weak body that can be blown down by a gust of north wind, and it is such a surprising body that exudes a faint threat, giving people a sense of fear and murder!

Hearing Xing Tian's horrible murderous words, he was taken aback for a moment, then he became vigilant, and subconsciously touched the long knife on his waist. I don't know why, after hearing Xing Tian's words, he suddenly rose up all over him. Goosebumps, as if being stared at by a fierce beast, sent a chill from deep inside.


"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Xing Tian randomly broke a nearby branch that was more than one meter long, then shook it, and said, "Are you ready? I hope you can block my sword. A sword is called biting the sky!" Xing Tian felt the faint murderous sword intent in his body, and a faint sneer appeared on his face involuntarily!

"Suddenly? What a great spirit!" The big man was stunned. He was obviously shocked by Xingtian's words. In the name of Biting the sky, this is not something ordinary people can dare to say, and what he is facing is still a Little child.

With a fragile sound, the branches in Xing Tian's hand stretched instantly in the cold north wind. The cold wind was cold, but Xing Tian's sword intent was even colder, and this was not cold, but cold from the heart. fast! The north wind is fast, Xingtian's sword is faster.

The man in front of him is very sure that he has been marching for seven or eight years in his life, and he has never seen a master, whether he is a master in the army, a master of the rivers and lakes, or even a master in the hidden world, he has never seen such a fast sword in the hands of Xingtian , Such a terrifying sword, a sword that cuts out the cold from the heart, this is a magic sword that kills the world.

Now, the branch in Xingtian's hand has changed, becoming a terrifying sharp sword, even more terrifying than a sharp sword. In the heart of the big man, all things in the world seem to have disappeared at this time, and only this terrible remains. Of a sword. A sword cut out the world of devouring the world, the name of the devouring of the sky is really well-deserved, there is such a terrible power, the entire world and all things will surrender in front of this sword!

"Sword intent, this is sword intent, terrible killing sword intent!" The big man was shocked. He really couldn't think of why such a four or five-year-old boy could comprehend such a terrible sword intent and could still control this terrible sword. It’s just that he doesn’t have time to think more now, and he doesn’t dare to think too much, otherwise this sword can really kill his life!

With a sound of "Clang!", the long knife in the big man's hand was out of its sheath, and the flames flickered, and the long knife was driving this terrible sword. At the same time, an inexplicable cheer was born in his heart, "Blocked, finally Blocked this terrible sword!"

However, immediately the big man's pupils shrank suddenly, and a terrible scratch was left abruptly on his own hundred-refined steel sword, under the confrontation of the dead branches. If he was facing a sword fairy, he would not be surprised by such a result, but he was only facing a four or five-year-old child. Such a result would make him unbelievable!

Why does a little child have such a sharp means and such a terrifying sword intent? He really couldn't think of it, at least he couldn't find a reasonable explanation in his memory. The feeling of fear suddenly flooded his heart, and he formed cause and effect with such a terrible person. This is a great evil. , He couldn't help but engender endless regrets. For the momentary feeling of appetite, he provokes such a terrible opponent for himself, which means that everyone will regret it.

Xing Tian ignored the other party's reaction and smiled indifferently and said, "Yes, some ability, can withstand my sword!" In Xing Tian's words, the dead branches in his hand instantly turned to ashes, and the big man who saw his pupils shrank again. , A panic.

"Your Excellency, this general admires it!" At this time, the big man no longer dared to look down upon Xing Tian respectfully. He did not dare to underestimate Xing Tian because of Xing Tian's age, let alone because Xing Tian had no hands. If you take an inch of the sword and look down on it, if you dare to do this, it would be really foolish to get home, you really have to make fun of your own life, put yourself in a desperate situation, so that you never have a chance to stand up.

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