God of Destruction

Chapter 3679: Weak

Chapter 3677: Weak

"You are also very good, you were able to block my sword, the cause and effect of you and me are over!" Xing Tian smiled, took up his cloak, and left in the cold wind, it seemed that he really didn't care about anything with that big man anymore.

"Your Excellency, go slowly!" The big man stepped forward and hurriedly shouted, trying to stop Xing Tian's intention to leave. It’s a pity that Xing Tian didn’t pay attention to him at all, and he left with strides, and soon disappeared from his sight. This result made this man feel embarrassed, but fortunately, no one saw him, otherwise this time he I'm so embarrassed!

Although he couldn't get rid of the bad breath in his heart before, and he couldn't kill the **** who stole his own rabbit with a single sword, but Xing Tian didn't have any anger or unwillingness in his heart. The conclusion of cause and effect is the real big thing. It would be a foolish act to make a big move because of such a small matter and ruin one's own practice.

This is also true. After a sword, Xing Tian will not give the opponent any chance to leave. Now Xing Tian’s combat power is still too weak and he does not have the ability to protect himself, so be careful not to provoke too much for yourself. The cause and effect, lest one accidentally ruin his life in this battlefield and end up in a dead end!

After leaving the big man far away, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily. His strength was still too weak. This strength could not even kill a mortal. If he can't improve quickly, I am afraid that he and other reincarnations will reincarnate. The power of the strong will grow stronger, after all, he does not have enough resources, this is his biggest hidden danger.

"You can’t continue like this anymore. In any case, you must speed up your own practice. Time does not wait for anyone. Now five years have passed. I am afraid that those who have actually entered the battlefield of the realm will be stronger. If not, Before the enemy finds his door, he has a strong self-preservation power, and what is waiting for himself will be death and destruction! This is the cruelty of heaven and earth!"

Xing Tian's young age, no huge resources, no deep background, wanting to grow himself in a short time, this is a big problem, even if Xing Tian has a clear mind and has all kinds of memories, but Facing such a situation is still difficult, this is the biggest danger of reincarnation entering the battlefield of the boundary.

"Perhaps I should leave this ghost place, because the environment here is simply not enough to support my practice!" In an instant, Xing Tian's heart broke through and gave birth to the idea of ​​leaving, but such a thought flashed past Xing Tian's heart. The idea is good, but this is not the Supreme Chaos World, nor is it the Yunxiao Sect. Everything is still up to Xingtian. The most important thing is that Xingtian’s strength here is too weak and he has no ability to remain independent. If he wants to leave, he even left. No capital.

While sighing in Xing Tian's heart, after seeing Xing Tian leave in a big stride, the big man could only give up all his previous illusions and turned to go back to the mansion. In this remote place, he unexpectedly encountered such a real and powerful creature. It is a good opportunity for him. A child who is only four or five years old can have such a powerful sword intent. There is only one explanation, reincarnation! This is the reincarnation body of a strong person, if you can befriend it, it will naturally be a great thing for yourself!

As a soldier, the first thing the big man returns to the barracks is to tell his boss all the things he has encountered. Perhaps in the eyes of ignorant people, this is just a trivial matter, in the heart of the big man. But he doesn't think so. Although he will be punished by military regulations for doing so, if such a big event is not told to the general, the consequences will be even more disastrous if something happens!


Arriving in front of the main tent of the Chinese army, the guards did not see the big man. The big man quickly walked into the big tent, bowed to the main seat, and said loudly, "The final general Tiehan, I have seen the general!"

"Why did Iron Man come? What's the matter of seeing me in such a hurry?" The general sitting in the main seat did not stop his movements, still holding the wolf's pen in the book, even without raising his head, he continued Take care of the business at hand!

"General, the final general met a stranger in the mountains today!" Tie Han said with his head down.

"Well! Go out of the barracks, who gives you the courage to talk about the stranger, I want to know if he is worthy of you to come and see me at all costs!" The general said in an instant. I found the problem and directed it to the core. It can be seen that it is not easy for someone like Tiehan to receive punishment voluntarily, so Tiehan's words immediately caught the attention of the general, and he immediately stopped the pen in his hand, slowly raised his head, and looked at the Tiehan below.

"General, the end general doesn't know how to describe the opponent. The opponent looks like a four or five-year-old child, but he has a terrible sword intent. The end general is not an enemy of the opponent!"

"What, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" At this time, the general also lost his previous calm, and a faint look of shock appeared on his face. For Tiehan, perhaps he didn't know what this meant, but he did. The general knows a lot of secrets, and he naturally understands how serious the consequences of such a situation are. Such things can't be careless!

"General, this is what the end general has experienced personally. How can he be uncertain? The opponent is really terrible. The end general is also a long-term killer. He has seen many strong men, but he has never seen such a terrible sword intent. The sword intent that destroys the sky and the earth, any power will be destroyed in the face of this sword intent. Its existence is simply to destroy the world!"

"Sword intent, sword intent is already a magical power. A four or five-year-old child has mastered such terrifying magical powers. Could it be that he is a strong reincarnation, but even a strong one cannot enter the Tao and master the sword at the age of four or five? Supernatural powers?" The army will stand up and look at the top of the big tent with his hands on his back, slowly thinking about this big problem!

What does it mean to reincarnate strong men? Will it have an impact on the dynasty? Is the opponent's presence in this remote place at this time related to his mission, or even whether the opponent is here for himself?

The general’s heart is constantly calculating, but without any basis, no matter how much he thinks, he can’t think of a result, because all this happened so suddenly that he was not prepared at all. It can be said that such a The mysterious person suddenly appeared, disrupting all the arrangements of the general, making him worry about whether his plan would be affected!


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