God of Destruction

Chapter 3686: Involuntary

Chapter 3686

Time is slowly passing by. After having the medicinal materials given by General Moreau, Xingtian did not leave the house for more than ten days. He focused on warming up his own vitality, using the power of this batch of medicinal materials to restore his vitality. With too much practice experience, Xing Tian easily completed the warmth of himself, and the vitality that was originally consumed was restored to the original. When the vitality of the body was restored, Xing Tian was suddenly shocked, and the thing that broke and stood up again is born again. Above itself.

Although Xing Tian has many experiences of breaking and then standing up, but this time Xing Tian is still very shocked. You must know that he is a reincarnation, and all his cultivation is transformed into nutrients to nourish this new body. It can be said that his body is rooted and bones. The aptitude is already very strong, even in Xing Tian's heart there is already a hint of incompetence! It's just that he was wrong. After his vitality was restored, Xing Tian clearly felt that he had a little bit of evolution, and his roots were strengthened.

The enhancement of individual bones is nothing to the average person, nor does it have much effect, but it is different in Xingtian's body. Every bone enhancement is a qualitative transformation for him. How can the result of Xingtian not be shocked!

"The debt of humanity is huge. This is no longer a matter of a little medicinal material, but a big cause and effect!" Xing Tian couldn't help muttering to himself at this moment. Originally in Xingtian's eyes, it was just a little human debt, but now Xing Tian understands himself. Wrong, very wrong, I don't know if it is the calculation of the Supreme Chaos World, or this is the evolution of the boundary battlefield opportunity.

Originally in Xing Tian’s heart, he was only rejuvenating himself, but now he wrote his own conjecture completely different. I don’t know if he realized his own way, walked out of his own physical way, or other reasons. In short, these many medicinal materials The arrival directly strengthened Xing Tian's essential qualifications, which was a great cause and effect for Xing Tian.

What can I use to resolve such cause and effect? In the warm ocean of Xing Tian, ​​he was thinking silently that such a cause and effect was almost equivalent to life. To resolve this cause and effect, Xing Tian would have to pay a huge price. Originally, Xing Tian didn’t want to be at this time, under this situation. Standing with General Moruo, he was caught in a danger that he didn't know, but now everything cannot be controlled by Xingtian. With such a big cause and effect, Xingtian is already involuntary!

People can’t help themselves in the arena. It’s just like Xingtian’s current situation. No matter you have a thousand calculations and no matter how smart you are, under the general situation of the world, everything can’t help but make the decision. Xingtian is like this now. Under this great cause and effect, he had to stand on the side of General Moro and also on the side of the Ziyun Empire.

It is not an easy task to save an imperial dynasty that is about to be destroyed. Being added by such a cause and effect, my own troubles are really astonishing and miscalculation! This time Xing Tian really had lost money. He was caught in such a dangerous situation just because of a small amount of medicinal materials. How could this not make Xing Tian angry.


No one wants to be calculated? Even if it is calculated by the Supreme Chaos World, it means that his safety is seriously threatened, and his life and death will be affected by terror, but now Xing Tian is involuntary and has to jump into Ziyun. In the great vortex of the empire, it had to face the terrifying impact of the catastrophe.

"The road against the sky, hasn't I been able to step out of the vicious circle of the road against the sky? No matter when and under any circumstances, I have to take such an extremely dangerous path. It is mine to fight against the general situation of the world. Destiny is impossible?"

Xing Tian's heart is constantly falling down, as if he is about to fall into the endless abyss. Can such a destiny be changed? No, Xing Tian understands that this is a result that cannot be changed. As long as he is still alive, as long as he does not give up his avenue, there is no possibility of change. This is the serious consequence brought by the foundation of Three Thousand Avenue, no matter what the environment is. In the middle of the world, we must fight against the general trend of the world. This is our own destiny, an unchangeable destiny. If you do not enter, you will die!

"Okay, it's a great power of heaven and earth, and a road against the heavens. Since I have no choice, then I will walk one way to death. I have to see if the great power of heaven and earth can keep me in this realm battlefield. No matter how powerful you are, I will also break it. Those who block my path to the sky will die. No one can stop my progress!"

When these words fell, Xing Tian exuded a strong murderous aura. At this moment, Xing Tian's heart changed again. This thought for a lifetime, the four-handed killing sword in Xing Tian's soul and knowledge instantly did it. When they were shaken, they were all shocked by the terrible killing intent in Xing Tian's heart, and by the strong intent against the sky in Xing Tian's heart.

It was just this change of heart that directly narrowed the distance between Xing Tian and the Four Swords of Killing, allowing Xing Tian to take another small step in his grasp of these four Swords of Killing, and he also had his own avenue of chaotic destruction. A trace of control, but Xing Tian’s power is still very weak, and he cannot bear the true meaning of chaos destroying the avenue. Otherwise, just this change of mood will be enough to make Xing Tian go further on the chaos destruction avenue, so that Xing Tian A big step forward of the avenue!

Body, body has once again become an obstacle to Xingtian’s path to practice, but this is not a problem that Xingtian can solve right now. Whoever makes Xingtian’s physical body only five years old, even if it is intentionally polished, five years will not let the physical body have it. What an increase, not to mention that in five years, Xing Tian didn't have so many resources for cultivation.

"Damn it, I'm caught in such a vicious circle again. In the Supreme Chaos World, the flesh restricts one's practice, and it is still the same in this realm battlefield world. Does my avenue have to be restricted by this flesh? If it doesn't, the flesh becomes the biggest obstacle to my Xingtian's path of cultivation. Is it possible?" At this moment, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a trace of anger and unwillingness.

This is the reality, the reality is so cruel, even Xing Tian can’t change everything no matter how angry he is. Whether Xing Tian is willing to admit it or not, he must face all of this, even if the road is dangerous, Xing Tian must also Going on, as soon as the reincarnation is as deep as the sea, Xing Tian has no way to turn back, and there is no possibility of turning back! This is the horror of the Great Tribulation of the Realm, and this is the restriction of the Great Tribulation of the Realm on all participating creatures. No creature can make an exception!

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