God of Destruction

Chapter 3687: Festival gods

Chapter 3687 Gods

The more this happened, the more Xing Tian understood in his heart that he could not be angry, could not be stunned by the anger, and could not let evil thoughts affect him. This is the catastrophe of his own cultivation, and this is the catastrophe of his path against the sky, as long as he can Cut everything, and be able to break through this barrier, you can break out of the catastrophe, and you can smash a **** path that belongs to you against the sky!

"Take your heart, Ning Shen! You can't be affected by anger, even if you are angry, you can't do it, even if it is anger, it can make you feel more clearly that chaos destroys the road, this is an evil road, a road of no return! "Faced with the temptation, Xing Tian quickly got rid of its influence on him, freeing himself from the influence of his own chaotic destruction avenue, and from the influence of the five distractions!

When Xing Tian was fully awake, the chaotic destruction array and four killing swords in the sea of ​​soul consciousness finally stopped, no longer madly rushing out of the powerful chaos to destroy the true meaning, and returned to peace! And this result is also causing Xing Tian to believe that his choice is not wrong, even if he is reincarnation, but the catastrophe that heaven and earth affect on him will not dissipate, the power of the supreme chaotic world can still be gained through the power of the boundary battlefield. Influence yourself!

"It's time to meet General Morrow. The cause and effect owed will always be repaid. Early contact and preparation will enable a general like him to lead such a powerful army to stay here. It can be seen that The task on him is very heavy. How terrifying is the danger he has to face. He has to be fully prepared to know the enemy and himself before he can survive the battle!"

While speaking, Xing Tian walked out of the door, and the cold wind blew on his face. A burst of icy cold rushed to his body. With a move of his mind, his blood and energy circulated. The power of the Great Chaos Road protected his body and protected his body. The meridians are not invaded by this evil.

Although only a dozen days have passed, Xing Tian today is very different from before. Although his body still looks thin and weak, his vitality has been fully restored, and the power of qi and blood has become extremely powerful. The true meaning of Chaos Avenue is imprinted. Above his own body, he could fully support Xing Tian's power to explode. Not to mention such a little bit of cold wind, even no matter how strong the cold wind and cold air can cause Xing Tian to be hurt, Xing Tian has truly stood up and eliminated many hidden dangers!

The army of the Ziyun Empire was stationed along the river. Xingtian went up along the river. No one knew the name of the river. Everyone knew that it was a branch of the Tongtian River. It seemed to be connected to the Tongtian River. Some people said that the Tongtian River was connected. The land of the barbarians, connected to the land outside the territory, is not clear whether it is a fake Xingtian, the people here do not know, it is just a legend!

Xing Tian did not hide his whereabouts, and there was no need to hide it. Although Xing Tian did not notice that someone was watching him in the past ten days, Xing Tian believed that outside the village, there must be a general’s manpower. Someone is watching their every move, as long as they leave the village, it won't take long before the general will know his whereabouts!

auzw.com This is human nature. Even if General Morrow is broad-minded and sends so many resources, he will not really be unprepared. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, let alone oneself. Such a person who reincarnates must be more careful, not to be a little careless, or he will really lose his wife and break down.

Not long after leaving the village, Xing Tian gradually felt some power staring at him, but now Xing Tian’s body has not grown up, and his mental power cannot explode with all his strength. The most important thing is that Xing Tian does not want to expose his ability. I didn't care about the power in the dark either, because it didn't take long for the other party to take the initiative to show up.

Just as Xing Tian thought, after walking along the river for a while, Xing Tian found that there was fog appearing not far in front of him. The whole river actually appeared foggy in the winter, and a figure was walking towards him in the fog. Now, this person is young, but in his twenties, he is covered with good materials, and the waist is decorated with beautiful jade rings, which makes people know whether they are rich or expensive!

Is it a human? No, this is not a human being. Xing Tian did not feel human vitality or humanity in this person! What Xing Tian felt was a faint divine power, the divine power of the gods in the world! For an instant, Xing Tian became vigilant.

"Could it be that I was wrong. General Moruo was really broad-minded. He didn't put those resources in his heart, didn't monitor himself secretly, and someone else was monitoring himself?" For an instant, Xing Tian had such a heart. Thought, Xing Tian didn’t dare to take care of this Mo Sheng spirit. With a thought, the sky-devouring sword intent on his body circulated Lu Lai, a pair of eyes fixed on the opponent, sharp sword intent locked the opponent, as long as this The slightest danger to the gods would be a devastating blow to Xing Tian. In the face of such an enemy, Xing Tian dared not hide it.

"Okay, very good, my guess is really right. The earth-shaking sword intent that day did not come from the barracks, but from the village, the kid in front of me. I really didn't expect this kid to practice at a young age. It seems that the origin of this kid is not simple to become such a terrifying kendo supernatural power. The great calamity of heaven and earth is about to come!"

Feeling the terrible sword intent on Xing Tian's body and the intense vigilance, this person came to Xing Tian's body to salute, smiled calmly and said: "Little brother, don't be nervous. I have no ill will, but I feel that that day is strong. The sword intent, I came here to make one or two!"

"I have seen your Excellency, I don't know that your Excellency is that god?" Xing Tian gave a salute, but did not relax his vigilance. He was only introverted and ready to go. Xing Tian was not an ignorant person, and would not let him go because of a word from the other party. Be vigilant, Xing Tian didn't dare to be the slightest carelessness before clarifying the true intention of the other party, and he didn't dare to put himself in danger.

Seeing Xing Tian’s cautious reaction, the other party smiled indifferently. He also understood in his heart that it is not easy to dispel Xing Tian’s vigilance, so he didn’t force it, but continued to say: “I’m not telling you. The water **** of Tongtian River, came to make a good bond with the little brother! I don’t know how the little brother is called? Who is the teacher?"

"Xingtian, my name is Xingtian! I have seen the **** of water, but I didn't expect that in this desolate land, there will be a branch of Shinto!" In this life, Xingtian's name has not changed, and it is still the word'Xingtian'. The Chaos World did it deliberately, but Xing Tian didn't care about it. The name didn't mean anything, at least for Xing Tian himself!

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