God of Destruction

Chapter 3688: Jie Yibao

Chapter 3688

"Xingtian, a good name, punishment for heaven and earth, this is not something ordinary people can take out. This name will inevitably endure the fortune of heaven and earth, and ordinary people can't afford the endless luck that this name brings! I heard people say that there is a treasure in this place. I was born, so I rushed over to join in the fun. I didn't want to feel the sword intent of the little brother that day, so I came to make friends and make a good bond!"

Seeing that the God of Tongtian River didn't hide his intentions, Xing Tian nodded, "Thank you for your love, the **** said that there is a strange treasure here, and I don't know what a strange treasure is, if there is such a big movement!"

Xing Tian understood that the strange treasure must be no small thing, and it might be related to the task of General Moruo. It can make both of them pay so much attention to this treasure. I am afraid that this treasure has powerful power, but Xing Tian was not tempted. This is not something I can fight for, no matter how good a treasure is, my life is not important!

At this moment, Xing Tian even had an inexplicable thought in his heart. Perhaps this was also a calculation and a temptation of the Supreme Chaos World to arouse the greed and desire in his heart and make him go crazy. If you compete for this strange treasure, if you participate in it, you will die. No matter how much experience you have, you are not qualified to participate in such a battle with your current strength. Reluctant participation will only result in death. The ending!

"The little brother is a little out of the ordinary. With your qualifications, you will inevitably transcend the world in the future. No matter how bad you are, you will be invincible in the world. You can become a Dao ancestor. If you don't dislike it, you can just call me'brother'!" When Xing Tian looked hesitant, the God of Tongtian River smiled bitterly, "You don’t have to think about it, I just see your potential, make friends in advance, and make a good relationship. If you encounter calamity in the future, please take action. Save me!"

When talking about this, the face of Tongtianhe Water God showed a touch of loss and worry. After shook his head, he continued to say, "Little brother, I don’t know how dangerous the changes of God’s way are. I wait for the gods to look infinitely beautiful, but the only problem is that. Know yourself!"

Seeing the eager attitude of the water **** of Tongtian River, anyone who is not alive will feel uneasy and worried, Xing Tian is no exception, but after hearing this explanation from the other party, Xing Tian's worries are finally dispelled. Many, after a little hesitation, Xing Tian nodded and said to the God of Tongtian River, "Brother!"

After hearing Xing Tian’s'brother', Tongtianhe Water God’s face showed a smile and said, “Okay, don’t worry, since you recognize my brother, I will never make you suffer. When you grow your body, you need a lot of resources. As long as your elder brother has it, your younger brother can speak as much as you can. Medicinal materials and treasures are not a problem!"

"In this way, Brother Lao bothers, but the younger brother is disrespectful!" Xing Tian smiled. Although doing so will add another debt of favor and cause oneself to carry a cause and effect, Xing Tian is still willing to accept the other's kindness for the sake of his own path of practice and for his own safety. At least this will speed up his own practice speed, and most importantly. The thing is that Xing Tian didn't want to rely entirely on General Moro!

auzw.com"Big brother is here to grab the treasure too?" Xing Tian looked at Tongtian River and said softly. For Xingtian, this is not a trivial matter. You have to figure it out by yourself to avoid accidental contamination. Take unnecessary trouble and killed oneself!

Tongtianhe Water God shook his head and said, "No, I just came over to see the excitement and see what treasure it is. There is General Moro here, who dares to do anything indiscriminately unless he wants to die! Moro is a big backer! , Has an extraordinary position in the Ziyun Empire, you kid must grasp it, this is a great opportunity!"

When talking about this, Tongtianhe Water God sighed softly, "The Demon God of Body Refining, the King of Immortality, this is a terrifying and difficult realm. Few people in the entire world can do it. Such a strong man is terrible. Extremely!"

Hearing the words of Tongtian River Water God, Xing Tian’s face showed curiosity. Although Xing Tian has all kinds of practice experience, after all, the time to enter the supreme chaotic world is very short, and the time of practice is limited. The advanced practice experience he has encountered It is also limited, even if he is also practicing the way of body training, but he still knows very little about the realm of the **** king!

"The King of Undead, how scary is it?" Xing Tian asked curiously!

"It seems that Brother Xian has not recovered all the memories of his previous life. The King of Undead is invincible in the flesh, at least in today's world. Such a strong man is about to touch the realm of detachment, and there is a person who can be an enemy of the country!"

One person can be an enemy country. This does not refer to the mortal country, but the country of luck. One person's power can match the kingdom of luck. How can such a power not be shocking? Hearing this, Xing Tian took a breath , And understand the importance of this strange treasure.

The Ziyun Empire allowed a powerful man like General Moreau to lead an army here, which shows how terrifying the importance of foreign treasures is, and from this, you can also know the danger of the situation. This kind of mixed water really cannot be participated by people like Xingtian. , Even if Xing Tian regained his strength in his heyday, he was not eligible to participate. To participate would definitely be dead.

Of course, such a dangerous situation is not really without vitality. There are great opportunities in the danger. It is also a very important opportunity for Xing Tian to encounter such opportunities. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. If you can seize this Opportunity, I have the possibility of soaring to the sky, to be able to make myself a step further, I don't want to miss this opportunity Xingtian.

At this time, Xing Tian finally understood why the water **** of Tongtian River said that General Moruo was a great backer, and one person could be an enemy of the country. Such a strong man has a powerful deterrent no matter where he is placed or in any environment. To build a relationship with such a strong person, at least when you are weak and when you need shelter, you can give yourself great help and protect yourself. If someone protects yourself, your own path of practice will be Much smoother.

After understanding all of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was still worried about having a big cause and effect with General Moreau, and his thoughts that it would be difficult to repay disappeared. At this time, under this situation, there is such a thing. It's a great thing for a fierce man to protect himself. Even if it is to forge a big cause and effect, it is worth it. After all, the cause and effect can be repaid, but he only has one life!

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