God of Destruction

Chapter 3689: Water Saving Pearl

Chapter 3689: Water Spirit Orb

The cultivation powerhouse of the body-refining demon **** stream is invincible and invincible at the same level. No matter how strong you attack, it is useless if you can’t break the opponent’s physical defense. A powerhouse who can cross the battlefield and master an army is terrifying. And knowing that if the opponent can use the power of the battlefield to use the power of a large army on himself, the power that bursts out will be even more fearful.

After understanding the horror of refining the Demon God Flow, Xing Tian was more satisfied with his choice. When he refined his physical body to this level, with the power of the chaotic body and his terrifying background, the physical body was better than anyone else. Strong, no one can threaten your life at that time, then you will become the master of the world!

Seeing Xing Tian's thoughtful appearance, the God Lord Tongtianhe said: "Brother Xian, there will be a chance to see General Moro in the future. You can ask him personally. Although your kendo supernatural powers are extremely powerful, you have to carry such terrible powers. The magical powers of kendo can not be ignored in the flesh. If you can get the appreciation of the general, not only will you make great progress in your practice, but also in this Ziyun Empire, except for a few people, no one dares to beat you. Idea!"

When talking about this, Tongtianhe Water God sighed, sighed, and continued for a while: "An undead king like General Moreau is the pillar of the Qiyun Dynasty. As long as such a strong person exists, the Qiyun Dynasty will But forever, this is why the Ziyun Empire is already in chaos, but the foreign enemies dare not use force against the empire! Even the dragons who are superior in strength and dominate the entire sea do not dare to attack the empire!"

"Dragons? There are dragons in this world?" Xing Tian was a little shocked at this time. This was something he hadn't expected. Even the dragons existed. The creatures of other races might also exist. This world is even bigger than he thought. Be dangerous! I just don't know how these alien races are different from what I have seen before, and what I know!

"The Xian brother's understanding of this world is still very shallow. This is also because the geographical relationship where the Xian brother is located is different. In this world, there are not only the existence of the dragon family, but also the existence of other races, but the dragon family and me etc. The relationship between the water gods is not very friendly. They have always been thinking about the empire's water veins. In the future, the virtuous brothers will be in the empire, but you have to be careful. Don't be carelessly calculated by those dragons and hurt yourself! I know that the Dragon Race has always been wary of the Human Race Tianjiao!"

There has never been peace between races. Non-my races must have different hearts. This sentence is not a casual talk, but a fact. No matter which race it is, it is vigilant and malicious towards other races. This It is the result of the struggle for luck between races. For the sake of luck, no one race will coexist peacefully with other races, and the struggle for luck is out of place.

"Brother Xian's body seems to be a little abnormal, it seems to be full of vitality, but there is a little vain?"


Regarding his own situation, Xing Tian also understood that he couldn’t hide the water **** of Tongtian River, even if he used the medicine to make up for the loss of the body, but this time is still short after all. The most important thing is to use the power of chaos to destroy the avenue. A kind of burden, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "If you have to pay, you will gain. If you want to carry that powerful kendo supernatural power, you naturally have to pay, and no one can break this law. This is the general trend of the world!"

The **** of water of Tongtian River smiled bitterly: "Although the virtuous brother cultivates such a domineering kendo supernatural power, it consumes his own potential. In addition to this remote power, you cannot get enough nourishment at all. Make up for your own background in time, I am afraid that there will be major problems in the future, which will affect your own practice!"

Xing Tian was silent when he heard this. Although Tongtianhe Water God only saw the surface of his body and didn't know that he had already perfected himself, but the other party's words still made Xing Tian vigilant again and knew what he was facing. It is not an ordinary power, but the Supreme Chaos World. The greatest enemy of the Way Against the Sky is the Supreme Chaos World. Now I can make up for my own losses, but does the Supreme Chaos World really stop like this?

No, Xing Tian dared not have such thoughts. As Xing Tian who has experienced several times against heaven and earth, he deeply understands a truth. As an enemy, no matter what the world’s will is, he will never let him go. People who are against the sky, when they relax their vigilance, they will fall into the calculations of the other party unconsciously, and they will cut off their own path of practice.

Now, with the help of General Moreau, I have obtained a batch of elixir to make up for my own shortcomings, but this may not always be the case, and the current environment is very dangerous, and I always have a kind of crisis if there is nothing. Feeling that if he was involved in this treasure hunting battle, the consequences would be dangerous. Xing Tian didn't think he would be unscathed in the battle.

Seeing Xing Tian’s worried expression on his face, the God of Tongtian River smiled calmly and said, “Brother virtuous, don’t worry about it. Now that you recognize my brother, how can you sit back and ignore it as a brother? Suffering! Let me see what this is, virtuous brother?"

As we spoke, a blue orb appeared in the hands of Tongtianhe Water God. As soon as this orb appeared, the body of Tongtianhe Water God was shrouded in mist, and a pure water vitality spread. In that vitality is full of powerful vitality!

Xing Tian shook his head when he saw this bead that exuded shining shining light. Although Xing Tian has many memories, he is not familiar with the battlefield of this realm, and naturally he does not know what treasures are in the battlefield. The gem, Xing Tian didn't know its origin, but knew that it was a gem full of water origin, nothing more!

A faint look of reluctance appeared on Tongtianhe Water God’s face: "This is a good treasure. If I hadn’t met a virtuous brother today, you and I would be able to talk about it again. Brother will never send this treasure out. This orb is a spiritual orb formed by the collection of the essence of water. It has a powerful source of water, which can nourish the flesh and relieve fatigue. For the virtuous brother, refine this water spiritual orb and use its source to nourish and wash The physical body, no longer need to worry about the physical body being damaged by his domineering kendo supernatural power, let alone the terrible hidden wounds accumulated over time, hurting his own origin, with it, the greatest hidden danger of the virtuous brother himself will disappear! "

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