God of Destruction

Chapter 3690: Festival warning

Chapter 3690 Warning

Looking at the Water Spirit Orb in front of him, Xing Tian could feel that there seemed to be a turbulent river flowing continuously in the Orb, as if the Water Spirit Orb could connect the avenue of water between heaven and earth, and there was a water inside the Orb. The origin of the Great Avenue of the River, perhaps just like this, this water spirit gem can have such a Pangbo origin of water.

The Water God of Tongtian River touched the Water Spirit Orb in his hand, then closed his eyes, and then pushed the Orb to Xing Tian's body: "Brother Xian, brother, but you have enough capital, there may only be one Water Spirit Orb in the world, you But you must cherish it, don’t lose it, let it be invisible to people, and then it will be unimaginable. Human nature is greedy. Faced with such a treasure, even a powerful person like General Moreau will be tempted by it. Killed you!"

Xing Tian took the Water Spirit Orb. After starting, there was no icy meaning of the Great Avenue of Water. On the contrary, there was a touch of warmth. The coldness of the whole body was eliminated instantly, and his blood was stabilized. After playing around for a few times, Xing Tian smiled indifferently: "The group doesn't take people's love, this treasure is so precious, brother should take it back!"

This water spirit orb is indeed useful for Xing Tian, ​​but it is just the first meeting, and it is not easy for him to accept such a gift from the other party. You must know that this water spirit orb is different from the elixir given by General Moreau. The cause and effect should be bigger. Of course, Xing Tian is not unable to bear this cause and effect, but is unwilling to give people the impression of greed.

The water **** of Tongtian River is the **** who masters the avenue of water. The water spirit orb possesses the origin of the avenue of water, and it also has an extraordinary effect on a **** like him. If Xing Tian accepts this water spirit orb in this way, I am afraid that his heart will also There will be some anxiety, after all, Xingtian today is different from the past. Humanity appears in him, and a slight difference will ruin his mood!

"The virtuous brother don't want to refuse. Although this water spirit orb can increase a little bit of magical powers with me, it is not as powerful as the virtuous brother thinks. For me, the gain is limited, but it is different if it is placed with you. This is life-saving. Things, the virtuous brother has this water spirit pearl, and there will be no further hindrance to his future practice. If the virtuous brother succeeds in his cultivation in the future, he will naturally give back to me. Forging this kind relationship is even more beneficial to me!" He concealed his intentions and confided in his heart.

In the face of such a magnanimous Tongtian River God, Xing Tian can only smile bitterly. He has already put his intentions on the bright side. If Xing Tian doesn’t accept this, then it’s a bit too far. He is hitting the opponent in the face and Xing Tian clicked. Nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I would like to thank my eldest brother. I will keep this favor in my heart, and there will be rewards in the future!"

For a cultivator, every word should not be casual, and if you say it, you must do it. Otherwise, you will suffer the addition of cause and effect, and you will leave yourself with a heart demon. Xing Tian can answer this way and also show his own Attitude, exchange sincerity for sincerity, this is Xingtian’s attitude, even if it is to bear great cause and effect, it will not hesitate, this is a question of morality!


As soon as the words fell, Xing Tian did not hesitate, but with a thought, a drop of heart and blood fell on the Water Spirit Orb. In front of the water **** of Tongtian River, he directly refined the blood of the Water Spirit Orb, and in the eyes of the water **** of Tongtian River, This water spirit bead income into the body.

As soon as the Water Spirit Orb merged into the body, a warm and moist power gushed out of the body in an instant, slowly permeating the whole body, and began to wash Xingtian's body, warming Xingtian's body, without a trace of dominance in the whole process , Naturally promoted the evolution and transformation of Xingtian's physical body, although the speed was very slow, there was no hidden danger.

"Good treasure, I don't know where this treasure came from?" After only the initial blood refining, Xing Tian was shocked by the power of this water spirit orb. Such a treasure is indeed very suitable for physical cultivation, for any practitioner of body refinement demon gods. They are all very important, even to any practitioner, after all, no one ignores their physical body.

"I don't know the origin of this water spirit pearl either. This treasure was found in the former residence of the water **** when I took over the role of the water **** of the Tongtian River. Perhaps this is the life spirit treasure left by the water **** in ancient times! It's a pity this treasure! You can only warm your body, not your soul, or else this water spirit orb will not stay in the present, it would have been refined as a brother!"

When talking about this, Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help but shook his head. He had to say that he was really a bit greedy. A treasure not only wanted to nourish the flesh and body, but also the soul and soul. This is impossible, even if it is again. It is impossible for a powerful original treasure to have such a powerful function. If there is such a treasure, it will be earth-shattering once it emerges.

Treasures that can be used on the soul soul are very popular, and no one is willing to give it away. If Tongtian River Water God has such a treasure in his hand, he will definitely not give it to Xingtian. He would have used it himself a long time ago. It is the purest and most supreme treasure of the Dao Yuan Dao, which has amazing benefits for Dao practice and can help oneself feel the opposite Da Yuan Dao!

Dao Enlightenment is a temptation that no one can refuse. Even if it is different from the Dao of self-cultivation, no one is willing to give up. Any one of the most precious treasures of the Origin Dao will make people unable to let go, because it represents the Tongtian Dao and represents a Dao practice. , This is the temptation of the great road, this is the general trend of the world, this is the human heart!

After dissipating the mist that obscured the heavens, Tongtian River looked at Xing Tian solemnly, and said, "Brother Xian, the divorced treasure will not be born for too long. Many people will be moved by such treasures. Don't be negligent. , Lest you die in the tribulation when the calamity comes, you can't help the tribulation! Power is the root of everything, don't be lost by temporary greed!"

Warning! This is a warning from the God of Tongtian River to Xingtian, so that Xingtian should not be too involved in the competition for the foreign treasure. He can once again advise Xingtian. I have to say that the God of Tongtian River really attaches great importance to Xingtian’s safety. He is worried that Xingtian will accidentally damage his own Life, as he said, when the killing comes, people with poor temperament will be involved, and they will be tempted by the treasure, lost their minds, step into the terrible killings, competing with themselves The unfavorable strange treasure eventually ended up in a dead end, turning his own practice into nothingness, cutting off his own path of practice!

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