God of Destruction

Chapter 3691: Worry

Chapter 3693 Worries

"My brother can rest assured that I have now clearly understood my path of practice, and I will not lose myself due to foreign objects. No matter how good the treasure is incompatible with my own path, it is also useless to me, not to mention the fact that I am now This little power of, even if I want to participate in such a struggle, I am powerless. I am not as stupid as the land. I will ruin my life for a treasure that does not belong to me, and ruin my path of practice. !" Xing Tian didn't care about Tongtian River Water God's words, because he had enough confidence that no matter how great the temptation was, he couldn't shake his mind!

Seeing Xing Tian’s self-confident performance, Tongtianhe Water God also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want his investment to be overwhelmed, so he nodded with satisfaction and said, “Okay, I won’t delay my brother, this Just leave, take care!"

"Thank you elder brother for giving the treasure, if you need something for the younger brother in the future, just come and say hello!" At this time, Xing Tian stopped entanglement, everything has been explained, and there is nothing to say more about himself. Up!

Soon the Tongtian River water **** disappeared in the river water. As a god, he naturally mastered the supernatural powers of the water system. Even if Xingtian paid attention to it, he didn’t notice how the other party left. It’s just that. Xing Tian became vigilant, the God of Tongtian River had such magical powers, and the other gods in this world would not be much weaker!

Looking at the calm river, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a little hesitation in his heart. Whether he continued to go to the barracks to see General Moro, or turned around to join his family, Xing Tian was a little uncertain. After all, he didn't expect to be halfway there. When I met the God of the Water of the Tongtian River, and got his gift, all this disrupted Xingtian's own plan!

"Forget it, let's go home first. The Water Spirit Orb is very important and it is related to your own practice. You can't be careless, even if you put it into your body, but before, I was just a preliminary blood training. It will take some time to completely eliminate the breath of the Water Spirit Orb on his body, and he needs to further refine this orb!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian no longer had any hesitation in his heart, and immediately turned and strode away and headed to his home. .

In fact, Xing Tian didn’t know that when he was in contact with the water **** of the Tongtian River, when the two were talking, in the middle of the Chinese army camp in the distance, General Moruo suddenly raised his head and looked at where they were. Direction, as a strong person, General Moro naturally noticed the sudden appearance of the Tongtian River Water God, and he was worried about such an unstable factor, muttering to himself, "How did the Tongtian River Water God choose to come at this time? Here, what is he thinking of? It seems that this is a bit of a stormy frame. The treasure born this time is really tempting. I am afraid that the appearance of the God of Tongtian River is just the beginning of everything. Know who else will show up and what will happen!"


Seeing the worried look on General Moruo’s face, Tiehan said, "General, this place is a place outside the world. The God of Tongtian River has already crossed the boundary when he came here. He chose to appear here at this time, just afraid It's also for the strange treasure that will be born soon. We should plan early and be prepared for it!"

"No, the God of Tongtian River definitely dare not make the idea of ​​strange treasures. He is not the kind of ignorant new-born god. As one of the ancient gods, he understands in his heart what can be done and what cannot be done, and even though he is ancient The **** of God is not an opponent of our army. Even if he is greedy, he is just thinking about it. At most, he just wants to try his luck and get a little benefit from this opportunity. He will definitely not be an enemy of us!" General Moruo said.

"General, there are exceptions to everything. We have not seen the gods controlled by greed, nor have we never killed them. If Tongtianhe Water God really loses his mind, it will be a big trouble for us. At this time Under such circumstances, we can’t ignore his appearance. It’s not a bad thing to be careful. Be fully prepared and feel at ease in our hearts so that we don’t accidentally appear and hit us by surprise!” Tie Han said worriedly!

"No, he never dared to do it! No matter how bold he was, he wouldn't dare to attack our army, he wouldn't dare to make the idea of ​​a strange treasure, this strange treasure is not something he can get involved!" To be sure, it is not that he is stubborn, but that the general believes in his own judgment. The foundation of Tongtianhe Water God is in the dynasty. If he takes action, he will first be backlashed by the fortune of the dynasty, and will be defeated by the fortune of the empire. Altar, without the priesthood, he is really dead.

"We can't put our limited energy on these people who are not threatening. That would be irresponsible to ourselves and the crimes of our brothers. This time we have a heavy task and we can't waste a little bit of strength! Although the God of Tongtian River is unknown, As long as he is not malicious, it is enough. We can ignore everything else. For us, ensuring the safety of the foreign treasure is the most important thing. In the face of this matter, everything else can be given up!"

When talking about this, General Moruo couldn't help but sighed lightly. Although he was strong, he did not have enough confidence in the birth of the strange treasure this time, because there were too many people secretly fighting this strange treasure. The most important thing is that the strange treasure appeared in this remote place, and the dynasty's luck could not suppress it, which greatly increased its burden!

How many people in the army have different intentions? General Morrow also didn’t know. In front of the strange treasure, those cliques might be tempted, especially those cliques who are already a little bit ready to move. Naturally, they don’t want to see this strange treasure fall into the hands of the empire. It will cause a greater impact and will increase their pressure. They dare not take the initiative to **** foreign treasures. They are afraid of being targeted by the empire army, and will be devastated by the empire, but they can secretly ruin their own affairs and prevent their seizures. This strange treasure!

In the face of absolute interests, General Moreau believed that these hidden forces would not let go of this opportunity, this opportunity to severely damage the empire’s luck. After all, such an opportunity is really rare. In this remote place, they even It is a shot, and it will not cause the backlash of the empire's luck, and it will not disturb the emperor's luck. It doesn't need much price to hurt the empire's luck. Such an opportunity is really rare! It's hard to come by!

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