God of Destruction

Chapter 3692: Kendo

Chapter 3692 Kendo

Compared with General Moro’s heavy mood, Xing Tian’s situation is much easier. Although he owes General Moro’s cause and effect, Xing Tian is not under much pressure. As long as General Moro is still there, he has Time to pay back, and it's not a good idea to take the initiative to send it to your door. It will only compromise your identity and make people look down on it!

After returning home, before and after, Xing Tian Jiang thought about everything and understood that he didn't need to rush to see General Moro. Even if the other party took a high look at him, he would still speak with strength, not strong enough. Strength, it is impossible for him to get the attention of General Moreau, and it is impossible to obtain more benefits for himself.

Cause and effect are important, and one's own practice is more important. At this time, under such a general environment, Xingtian has no choice but to be soft-hearted. For his own safety and for his own future, he can only take care of his own interests first, and wait for everything else to become stronger. !

As the days passed, Xing Tian put his mind into practice again. This time Xing Tian did his best to refine the water spirit orb, completely refine it, and master it thoroughly. Only in this way can he develop the water spirit. The greatest function of the bead is to nourish your body and strengthen your body with the greatest water vitality!

During this period of time, Xing Tian did not forget his responsibilities. He still went up the mountain to hunt for winter food. As long as he was still here for a day, he could not relax his accumulation of food. During this period of time, Xing Tian had also seen it. Tie Han several times, each time the other party brought some medicinal materials to Xing Tian, ​​saying that all this was the arrangement of the general.

Xing Tian did not refuse such kindness. Even if he no longer needs medicinal materials to make up for himself, Xing Tian accepted it. After refining the water spirit orb, Xing Tian’s physical crisis has been completely resolved, and there is this treasure. Protect the body, Xing Tian no longer has to worry about the collapse of his body, and he doesn't have to worry about his body being unable to withstand the impact of his sword energy.

Since encountering the water **** of the Tongtian River, and since acquiring the Water Spirit Orb, Xing Tian’s practice has been extremely smooth, to the point that Xing Tian himself was a little surprised. As time went on, the more Xing Tian understood that he underestimated the effect of the Water Spirit Orb. , Tongtianhe Water God also underestimated the ability of this orb, this orb has unimaginable functions!

After his physical body was unobstructed, Xing Tian was quickly familiarizing himself with his body and mastering every bit of his own strength. At the same time, he was constantly practicing the kendo he felt and realized his own chaotic destruction avenue. Later, after grasping a trace of the true meaning of Chaos Destroying Dao, Xing Tian naturally needed to have a kendo with it.

auzw.com On the edge of the river bank, Xing Tian held a sword in his hand, and drew his sword strokes sharply, feeling his kendo bit by bit, while the God of Tongtian River by the river watched Xing Tian practice his sword! To Xingtian's swordsmanship, Tongtianhe Water God kept shaking his head. The swordsmanship that Xing Tian is practicing now is nothing more than ordinary things. There is really no good point. However, if the things in the big roads are blessed with a unique sword intent, they can also turn decay into magic, and have almost magical powers.

"I said, Brother Xian, your sword skills are too bad. If you have time, you should go to find experts, learn swordsmanship, and improve your sword skills. Swordsmanship is powerful, but it will be inferior if there is no matching sword skill. Less!" The Water God of Tongtian River couldn't help looking at the river, and he reminded Xing Tian not to pay too much attention to the magical powers of kendo and forget the training of sword skills. However, the more Xing Tian behaved so unbearably, the more the God of Tongtian River decided that Xing Tian had not restored the memory of his previous life!

For Xing Tian, ​​who has endless combat experience and accumulation, does he really lack sword skills and combat skills? No, Xing Tian is not lacking, but the previous sword skills and combat skills are not suitable for the chaotic destruction avenue Xing Tian mastered today.

"I don’t know, my kendo is a sharp weapon for killing and cutting. It only grows in the process of killing. Unfortunately, there is no time, and this sword is too common. If there is a chance in the future, I must find a different treasure and cast it. Here comes my own sword!" Xing Tian sighed. Although he has four powerful killing swords, he can’t use them. After all, these four killing swords are too domineering and terrifying. If the sky is jealous, the conditions are too harsh for him to be born!

"Own sword? Abnormal treasure?" Tongtianhe Water God was taken aback, then shook his head. "Countless years in this world have passed. From ancient times to the present, all treasures have been scoured by the ancestors. Where can there be treasures? Get you. Don't force yourself too much in everything. If you have to admit the truth and force it, you will only lose more!"

"It's the same reason." Xing Tian sighed, feeling a little bit disappointed in his heart, but for Xing Tian, ​​no matter how difficult it is, he would not give up, because it is related to his own safety and his own. In the face of the terrible calamity, you can't be sloppy above the guardian soldiers, after all, this is your own treasure!

Of course, Xing Tian did not fully agree with the words of the water **** of Tongtian River. After all, the information that the other party knew was still limited. When the territorial catastrophe broke out, the entire battlefield world trembled, and the origin of the world was turbulent. Under this circumstance, no matter what the treasures of heaven and earth will be born with the passage of time, as long as you persist, you will have a successful day!

If you are limited by your own conditions and give up persistence and choose an ordinary weapon to adapt to yourself, then that would be irresponsible to your own life. You must know that the guardian soldiers are extraordinary. If you can’t fit in with yourself, you have to use it reluctantly. Over time, it will have a fatal blow to your own road!

What is the avenue? That is everything for oneself. If the divine guardian sword in his hand is not compatible with oneself, and it affects the cultivation of one's own road, this is the real stupidity. Xing Tian didn't want to do this, and didn't want to embark on such a path of no return.

It’s a pity that Xing Tian couldn’t speak these words or tell the God of Tongtian River. Even if the God of Tongtian River had no malice towards him, Xing Tian didn’t dare to tell him, he didn’t dare to reveal this secret, he didn’t dare to take his life. In danger, if Xing Tian did this, it would really harm others and himself. Although Tongtianhe Water God has a little ability, he is not qualified to participate in the real killing of the realm war. His strength is too weak. !

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