God of Destruction

Chapter 3693: Festival Army

Chapter 3693: Military Array

Weakness is sin. Knowing things you shouldn’t know will not only bring you death, but also bring death to yourself. Although the power of Shinto is good, it has huge hidden dangers. It is controlled by the priesthood and without the priesthood. Without power, Tongtianhe Water God is like this! Whether it is for his own safety or for the safety of Tongtian River Water God, Xing Tian must bury the secret of the Great Tribulation of the Realm in his own heart, without the slightest leak.

How long can this secret be kept? Xingtian doesn’t have much hope for this. You must know that in this realm of battlefield world, there is not only one outsider. There are so many outsiders hidden in the entire battlefield world, and there are so many outsiders. , There will always be people who can’t help revealing this secret, no matter what their minds or ideas, as long as this secret is leaked, it will make the whole world go crazy and break the world. The inherent forces allow them to fish in troubled waters and allow their evil goals to succeed!

Unpredictable! Whether it is an outsider standing in the human civilization or outsiders from other civilizations, everyone has the same purpose. Therefore, the so-called secret of territorial catastrophe does not exist in this world at all, and time is a little bit shorter. Chang will leak, and even Xing Tian suspects that this secret has been leaked now, but he is in a remote place and he has no way of knowing it!

Just as Xing Tian sighed in his heart, suddenly, Xing Tian squatted down suddenly, stroked the ground with one palm, and then said with some surprise: "There is no sign of the earth's breath fluctuation, why is the earth trembling?"

Xing Tian didn't know the reason, but the water **** of the Tongtian River, who was in charge of the power of the gods, immediately understood, and said: "This is the cavalry of the barbarians of the Outland. It seems that the birth of the strange treasure makes these barbarians unable to sit still. Their masters have also rushed to suppress the formation, this time is very troublesome, a terrible killing will inevitably come to this land!"

Killing is an extremely heavy topic, especially for gods such as Tongtian River Water God, killing is the last thing they want to see, because everyone is a believer to a **** like them. Laiyuan, the killing will affect their beliefs and their luck in the human race!

"Outland Barbarian?" Xing Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile of joy flashed across his face, he suddenly stood up and ran towards the mountain: "The barbarian's iron cavalry has always been arrogant and does not put the empire in his eyes. Now that their iron cavalry arrives, there is bound to be a fierce battle. I am about to practice kendo now, just to practice swords with these outland barbarians, so that I will not have a little psychological pressure, and I will not be burdened with infamy. ."

Seeing Xingtian rushing all the way, Tongtian River Water God shook his head involuntarily. He had been in contact with Xing Tian for a while, but he did not expect to have such a crazy side. However, Water God was not worried about Xing Tian’s safety, even Xing Tian now. His sword skills are still very weak, but under the blessing of that sharp sword intent, it still has terrible lethality. Although the battlefield is chaotic, as long as it is not surrounded by enemy cavalry or shot to death by enemy cold arrows, Against those ordinary soldiers, Xing Tian didn't have the slightest pressure.


Can the leather armor of the Outland Barbarian stop Xing Tian's terrifying sword intent? This is impossible, not to mention the general defensive leather armor. Even the iron armor of the imperial army cannot prevent Xingtian’s terrible sword intent. Even the Tongtian River God of water dare not take it lightly. If you dare to resist, you must know that the sword intent condensed in the Great Avenue of Chaos Destruction is terrifying!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Gathering drums sounded in the barracks of the empire army, and the army turned around instantly, and the murderous auras of many soldiers gathered together to form a terrifying murderous intent to skyrocket. In the void, confronting the enemy's murderous intent, two terrible auras are constantly entangled, and they are constantly colliding with each other!

In these two terrible murderous intentions, there is a pure aura that dominates everything. For the aura in the empire's army, Xing Tian knows that it belongs to General Morrow, while the other aura belongs to Outland. The barbarian master!

"Until the critical moment, a big master like General Moruo will not easily make a move. This is his own opportunity!" Xing Tian touched the Sanchi Qingfeng in his hand, and the murderous intent in his heart continued to grow. The four killing swords in the sea of ​​consciousness of the primordial spirit are also about to move, as if to jump out of the sea of ​​soul knowledge.

Standing in the distance, Xing Tian couldn’t help but admired that General Moreau deserves to be the pillar of the empire. Looking at it, the empire’s army is stern and orderly. In a real battlefield, this can be done. It's really admirable, this is not something that can be done in one day. With such a serious formation, it can be seen that General Moreau has paid a lot of effort!

As the commander-in-chief of the army, if you cannot integrate your breath into the whole army, you will not be able to command the army handily, and now the general Moro Ming has done this, the whole army is in his Under control.

In contrast, the outland barbarian masters who are the enemy cannot do this. Their lineup is a little loose. Although the barbarian masters gathered them together, the power of this army was forcibly twisted together. , Can't do it handy, even he can't really master the full power of this army!

In the battlefield, even if the forces of the two armies are evenly matched, there will be big problems if the commander is not strong. This is the case now. If it is not for the imperial army without the powerful cavalry and unable to exert its charge, only one Just face to face to directly defeat the army of barbarians in the Outland, directly destroying the opponent's momentum.

"What a Moro, it's the pillar of the empire. The military master, his secret technique is really amazing. He can train such a powerful army. It seems that this time the birth of a strange treasure will not be big. The question is, no one can **** this impending treasure from his hand!" The God of Tongtian River came to Xing Tian silently, watching the two armies clashing and sighing. Even if it is a **** like him, he must be restrained in the face of such a large army. The terrible army gathered by the army is enough to make his power of the gods be strongly suppressed!

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