God of Destruction

Chapter 3705: Death Order

Chapter 3705 The Order of Death

If it weren’t for this barbarian sacrifice to be useful to him, then he still needs his help. The barbarian general has the heart to kill this stupid **** directly. If it’s not for his arrogance, if it’s not for his self-righteousness, he underestimated Xingtian. There will be no such troubles, nor will it make the situation more out of control, and make the army's situation more dangerous!

Swallowing this evil ghost, making Xingtian’s gluttonous swallowing sword intent stronger and more terrifying, further comprehending the chaotic destruction avenue, and quicker to kill. The barbarians who stand in his way have no one. It can resist Xing Tian's horrible kendo supernatural powers, and the constant killing has enhanced the power of Xingtian's kendo supernatural powers!

At this time, if someone observes carefully, they will surely find that the barbarian cavalry killed by Xing Tian, ​​both human and horses, are all gone and completely dissipated in the world. The souls of these creatures are not directly destroyed, but It was absorbed by the Swallowing Sword Intent condensed by Xing Tian's gluttonous law, and it is precisely this way that Xing Tian's combat power can be enhanced so quickly!

For many people, Xingtian’s kendo is a slant sword. It’s an improper way of killing. It’s an evil way. If you are seen by those upright masters, you will inevitably come to kill the demon. Demon, it’s just that no one knows all of this now. Even if someone knows, they don’t dare to take it lightly, because Xing Tian represents the empire at this time, fighting for the empire. If someone jumps out to find something, he must first face the oppression of the empire. In the face of imperial sanctions, no one would be stupid enough to find Xingtian's troubles under such circumstances, even those with high moral values, this is the general trend!

In the face of the general trend of the empire, let you be an expert of righteousness, let you have a powerful sect behind you, and dare not jump out at this time to become an enemy of Xingtian. That is not to slay demons, nor act for the sky, but to fight The face of the empire is fighting against the empire!

"It's over! The barbarian's counterattack completely failed. Not only did they fail to stop this kid Xingtian, they failed to attack him, but they also gave this kid a chance to enlighten the way. This kid has truly realized the true meaning of the killing avenue. I'm afraid that there is only a trace, this kind of power is enough to support him to break the siege!" When looking at Xing Tian who once again entered the realm of enlightenment, the God of Tongtian River couldn't help shook his head. He was speechless to the barbarian army and paid so much. It's a big price, using so many iron knights, but failing to achieve the goal, this is really a big joke.

"But that's okay. Xing Tian, ​​this kid, can make a **** road by himself, so I don’t need my help. Under such a situation, it’s better if I don’t make a move or not, so as not to get angry. That would be bad. That's it!" A faint smile appeared on the face of Tongtianhe Water God. This result is very good for him.

Of course, it is not only the Tongtian River Water God who is pleased, but also the many powerhouses of the empire, especially the generals Moreau and Tiehan. Such a change has occurred, which means that the empire will take the initiative and be able to fight the enemy at any time. Launch a devastating blow, you can launch a final attack on the barbarian cavalry, and directly defeat these ignorant bastards!


"You can't let this ant go on, or the morale of the entire army will collapse. Prepare for the worst, let those iron knights use the last resort to kill this ant with their lives!" The general gave his final command with a cold voice. This is a very crazy command. With this command, the thousands of cavalry who besieged Xingtian will directly give up their lives and launch a final attack regardless of the consequences, blooming with their own lives. It is ironic that such a method is used on a child like Xing Tian!

The irony is better than the collapse of the army, and it is better to be laughed at than the entire army is destroyed. In the face of the life and death of the entire barbarian cavalry army, this price is really nothing, and the barbarian general will not bear it. Make a distinction!

Who caused all this? Is it the ignorance and arrogance of the barbarian general? Or the arrogance and failure of barbarians to sacrifice? Of course it is the latter. Even if the barbarian general made this crazy decision, the barbarian sacrificial rites are behind him. Whoever let his incompetence bring such a great opportunity to Xing Tian made Xing Tian kill the sky. Blood way!

Although there was great unwillingness and reluctance in his heart, he had to bow his head when facing the barbarian general's angry gaze, had to give this order, had to carry this black pot, who made it all It was caused by his own failure and caused by his uncontrolled evil spirit. This responsibility must be borne by him!

Suddenly, a sharp howl sounded. When this howl appeared, the entire barbarian army was discolored, their eyes were full of solemnity, and the barbarian cavalry that surrounded Xingtian exudes majesty. A breath of madness appeared in the eyes of this iron cavalry, and they all knew what they were going to do next.

Is death terrible? Does this horse fear death? This is of course, but in the face of this crazy order, they have no choice. This is their destiny. Although they are unwilling and resentful in their hearts, they are unable to resist! Among the barbarians, no one dares to resist, because resistance will be severely hit. Not only will they not survive, but their families will also die because of their own resistance. This is the iron law of barbarians!

kill! When faced with this irreversible order, when accepting this mortal order, many barbarians went crazy. They stared at Xing Tian with resentful eyes, because what caused their tragedy in their hearts was exactly in front of them. This child, it was Xing Tian, ​​the child who forced their iron cavalry to a dead end and had to accept the order of death.

"Kill, even if you die, you have to pull this **** to death!" The barbarian cavalry had such a determination in their hearts, to fight to the death with the enemy Xingtian, and use their lives to burst out the final attack , To evolve his life into the most terrifying attack, this is the life bloom of barbarians, and is also the assassin that all barbarians have. After releasing their life source, they will get the most powerful attack and the most domineering attack. Also the most terrifying attack!


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