God of Destruction

Chapter 3706: Festival war begins

Chapter 3706 The war begins page 1/1

Chapter 3706 The war begins

"No, the barbarian general is crazy, and he even issued a death order to exchange the lives of these thousands of people for Xingtian's life. This situation is dangerous!" For a moment, the God of Tongtian River changed its color, and the general Mo Luo Weizhi changed color. They all wanted to prevent all of this from happening, and they would all prevent the madness of the barbarian cavalry, but at this moment, they were powerless!

When this mortal order was issued, the morale of the entire barbarian cavalry was violently violent, and a terrible fighting intent rushed into the sky frantically. In front of this terrible fighting intent, whether it was the empire army or the **** of the river and water. They all received a strong impact, and they couldn't break through the barriers of this war intent. The barbarians are going to work hard, it is very difficult to stop!

"Damn! How could this happen, just for a little child like Xing Tian, ​​this barbarian general made such a crazy decision. Isn't he afraid of taking responsibility? Isn't he afraid of being scolded by the striker, or just say it was the original It was a decision made by the barbarians long ago. They had a plan to sacrifice an iron cavalry to kill the strong army, but this plan did not apply to the strong of the empire army, but was hit by the child Xing Tian!" In an instant, General Moreau had such a terrible idea in his heart, no wonder he had such a crazy idea, who made it so unbelievable!

Tie Han said with an urgent look: "General, let's launch a full-scale attack, otherwise Xing Tian will be really dangerous. We can't stay out of the matter, and we can't just watch such a potential Tianjiao fall here, so we There is no way to explain to the empire, nor to give an explanation to those who watch the battle in the dark. If we do this, no one will be willing to help us in the future, and the credibility of the empire will be devastated!"

"General, go to war, we have no choice. Even if it is not for the credibility of the empire, but for our own reputation, we must also fight the enemy to the death. We cannot let a child sacrifice for us, and we cannot accept such a reputation for fear of war. , Even if we are for the benefit of the empire, such a reputation is unacceptable, because we can't bear this infamy!"

There were calls for war, and those imperial generals who followed General Moreau made their own calls for war. As they said, everyone didn’t want to bear such a terrifying infamy. If they are gone, they can't be cleaned anymore. At that time, everyone will become the villains of the empire and will be scolded by the people of the empire!

"Kill! The barbarian wants to fight, we will give him a fight, take out all our strength, and kill the enemy with blood in one fell swoop, no matter what the cost, we can't let the barbarian's conspiracy succeed, nor can we let the secret Those people read the jokes of our empire army and cannot bear this terrible notoriety. Our empire soldiers are never afraid of war or death!"

auzw.com Under tremendous pressure, no matter how calm the general Moro was, he was shaken by this terrible notoriety. People died and were left behind. He didn’t want to be After he died, he was burdened with such a terrible notoriety. He didn't want to ruin the credibility of the empire's soldiers and the luck of the empire. He must continue this battle. This is the responsibility he should and must bear!

"Death to kill the enemy, strike!" Crazy roars resounded among the empire's army. Following the command to fall, the entire empire army became frantic and murderous, and the army quickly moved towards the barbarians. Initiated a total attack!

The war has begun. This is a crazy and cruel war. The imperial army has no retreat. They cannot accept the result of a child like Xing Tian who died in front of them. They must fight for their reputation and the credibility of the empire. , Even if it is death, they will not hesitate, because this is the responsibility they should and must bear!

"The war has begun. General Moro is finally about to fight the enemy to the death. Only this cruel war begins, and only the river of blood formed by the endless killings can awaken that strange treasure and make it born. !" A series of voices sounded in the dark. This is the voice of those who are greedy for foreign treasures. They are all looking forward to the start of this battle. For them, Xingtian’s crazy killing and the madness of barbarians Just fulfilled their expectations.

opportunity! The opportunity for these greedy people is coming. Those greedy people who are unwilling to let go are staring frantically at the battlefield. They are desperate for more lives to die. In this battlefield, use their lives to stimulate the final transformation of the strange treasure, and let the strange treasure appear in this world!

For these greedy people in the dark, they don’t have an idea of ​​empire. For them, benefits are more important than everything else. You must know that these greedy people in the dark are not like the God of Tongtian River. The gods of God are unable to resist the blood evil breath from the battlefield and the oppression from military warfare. Their daring ideas to fight against other treasures have the ability to resist the blood evil breath and the impact of military warfare. For them, children like Xing Tian are Death is not important at all. What is important is war, and what is important is killing. It is to use blood to nourish foreign treasures to complete the final transformation!

As a general, doesn't Moreau know that there is such a group of greedy people in secret? Don't you know what these **** are making? He knew, but he had no choice. The development of the situation forced him to embark on the road of no return to the war. Together with the war, everything will be out of control and everything will be beyond his calculations, but this is the general trend, under the general trend He can't help it.

If there is no slaughter, then there will be a strange treasure in this world, no war, how can the territorial catastrophe be inspired! This is the general trend, the general trend of the world and the world. There is no one under the general trend. No matter how cautious or careful General Moro is, the coming of this battle cannot be avoided. It can be said that even if there is no appearance of Xingtian, there is no killing of Xingtian. There will be others who will detonate this war. As long as those greedy people in the dark do not give up the terrible greed in their hearts, this **** battle will inevitably break out, as long as the barbarian generals do not give up their greed for exotic treasures. , This war is bound to break out. This is an unavoidable problem. It can be said that whether it is the general Morrow or the barbarian general, they are just pawns, they are all pawns of the empire behind!

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