God of Destruction

Chapter 3717: Murderous

Chapter 3717 Murderous

"Your kid is really crazy. To be honest, I really squeezed a cold sweat for your safety. This is a war, not a child's play. There are so many unexpected things happening in the battlefield. You are so desperate not to be cut by the enemy. Killing, I’m so lucky. Fortunately this time, General Moro has no ambitions and is willing to stand up to the barbarians’ masters, otherwise you’re really dead and dead!” Looking at Xing Tian who appeared in front of him, Tongtian River God said Say!

In this war, if there was no general Moro to withstand the barbarians' masters, Xing Tian would have been beheaded by the enemy. This is a fact, a fact that everyone has to admit, no matter the reason, Xing Tian is in this battle. Zhong owes a share of cause and effect to General Moreau. Even if Xing Tian's move also helped the imperial army, Xing Tian's fundamental purpose is not to fight for the empire, but to fight for himself, so this cause and effect is no matter what he does. How to bear it!

"I don't want to do this either, but this is the general trend. I can only follow the trend in front of the general trend. Fortunately, the final result is still good. After this battle, I can fully understand myself. After this battle, I almost collapsed. Now, age is still the biggest obstacle to my spiritual path!” When he said this, Xing Tian couldn’t help but shook his head. The matter of age cannot be controlled by himself. This is natural evolution. Forcing himself to evolve, it will make him good in a short time. Strength is increased, but in the long run, the gain will not be worth the loss, and it will leave many hidden dangers to itself, which is not the result Xing Tian is willing to accept.

"Okay, your murderous aura is too heavy. Although it hasn't affected your mind yet, if this murderous aura continues to increase, it will still have a certain impact on your own soul. Go back and wash the murderous aura in this body quickly. Leaving a hidden danger for his future practice, the killing kendo is too overbearing, it is not suitable for you!" Tongtianhe water **** tried his best to persuade Xing Tian to give up this crazy killing kendo, so as not to accidentally be affected by the killing. To his own soul, let Slaughter control himself, cut his own path of practice, and ruin his own foundation!

At this moment, Tiehan also followed Xing Tian and came here. When he heard the words of the water **** of Tongtian River, he said disapprovingly, "Little sir, forgive me, in this world, only the empire is orthodox. Although the killing kendo is extremely domineering , But with the empire’s luck and luck, no amount of killing aura can affect your mind, joining the empire is the most correct choice!"

"The empire is indeed very powerful, and if you have luck, you ignore all external influences, but the empire’s luck is not for nothing. Joining the empire means that your luck is connected to the empire. This is a big bad thing for practitioners. Air luck is cause and effect. How can you practice with such a big cause and effect on your body? It is okay to have a good relationship with the empire, but you can’t bear such a big cause and effect! !


Karma is a huge burden for any practitioner. No one wants to bear it. Although Xing Tian walks in the killing sword, he has to bear the impact of the huge killing source, but there is no need for him to bear such a big cause and effect. To eliminate the impact of murderous aura on oneself is not only the only way to go with luck and luck!

In fact, killing is also cause and effect for practitioners, but this cause and effect is not worth mentioning compared with the cause and effect of the empire, but for Xing Tian, ​​he is walking on the road against the sky, and he will not let go of any cause and effect. In the heart, let alone in Xing Tian’s heart, the cause and effect contaminated by his own way is more terrifying than the imperial aura. What cause and effect can be compared with the great way, what cause and effect can be stronger than the sky, and the way against the sky, Xingtian will Knowing that he has no retreat at all, for others to take a step back, but for Xing Tian, ​​a step back is to fall into the abyss of death and death!

"Okay, now that I am still young, I don’t need to care too much about causal karma. Although causal karma is not a good thing, it is not yet endangering myself to the extent that I am now, so let this matter go for the time being. Well, after a big battle, I'm physically and mentally exhausted, and I need time to recuperate, otherwise this weak body will just break down!" When he said this, Xing Tian shook his head involuntarily, his body is his biggest weakness. , Is also the biggest hidden danger on the bright side. If this problem is not solved, it will be caught by all the enemies. Don’t look at the calm and calm the war is over, but Xing Tian knows the real situation, in this calm surface. There are countless undercurrents underneath, and I don't know how many enemies have already focused on me. After all, I stand on the side of the empire in this war, which will cause a lot of trouble.

For many enemies, they cannot shake the empire's army or threaten General Morrow, but they can vent their anger with a weak chicken like themselves. Whoever makes themselves the weakest being in this war, no matter what Whether it is to combat the morale of the empire or to reduce the luck of the empire, he is the easiest target to start! When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed secretly in his heart. This is the trouble caused after the killing, and this is the influence of causal karma on himself!

Regret it? No, I don’t regret it for Xingtian. Although exposing himself at this time will bring him a lot of troubles and even dangers, compared with danger, Xingtian’s gains are also great. If you pay, you will gain. It is directly proportional to the harvest, and there will be no gain without paying. There is no good thing in this world!

"Well, you go back. This kid will not join the empire. At least not now. You all have tasks in the empire. Joining you at this time will only become a thorn in the eyes of all forces. Be careful and you will be burdened by you. If you have the idea of ​​using this kid as bait, you should give up early. I won't just sit idly by!" To Tiehan, Tongtianhe Water God is disgusted, and he just opened his mouth to drive people away. , Does not care about his feelings.

For the water **** of Tongtian River, although Tiehan is a little capable in the empire army, he still does not threaten the water **** of Tongtian River. If the general Moro appears here, he will be wary and careful, as for Tiehan. The ordinary generals of, do not have such qualifications, as a god, he is unwilling to deal with the empire army, unwilling to have anything to do with it!

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