God of Destruction

Chapter 3716: Surprise

Chapter 3716 Surprised

"Ha! Ha! Ha! You, don’t look at it yet, you have paid too much attention to the position of head. Now you have such a performance and there is no big problem. There is still time to change, if it is waiting for the war on the frontier battlefield It’s over, if you want to change it, it’s too late, so adapt early. This is the general trend of the world. We can’t change the general trend, we can only adapt to the general trend! Okay, the end of the matter, you should act and convey this news to the core disciples. Avoid accidents!" At this point, Old Ancestor Lieyang no longer pays attention to his head, he smiled lightly and left, went back to practice, and improved his combat power!

Strength is the root of everything. In this shocking change, if you want to protect yourself and improve your own combat power, the most correct choice. External force cannot be relied on. If you rely on external force, you will inevitably suffer when a crisis occurs. The devastating blow of the Great Tribulation, the Great Tribulation is also an opportunity. If you seize yourself, you can fly into the sky, and you will be able to fly to the sky. My ancestors will send back such amazing news, so that I can prepare in advance and strengthen in advance. Own combat power.

Seeing the background of the departure of Old Ancestor Lieyang, Venerable Ziji couldn't help shook his head. He couldn't do so freely and easily as Old Ancestor Lieyang. After all, he was the head of the group, with important tasks on his shoulders and everything. Be cautious and handle it carefully, in case you accidentally harm yourself, harm everyone in the sect, push the sect into the abyss, and ruin the vitality of the sect!

Soon a message was conveyed from the Yunxiao faction. Although the battlefield of the realm is closed, it is not difficult to pass some information into it. After all, the Great Tribulation of the Realm has occurred many times, and it has already been by many big forces. I have thoroughly researched it, paying a little price, and passing some information is still possible, but no one is willing to do this. After all, no matter how external forces can affect the changes in the boundary battlefield world, the situation is different this time. Otherwise, Venerable Ziji is unwilling to make such a stupid move, wasting the resources and power of the school for nothing!

In the realm battlefield world, while walking on the way back, suddenly Xing Tian felt a wave of fluctuations in his mind, and the power of the oath that had been hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul fluctuated, and a message crossed time and space. Xing Tian's heart was shocked when such a change appeared in his own soul.

Only the supreme power of the sect can do such a move. Could it be that a major change has taken place in the outside world, and the supreme chaos world has undergone new changes, so that the head has to make such a crazy move, consume a lot of resources and send information to enter Into this realm battlefield world? If everything is as I guessed it, I'm afraid the problem will be serious!

Although he was shocked by the sudden change in his heart, Xing Tian's face did not change at all, and he was still calm. At this time, under this situation, Xing Tian dared not make any abnormalities. It was not for him. What a good thing.


There is a powerful seal of power on the Dao information that suddenly appeared in my soul. To unlock this information, special power and means are needed. Only the core disciples of the Yunxiao Sect know this, and outsiders simply can’t do it. It is exactly the same to ensure that the information will not be leaked and will not be taken by outsiders.

Seeing that Xing Tian was leaving quickly, Tie Han couldn't help but a thought in his heart, speeding up his pace to keep up. Although he didn't know why Xing Tian was leaving in such a hurry, he could instinctively make him reluctant to give up the opportunity to win over Xing Tian. The most important thing is that there are too many enemies hidden in the dark. With Xingtian’s terrifying combat power on the battlefield, some people will be tempted. If these people draw Xingtian away, it will be a loss for the empire. It's big!

"It's the water **** of the Tongtian River! It seems that this kid also has a deal with the water **** of the Tongtian River. It is not an easy task to completely win him over! Fortunately, Tie Liu keeps up, even if there is a little change, it is not enough. In order to influence the overall situation!" As a general, Moruo immediately felt the situation in front of Xingtian and felt the breath of the water **** of Tongtian River. The reason why he was able to do this in such a short time was mainly because of the water **** of Tongtian River. He didn't hide his aura at all, otherwise it would not be easy for General Moruo to find the God of Tongtian River!

General Moruo was not too worried about the existence of the water **** of the Tongtian River, because he knew the water **** of the Tongtian River and knew that the other party could not fight the empire. If the water **** of the Tongtian River had a strange heart, he would not even hide his own breath. His actions are also expressing his attitude to himself, saying that he has no idea about the strange treasure and will not make the idea of ​​the strange treasure!

"Oh! If all the people in the dark can be as clear as the God of Water of the Tongtian River, it will be fine, and I won't have so much trouble, and I won't worry that these **** will ruin their own affairs without knowing when , The great event of the empire is broken!" After a gentle murmur, General Moreau shook his head. He understood that this was impossible. When the empire’s luck changed, when the empire had different hands, those Hidden careerists will be moved, this is the norm of the family.

For the wealthy family, in peacetime, they will completely surrender to the empire. When troubles arise, these wealthy families will become crazy, and each of them will start to make small calculations, and they will all start to think about the empire. Destroyed the empire itself made great achievements, dominated the universe, and it is exactly the same, there are so many **** in secret!

Although General Morrow was unwilling to admit that the empire today has been somewhat declining, the reality made him have to admit all this. Those hidden enemies are a good proof. If the empire is in its heyday, there is no power at all. Dare to jump out, whether it is external power or internal power, this is the case, they dare not confront the empire directly!

Now that the barbarian iron cavalry has appeared, the power of many families has also appeared, and even the power of those sects have also appeared, all of them are playing the idea of ​​the coming out of the world. This change is enough to show that the empire is really weak to the extreme. Some can't suppress the forces of all parties, so that these forces are crazy enough to play up the idea of ​​strange treasures and dare to confront the empire army! Change, this is not something that a great general of oneself can change, this is the general trend, only the lord of the empire can change, only the emperor!

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