God of Destruction

Chapter 3722: Festival Starlight

Chapter 3722: Starlight

What Xing Tian wants to sacrifice is not the ordinary Houtian sword fetus, but the sword fetus that can carry the chaotic destruction avenue. Only when such a sword fetus is condensed, can he not be slaughtered by the terrible four-handed sword in the sea of ​​soul knowledge. The influence of the sword can get rid of the influence of Chaos Destruction Avenue on him, but what Xing Tian is doing now is not to condense the sword, but to refine his own murderous aura.

This little bit of murderous aura is not difficult for Xing Tian. If Xing Tian is willing, he can be refined and worn away without the need for someone to protect the law. The reason why Xing Tian does this is that he needs Tongtian River God to protect himself because he wants to solve it. The information passed down by the head of the Sea of ​​Soul Knowledge is very important to Xingtian, so Xingtian should not be cautious!

Although I don’t know what the message passed by the head at a huge price, he could have let Xing Tian know that this is absolutely related to his own life and death, and it is related to the foundation of the territorial catastrophe. Otherwise, the head would not do it. Of course, I have to know such information at the first time. Only in this way can I go further and get more in the realm catastrophe!

Rays of light gradually rose from Xing Tian’s body. It was the light of stars. When this star light rose, Xing Tian’s imprint of the Avenue of Stars hidden deep in his body was awakened, although he had condensed the chaotic Dao body that embraces the world, The body that has absorbed all of its origins still hides the mark of the great road that I originally felt, because those marks are indestructible, but these marks of the great road have changed, and they are assimilated by the origin of the chaotic body.

Xing Tian is unraveling the secret in the sea of ​​soul knowledge, but his move is a bit big, which is why he needs Tongtian River Water God to protect the law for himself. If there is no Tongtian River Water God, acting rashly by himself will only attract a group of terrible Greedy enemies plunge themselves into the crisis of death. After all, after the battle on the battlefield, those hidden enemies have become crazy. At this time, making a big movement will make themselves into a crisis!

"The power of the stars, the origin of the stars, how is this possible? Isn't this kid walking in the killing kendo? How can there be such a pristine origin of the avenue of stars in his body? Could it be said that his fundamental avenue is not the killing kendo, but The Avenue of Stars!" When he saw such a pure origin of stars, the God of Tongtian River was shocked, but he did not forget his responsibility because of this. With a move of his heart, a powerful divine power rose through the sky, covering the strong for Xing Tian. Starlight!

"This kid hides so deeply, such a pure Avenue of Stars, it seems that his origins are really amazing. If his origin Avenue is the Avenue of Stars, it means that the killing kendo he used is just his own way of protecting the body. No wonder he is not afraid of the impact of killing on himself, no wonder he is not afraid of the life limit of the Way of the Sword Immortal, because the so-called Dao of the Sword Immortal is not his fundamental avenue!" In an instant, the God of Tongtian River seemed to have found Xingtian’s secret. There was a smile on his face. For him, the stronger Xing Tian and the deeper his background, the more amazing he would gain in the future.


However, the water **** of Tongtian River soon had doubts again in his heart, "Being able to mobilize such a pure origin of the Avenue of Stars, this shows that this kid has not forgotten his own fundamental Avenue, but why he did not cultivate the Avenue of Planets, but wanted to practice Slaughter Sword. Why? Could it be that he did this only to protect the road, and want to use the killing kendo to get through his most dangerous period of weakness, but this does not make sense, the fundamental avenue is everything to himself, no matter how strong the killing kendo is, then It is only for the purpose of protecting the Tao. As a strong man who reincarnates in reincarnation, he should not understand this. Why did he do this?"

why? With the knowledge of Tongtian River Water God, even if he wants to break his mind, he will not understand why Xing Tian, ​​everything he sees is not necessarily true. For Xing Tian, ​​such a star origin is nothing at all, his own The fundamental avenue is not the avenue of stars, but the avenue of chaos, the avenue of chaos destruction, the so-called avenue of stars is only part of the avenue of chaos!

"Forget it, don't think so much. Since this kid is willing to display such a subtle avenue of stars in front of him, it means that he has accepted me. I don't need to explore his secrets. If he can tell me, he will definitely I will say, what I have to do now is just protect the road and ensure its safety!" When thinking of this, a smile flashed across the face of Tongtianhe Water God, and behind this smile, there was also in his heart. A faint ripple!

The Avenue of Gods may be an unbreakable road for me, but it is different for the ancient powerhouses, especially for those powerhouses like Xing Tian who have mastered the ancient road of cultivation. If I can have better friendship with him , Perhaps in the future, when Xing Tian becomes stronger, he can help him to resolve the limitations of this divine way and get rid of the shackles of the divine way!

Although this is just a little fantasy in the mind of the water **** of Tongtian River, the water **** of Tongtian River does not think it is impossible. For those who have mastered the ancient cultivation inheritance, their abilities are far beyond their own imagination, but now Xingtian still Very weak, I have not fully recovered my ancient memories, I still need to wait!

Perhaps this wait will be very long, but for an ancient **** like Tongtianhe Water God, no matter how long time is, time is nothing to him, because their hearts have been tempered by time. There is still a little bit of patience. What's more, for a **** like him, as long as there is a chance, it is a great opportunity. There is no reason not to work hard to fight for it. Dao practice is a struggle, as long as you are willing to let it go. There will be life!

Of course, for taking advantage of Xing Tian’s weakness, he made a secret attempt to plunder Xing Tian’s origin. Such an idea has never appeared in the mind of Tongtian River God, because as an ancient god, he deeply understands an ancient strong It is terrible to understand that even if such a strong person has been reincarnated in reincarnation, he is already fully prepared. Anyone who wants to take advantage of his weakness will suffer a devastating blow to the creatures who make his mind!

The ancient powerhouse has too many terrifying methods. No one knows how many assassins an ancient powerhouse has prepared for him before reincarnation. Such assassins will surely deal a fatal blow to the enemy. Would be stupid enough to do such a thing and plunge oneself into that terrible death crisis!

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