God of Destruction

Chapter 3723: Shocked

Chapter 3723: Shocked

"How can this be? The power of the Great Tribulation of the Realm has changed, and the world of the Realm Battlefield will no longer trap the defeated people. When the Great Tribulation is over, the entire battlefield of the Realm will be integrated into the Supreme Chaos World. The battle for sovereignty on the battlefield doesn’t have much meaning, **** it, if so, can you still get a huge amount of luck in the final victory, and can also wash your own roots and qualifications?" When the head is unlocked After the information passed down, Xing Tian's heart was filled with endless worries. If he had no luck, if he couldn't wash his own basic aptitude, the so-called territorial calamity was useless at all!

"What amazing changes have taken place in the Supreme Chaos World, which will cause such an astonishing change in the Great Tribulation of the Realm, and make the world of the Realm Battlefield merge into the Supreme Chaos World after the catastrophe? Could it be said that the Supreme Chaos World is changing? "Xing Tian's heart is guessing the reason, but such things are not known to Xing Tian, ​​at least for now!

Regarding the shocking changes that have taken place in the Supreme Chaos World, such a big secret, the head will still not tell Xing Tian, ​​and will not tell these sects in the battlefield world, no matter what status they have, the head will not. Will tell them, after all, this is not a trivial matter, it is related to the greatest secret of the Supreme Chaos World. If it is known by enemies of other races in the battlefield of the realm, it will not be a good thing for the Yunxiao Sect. It will be good for the civilization of the entire human race. It's not a good thing to say!

"Oh! After such a situation occurs, after this information is passed down, it is not known whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. When everyone knows this secret, I am afraid that many people will not be able to give up their lives and strive to win the final victory. After all, no one Willing to take risks with one's own life, not to mention the unknown adventures. If after winning the battle for the sovereignty of the territorial battlefield, you can't get the effect of luck and can't wash your own roots and aptitudes, then all the efforts will be wasted. !"

At this time, Xing Tian couldn’t help feeling a faint thought of loss and giving up. Who made the message passed by the headmaster was too amazing, but such a thought just flashed through Xing Tian’s mind, for others. In other words, they may give up and don’t care about victory, but not for Xingtian. This is not just a matter of luck and washing the roots and aptitudes, because Xingtian walks on a road against the sky. In the above, Xing Tian is advancing but not retreating. If he chooses to retreat at this time, it will definitely affect Xing Tian's own mood and cause many unnecessary troubles to Xing Tian!

"No, you have to give it a go anyway. You must fight with all your strength. You can't give up your previous plan because of a change in the territorial catastrophe. The struggle for luck cannot tolerate retreat, and the avenue of chaos destruction cannot tolerate retreat. Fight!" Xing Tian soon awoke from the shock and quickly made a decision. No matter what the final result is, Xing Tian will fight to the end.

auzw.com Everything has two sides. Even though Xing Tian’s worries will affect the effect of the Qi Luck Plus, even if Xing Tian’s worries are affected, it also has great benefits. Knowing this secret in advance will help you With a great opportunity, the realm battlefield world is now an independent world. If you can achieve the final victory and master the sovereignty of this world, you can also cultivate a loyal subordinate who can be in the next surprise. Take the initiative and take advantage during change.

Although there is a powerful force in Xing Tian’s inner world, this force is the foundation of Xing Tian, ​​and this force is not a last resort, Xing Tian is unwilling to expose it. After all, Xing Tian’s identity cannot be exposed, and at this time this world The changes in the battlefield can resolve Xingtian's shortcomings and allow Xingtian to create his own army!

"The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. There is only one opportunity like this. As long as you can achieve the final victory and seize the sovereignty of this battlefield world, you can forge a powerful army. Since the Supreme Chaos World has changed, My plan will also change accordingly. Now I don’t need the power of auxiliary sects to control the sovereignty of this world. I am also qualified to participate in this crazy battle for world sovereignty. I can seize this world and condense my own territory. power!"

In a short period of time, Xing Tian was born with such a crazy idea. If his idea is known by his head, he will be shocked by Xing Tian's madness. For many people, all they seek is to get out of trouble. Xing Tian deliberately wanted to fight the entire world on the battlefield, and wanted to master one party's power alone, one party truly belongs to his own power!

In the entire realm catastrophe, are there any creatures with the same crazy thoughts as Xing Tian? Yes, and there are not a few. As the head of the Yunxiao faction fears, in the entire realm battlefield world, not only the human civilization is aware of the changes in the supreme chaotic world, other forces can also know this secret. Eating to death, I don’t know how many people have crazy thoughts, they want to fight the idea of ​​this realm battlefield world, want to seize the initiative of the world, and take the root of the world!

After having such crazy ideas, there have been even greater changes to the territorial calamity. People do not serve themselves and the heavens are destroyed. Under the temptation of absolute interests, countless people are crazy about it, and countless people have participated in the territorial war. Tianjiao evildoers must be crazy about it, because everyone has no worries, and there is no need to worry about being trapped in this world after failure.

Some people madly want to seize the sovereignty of this world and dominate the universe, some madly want to cultivate their own fighting forces, and some madly want to plunder many resources in the world to prepare for future practice. In short, in the interests of Under the temptation of humanity, everything is changing, and everything begins to deviate from the original track. This is the human heart, this is the human nature!

"If it hadn’t been for this shocking change, I would have limited the power I could give to the Tongtian River Water God, and at most I could only get him out of the limitations of the divine way, but now it’s different. After the catastrophe, the entire world will merge into the supreme chaotic world. , If he can win over the water **** of the Tongtian River, he will have a powerful helper to master the origin of this battlefield world. After all, he is a god, an ancient god, if he is free from the limitations of the power of the gods, If he is given the opportunity to practice the great road, everything can be mastered!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a trace of joy!

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