God of Destruction

Chapter 3724: Knot

Chapter 3724

In an instant, Xing Tian's heart began to make up the idea of ​​Tongtian River Water God, he must try his best to win over this water god, and pull him into his camp completely. As for whether the opponent will refuse, this is not in Xing Tian's consideration. , Because Xing Tian has enough temptation to make the other party have to compromise and have to become his own subordinates. He is not a **** and does not know the difficulties of Shinto. As a Xing Tian who has survived too much and too much experience, he is different. He knows Shinto. Difficulties!

"It's time to have a good talk with the God of Water. If I can get the full help of the God of Water and let him protect the way for me with all his strength, my spiritual path will be much safer and smoother! This is a chance, it belongs to me alone. Great opportunity!"

When he figured out everything, Xing Tian finally opened his eyes, and as his eyes opened, the original murderous aura on his body also disappeared. Those murderous auras were all wiped out by the light of the stars emitted by Xing Tian hiding in the shadows. The light of the silk stars continued to flicker on Xing Tian, ​​as if it were a bright lamp, shining all around!

"Di Xian brother has resolved his murderous aura?" When he saw Xing Tian opened his eyes, Tongtianhe Water God asked anxiously, his face was full of caring, the more I understood Xingtian, the more Tongtianhe Water God felt Shocked, the more happy it is!

"Thank you, eldest brother for protecting the law. I have refined those murderous auras. Not only that, but also restored some memories from my previous life. Unfortunately, my strength is still too weak to fully awaken the memories of my previous life. This weak body!" When he said this, Xing Tian's face darkened a bit, and he sighed softly!

"Brother Xian doesn't need to be so lost. In fact, this is not a big deal at all. It can restore a little memory of the previous life. This shows that you have begun to restore the strength of the previous life. As long as you have enough time, you can still restore the strength of the previous life!"

"Nevertheless, I am not reconciled. I have seen a glimmer of hope, but I can't hold it in my hands. This feeling is really unacceptable! But this time I also had a good harvest. An inheritance, an inheritance that can target your eldest brother, you, the spiritual body, and an inheritance that can free you from the limitations of the spirit!"

When he heard Xing Tian’s words, the face of Tongtianhe Water God changed drastically, and his heart was filled with endless joy. He was so happy that he finally saw the opportunity to get rid of the limitations of the **** body. How can this situation not make him excited? , Make him happy!

auzw.com"Brother Xian, is this true? Don't you be kidding me?" Tongtianhe Water God tremblingly said, looking at Xingtian with endless longing eyes, for fear of Xingtian's mouth Say a word that disappoints you!

Seeing the expression of the water **** of Tongtian River at the moment, Xing Tian smiled calmly and said: "This is true, but the memory of my awakening past life is still too few. This inheritance is not complete. There is only a foundation for building. To get a complete inheritance, I'm afraid that I need to fully awaken the memories of my previous life, but having this foundation-building inheritance can also free my eldest brother from the embarrassing situation at the moment, no longer be affected by the body of the gods, and give myself a little more autonomy. !"

The human heart is separated from the belly. Although Xing Tian's heart is willing to believe that the God of Tongtian River is not the capricious villain, Xing Tian will not place his life on the other's character, so Xing Tian will not give the other party a complete similitude to avoid The water **** of Tongtianhe lost his mastery to kill himself and plunged himself into a crisis of death.

However, there is one thing that Xing Tian is right. Only the inheritance of the foundation is enough to get the Tongtian River Water God out of the embarrassing situation at the moment, so that he has a little autonomy, at least not to suffer from the body of the god. Restrictions and suppression!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Brother Xian doesn't need to be so lost. A little time is nothing to me, not to mention that there is a heritage of foundation building. This is enough for me, as long as I can get rid of the embarrassment right now. , Let yourself have more autonomy, and naturally have a better future!" Tongtianhe Water God did not doubt Xing Tian at all, because in his heart, Xing Tian is an ancient powerhouse who reincarnated in reincarnation, an ancient one who has not awakened the memory of previous lives The strong.

Although he doesn’t know much about ancient powerhouses, he still knows something about reincarnation, the Tongtian River God of Water. After all, he has lived for a long time and has seen many reincarnated creatures, no matter how strong the opponent’s previous life is, once reincarnation, the previous life His memories will be sealed by the power of reincarnation, and Xing Tian was able to retrieve a part of the memories of his previous life at such a young age, which has surprised him greatly, not to mention that there is a heritage related to himself in this memory. , This makes him even more happy!

"Brother Xian, since you have awakened part of the memory of your previous life, you must have found the fundamental way of practicing in the previous life. Although the killing sword is good, it can protect itself and has amazing combat power, but the killing avenue has harm to the sky and can It is better to give up or to give up. The fundamental road is the root of everything. Don’t hurt your own fundamentals because of the momentary joy. It will not pay off. Although the current situation is a bit dangerous, it has not reached the point of being out of control. You don’t need to have it. Too many worries, I can protect your safety by protecting you, at least until you have sufficient combat power, you can protect your safety!"

When talking about this, the Tongtian River Water God spoke and said with a light sigh: "Although my **** body has various restrictions, you still have a good ally, General Moro. He is here. Those secretly The enemy dare not be too presumptuous. The strength of the empire’s army is not what you can imagine. The war you have seen before is not worth mentioning!"

"Thank you, brother, for reminding me. I know what I should do. I won't be careless about this reincarnation. Brother don't have to worry about my practice. The road I walked on is beyond your imagination!" At this time, Xing Tian's voice paused, his mind condensed, and the light of stars began to condense, and the inheritance of a avenue of stars was condensed by Xing Tian.

Yes, this is the inheritance that Xing Tian wants to give to the water **** of the Tongtian River. An inheritance of the Avenue of Stars. The Avenue of Stars contains many things. An inheritance suitable for the cultivation of the Water God of the Tongtian River is nothing. You must know that Xingtian has almost complete hands. The Avenue of Stars, such an inheritance is not worth mentioning to Xing Tian, ​​but it is extremely important to the God of Tongtian River!

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