God of Destruction

Chapter 3732: Festival crazy

Chapter 3732: Crazy

Xing Tian was still a little curious about the enemies hidden in the dark, and said, "I don't understand. The general clearly knows that there are such people in the dark, and with the strength of the general, they can lock their whereabouts. Why not directly kill them. Kill, even if you can't kill them, you can hit them hard, drive these enemies away, and continue to let them wander in the dark. This becomes a factor of uncertainty, distracting the army from others, and affecting the overall strength of the army? "

"Oh! Don't you want to do this as a general? You can't. Although those secret enemies are not powerful, they are all of extraordinary origin and have the means to save their lives. It is almost impossible to kill them. Before they came, they had made comprehensive preparations. The most important thing was that these **** did not confront the general at all. Under such circumstances, the general could not deal with them at all, not to mention the army has a bigger enemy brutal. Human cavalry, compared to the **** hiding in the dark, the barbarian cavalry is the real opponent of the general! It is the target of the army!"

Xing Tian nodded, and this is indeed the case. The enemies hidden in the dark, since they dared to take action at this time and under such circumstances, they would naturally have been fully prepared. If there were no threats from the barbarian cavalry, General Morrow was able to destroy them with all his strength, and under the threat of the barbarian cavalry, General Morrow naturally could only tolerate, and he could only focus on the overall situation and the mission of the army to ensure the treasures. Your safety is the top priority!

This time Tiehan came to see himself, and the general of the Chinese University General Moro reminded himself to be more careful. When the army is fighting against the barbarians, Moro in the Magnetic Needle Army cannot separate himself to protect the safety of the village and protect Xing Tian. Xingtian’s safety must be borne by Xingtian himself. Fortunately, behind Xingtian there is the existence of the God of the Water of Tongtian River, which can be regarded as a little dependent!

When thinking of the water **** of Tongtian River, Xing Tian never saw him again in the past ten days. It seems that the other party has begun to retreat and practice the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun that he passed on to him, transforming his own divine power, as long as the water **** of Tongtian River can Taking this step, all the hidden dangers of oneself will be eliminated little by little, and they will no longer be affected and restricted by the priesthood!

Tiehan accompanied Xing Tian for several days. After confirming that the village had not been targeted by those secret bastards, he returned to the barracks. Knowing that he is also a general in the army, he cannot stay in Xingtian’s village at this time. After all, for the entire army, the overall situation is the most important, the foreign treasure is the most important, the foreign treasure is the goal of the army, because this is their task.

Days passed, and in an instant it had been more than a month. Xing Tian found that his cheap eldest brother seemed to be missing, and there was no trace. Xing Tian didn't believe that General Moruo could drive the Water God of the Tongtian River, but for such a long time, his cheap brother had not been able to cultivate the inheritance of Shui Dexing, this qualification is too bad!

auzw.com The inheritance of Lord Shui Dexing is not a powerful inheritance. It should be easy to cultivate successfully in the body of a god. There has been no movement for such a long time. There are only two reasons. One is that the qualifications are too high. Poor, it is impossible to understand the origin of the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun. The second is that the accumulation of his cheap brother is too deep, the divine power is too strong, and it takes a lot of time to transform! However, the second possibility is very low, after all, no matter how deep the divine power, no matter how huge accumulation is compared with the inheritance of stars, it is not worth mentioning!

Just when Xing Tian was wondering about the water **** of Tongtian River, suddenly a red light came towards the border. In that red light, Xing Tian felt the formidable air luck. It was the air fortune of the empire. In this huge group Xing Tian faintly felt a scent of phoenix in his luck. The appearance of such a breath shocked Xing Tian's heart!

"Crazy, really crazy, what kind of exotic treasure can make the imperial fortune make such a crazy move, not only dispatched a large army, but also for the queen of a country to take action, is the imperial fortune not afraid of accidents, Did you hurt the luck of the empire?"

No wonder Xing Tian was so shocked. You must know that the queen of a country is burdened with a powerful imperial luck. If there is any loss, the empire will be severely damaged, and the luck dynasty will also be shaken. For the general dynasty, a queen It’s not a big deal, but it’s completely different for the fortune dynasty. In the fortune dynasty, after a country, it is the second largest fortune in the empire. There can be no mistakes, or the consequences will be unthinkable, but rather For a strange treasure, the queen of a country is dispatched!

"Perhaps this strange treasure is really amazing. It has great power. Even the queen of a country is moved by it. No wonder the barbarian cavalry will be dispatched. No wonder there are so many enemies hidden in the dark. They are all fighting this strange treasure. I want to grab food from the empire’s fortune, but the more important this treasure is, the crazier and terrifying this battle will be!"

Interests move people's hearts. In the face of absolute interest temptation, many people will go crazy about it, at all costs, especially now that the situation of the empire is not good, those secret careerists will naturally be ready to move!

Just when Xing Tian was shocked, suddenly, outside the border, a gloomy breath quickly rose into the sky, pointing directly at the red light and going away. As soon as this happened, Xing Tian was shocked again. The barbarians were also crazy, and they would erode Chi Guang’s luck at all costs and conceal Chi Guang’s secrets. In this gloomy atmosphere, Xing Tian could feel the endless resentment, endless breath of death, condensing such a terrible atmosphere. There are countless deaths behind the breath.

Evil way, this is the real evil power. At the cost of endless creatures’ lives, endless grievances and endless auras of death are condensed. Only in this way can dark and evil forces erode the power of the empire and cover a country. The Queen’s secret, what does the barbarian want to pay such a big price?

For a moment, Xing Tian shuddered. At such a high price, the other party had only one purpose, which was to intercept the imperial queen and destroy the luck of the imperial dynasty. Once they succeeded, even General Moro had the means to reach the sky. , And unable to seize the foreign treasure, when the qi movement of the empire's fortune, General Moruo naturally could not take the foreign treasure and complete the task of the army! Crazy, the barbarian is really crazy, even such a crazy move is done, how can Xing Tian not be shocked!

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