God of Destruction

Chapter 3733: Section pressure

Chapter 3733: Pressure

Not being mad is not going to be a devil. It is worthwhile for a barbarian to be so crazy for his own benefit! The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. If the wish can be fulfilled and the queen of the imperial fortune can be beheaded, even if it is worth paying, the barbarians can calculate the imperial fortune so easily, Among them, if there is no help from outside, no one will believe that it is a big problem to know the whereabouts of the queen of the empire just with the ability of barbarians!

When Xing Tian was aware of it, General Moro, who was the leader of the army, also noticed this crazy move from the barbarians. Such a shock made his look instantly cold, as a general of the Empire. , Moreau instantly understood the enemy's conspiracy, and understood why the other party came here. The root of everything comes from a foreign treasure!

"Damn bastards, how dare they do this, dare to fight against the empire? If these barbarians are not given a heavy blow this time, they will not be honest! What is more **** is the **** hiding in the dark, It is precisely because of the help of these **** that the sacrificial priest of the barbarians can know the whereabouts of the queen so easily, and can succeed in one fell swoop. This time we are in big trouble. Now we really have to face the situation of internal and external troubles. Being born allows the barbarians to see the opportunity, as well as the **** who are hidden in the imperial fortune. We are now facing a dangerous situation. Whether it is a missed treasure or an accident with the queen, it is not something we can bear. The consequence of this!" General Moruo said with a sullen face, and his mood was extremely heavy at this time. Such a shock was beyond his imagination!

"General, we all underestimate the insidiousness of those **** in the empire. They used war to attract our attention and made us think that their true purpose was only a strange treasure. Then they secretly contacted the barbarians and directly attacked the queen, so insidious. The idea of ​​"is definitely not something simple-minded barbarians can come up with. It must be a **** within the empire, relying only on our own strength, I am afraid that it is difficult to complete the task and the strange treasure can be given up, but the safety of the queen has to be taken seriously. , Once something happens to the queen, none of us can bear this responsibility!"

When the situation suddenly changed like this, all the generals were shocked and terrified. Such a shock made them into a desperate situation. If the forces were divided, the barbarian cavalry would never miss this opportunity. It will definitely take a big shot and severely damage the empire army. At that time, the army will no longer be able to seize the foreign treasure. If it does its best to seize the foreign treasure, I am afraid that the Queen's situation will be in danger!

The dilemma is that this is the real situation of General Morrow today. Even if General Morrow has the power to reach the sky, he cannot change the dangerous situation at the moment, nor can he reverse the situation. This kind of situation makes him feel a little bit in his heart. chill!

auzw.com General Moro took a deep breath and turned his eyes to the old Taoist next to him. "Mysterious Taoist master, you have a way to clear the barbarian’s spells and break through the opponent’s deceit. Heavenly secret, find the position of the queen?"

The mysterious Daoist sighed, shook his head and said, "I can't do it. The barbarians are cruel this time. They used the most insidious blood sacrifice method. The curse and curse that cost the lives of countless creatures The method of concealment, this kind of power is not something I can do alone, nor is it possible for the army. Personal power has no effect at all in front of such a terrible blood sacrifice method, and the enemy we are facing now is not only Only the savages and the enemies hidden in the dark will not give us a chance to crack the secret. The war has already begun, starting from a direction we did not expect!"

Mysterious Dao Master is right. Such a crazy spell cannot be solved by an individual. The barbarian sacrifice has made such a crazy move, which means that the war has begun, and it has begun in a direction they did not expect. At this time , The army couldn't move at all, and a slight difference would have to face the crazy impact of the barbarian cavalry.

"Could it be that we just waited quietly and did nothing. If something happens to the queen, none of us can bear this responsibility. Can you contact the power of the martial arts and let them break the secret? An accident occurs to the queen, especially at this time. Once an accident occurs to the queen, the empire will suffer a terrible impact!"

Speaking of this, General Moreau’s eyes flashed with a faint grief and indignation. When such a big event happened, the Empire’s fortune did not respond at all. This is enough to show that the empire’s fortune has been distracted, otherwise it is so big. It’s impossible for the imperial fortune to be unconscious. With the imperial fortune, no matter how powerful or crazy the barbarians’ sacrifices are, they can’t fight against the imperial fortune. It seems that there are also people in the empire. Preventing the leakage of this news!

"The general will send out spies and use manpower to find the whereabouts of the queen. I believe the barbarians have already taken action at this moment. Under the guidance of those who betray the empire, they will attack the queen. We can't wait any longer, or it will be unimaginable. !" At this moment, Tiehan had to stand up and express his stance, after all, this is also related to his survival!

General Moreau shook his head and said, "It's too late, everything is too late. After the barbarian sacrifices make such crazy attacks, everything is too late. They won't give us this opportunity. Those who hide in the dark The enemy will not give us such an opportunity. No matter how many spies are sent, they will have no effect and will be killed by secret enemies!"

Things are just like what General Moreau said. The enemies hiding in the dark have already made all-out preparations. They have fixed their eyes on the generals of the empire. At this time, no matter how many spies are sent, they will destroy themselves. The enemy is not at all. Allowing them to live, it can be said that General Moro missed this time. He underestimated the hidden enemies, underestimated how crazy the enemies inside the empire are, and this step is a wrong step, so he still has The army was caught in such a dilemma, and the army's mind began to turmoil, even the generals under him were so frightened, not to mention the soldiers, but General Moreau had no choice and could not find a solution. The solution to the problem, everything was out of his grasp, and everything was beyond the calculations of the empire, which caused such a terrible loophole in the empire's plan!

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