God of Destruction

Chapter 3734: Slaying wolf

Chapter 3734: Kill the Wolf

Many generals are unwilling to accept this result, but they can't think of a way to resolve it. Who will let their army be in the light, the enemy is in the dark, and the opponent is clearly prepared, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, they naturally To suffer! The most important thing is that this time the army is facing the dual pressures of internal and external troubles. There are hidden enemies inside and the threat of barbarians and cavalry outside, making them unable to take care of them. After all, once the troops are divided, the whole army is There is a danger of destruction!

"Wait, we only have to wait now, waiting for the enemy to take action, waiting for the appearance of the barbarian cavalry, as long as the war begins, everything will be easy, no matter the hidden enemy or the barbarian cavalry, they will reveal their flaws. We can only expect the queen to have a master guard by her side and an army to accompany him. We have no other choice but to do this!" At this point, General Moro could not help but sighed secretly. It can be done, but it is very difficult to have a large army with him. After all, this time the queen went out of the palace for the birth of a strange treasure.

Regardless of the outcome of the war this time, the imperial fortune is facing a very dangerous situation. At the core of the imperial fortune, some people have developed a heart and betrayed the empire. If such an enemy is not found, it will be necessary for the empire. Will be a deadly threat! Just with the current situation of the imperial movement, it is not easy to find the hidden enemy.

Of course, General Moro is not really helpless. In fact, he can also turn to Tongtian River Water God. As an ancient god, with the power of Tongtian River Water God, he is fully capable of preventing the outbreak of this crisis, but General Mo Luo did not dare to make this determination, because he did not know what choice Tongtian River Water God would make, and he did not know the position of Tongtian River Water God. If Tongtian River Water God had a problem, the consequences would be even more serious and the entire army would be threatened!

When General Moreau worried that the situation would be very unfavorable to him, Xing Tian made a new discovery. Although the secret was hidden, as the red light disappeared, Xing Tian's mind was touched, as if there was a great opportunity related to him. appear. Looking at the bewildered secret, Xing Tian knew that his chance had arrived, and what the chance was, Xing Tian still didn't know!

"In such a situation, I feel the chance, which is a bit interesting. I want to see what the chance is this time! It's killing, or fairy fate! But no matter what it is, this is my own opportunity and it is not allowed. Missed! The secret of the secret means that the war has begun, and it is better to rely on yourself. At this time, it is impossible to count on General Moro, and his elder brother cannot be trusted. Now he does not know whether he has succeeded in the inheritance and cultivation of Shui Dexing! "

With a thought, Xing Tian's body aura changed, the chaotic eyes opened, and he looked at the starry sky. Although it was covered by dark power, Xing Tian saw the existence of Feng Qi again, and this time Xing Tian felt it in his heart. Shocking, the opponent's method of covering the secret is not as simple as I thought before. The opponent is not only using blood sacrifices, covering the secret with resentment, to corrode the phoenix, but also using the resentment to provoke the power of the stars and wake up the seven kills. , Greed of wolves, and the power of breaking the army!


"Damn, these lunatics have actually caused the three star-killing powers. Are they going to start the killing of the wolves. Such power is definitely not something that the barbarian sacrifice can do. Behind such a killing is not just the battlefield of the boundary? My own creatures can lay down, I'm afraid that the strong men who participated in the realm war have begun to take action, and the situation I was worried about finally happened!"

Seeing the seven kills, greedy wolves, and the three-star force of breaking the army were shocked, Xing Tian's heart became heavy. Once the overall situation of the killing of the wolves was formed, the consequences were really unimaginable. The entire empire would be shaken, regardless of the empire. How powerful is the Qi Luck, even in the face of a killing game like the Shapalang, this is the power of the stars, this is also the general trend of the world!

"Damn bastard, this is simply not wanting to give reincarnated people a chance to grow up, with the help of external forces, to detonate the realm catastrophe in advance, it seems that a group of ruthless people have come in this realm battlefield, dare to make such a crazy move, Such a madman is desperate!"

Promote the frontier catastrophe with one's own power to erupt in advance. This is to bear the cause and effect and bear the karma. Once it fails, endless causal karma is added, even if the final frontier battlefield world will be integrated into the supreme chaos world. In the middle, this causal karma will not dissipate. It can be said that after making such a crazy choice, these lunatics have no retreat. They have only one way to go to the dark. Only when they achieve the final victory, can they use the world to resolve themselves. This causal karma!

They can only win, not defeat. This is the only chance for the opponent. If they fail, they will be destroyed by causal karma. No matter how strong the power is, they cannot resist the causal karma of a world. Seeing such a crazy situation At that time, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. He was crazy, but he didn't dare to do so. This was almost a confrontation with the world and the general trend.

In just a few years, some people could not help the greed in their hearts, and took the initiative to jump out of the mess and start a full-scale war. It seems that this time the territorial catastrophe is really dangerous, but these **** don't know the changes in the Supreme Chaos World. , I don’t know that the Great Tribulation of the Territory has mutated, otherwise these lunatics would not make such crazy actions, and would not gamble their lives!

Yes, in Xingtian’s eyes, the enemy is gambling, betting his life on the gleam of vitality. If this step is taken, they will advance or retreat. If this step is taken, these lunatics will regard death as home, and there will be no more Retreat, really put yourself to death and live! As a result of the failure, they can't afford it, but they don't know which racial civilization these enemies are!

"Perhaps my cheap eldest brother will feel it. After all, he is now accepting the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun, which is also the Avenue of Stars. Maybe he can sense the existence of the secret enemy and sense who is pushing the power of the stars. If he can It’s good to determine the identity of the other party. I can also be wary of and be prepared!” In an instant, Xing Tian thought of the water **** of Tongtian River, as the **** who cultivates the inheritance of the water deity star, when the stars change, he should Suddenly felt it, perhaps it was because the other party sensed the change of stars, and it was also because of the appearance of this slaying game that it was not successful in cultivation now!

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