God of Destruction

Chapter 3735: Dead man

Chapter 3735: Dead Warrior

When thinking of the God of Tongtian River again, Xing Tian couldn't help but smile to himself, shook his head and sighed: "What's wrong with me? Suddenly I think so much. Since someone enters the game and disturbs the overall situation of the world, this is also a good thing. With the help of this person, take a look at how many enemies there are in this realm of battlefield world. As long as this battle begins, the ambitious guys will jump out!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian smiled indifferently, holding the silk cloth in his hand, and gently wiping the sword in his hand. Although this sword is only an ordinary ordinary sword, it has been tempered by Xing Tian’s terrible chaotic destruction sword intent these days. Already have a state of separation from the mundane and turned into a killing weapon, which can deter evil spirits and slay the soul of the soul.

"Would you like to talk to General Morrow about this matter? After all, this is not a trivial matter. It’s just that if you speak but you can’t explain your own problems, it’s easy to expose yourself. After all, no one knows that there is a General Morrow around him. Outsiders who have not participated in the territorial catastrophe, if they expose themselves, they will only lead to killing."

When things might endanger themselves, Xing Tian gave up to notify General Moreau. Although Xing Tian and General Moreau had some cause and effect, this was not enough to make Xing Tian risk his life to gamble.

Opportunity is fighting. If you tell General Moro what you see, it may also affect your own interests. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. If the opportunity is broken by this, this is also unacceptable to Xingtian. As a result, with these many willings to come together, Xing Tian naturally gave up the idea in his heart and stopped thinking about it!

When Xing Tian made a decision, a group of barbarians entered the border gate silently. This time they did not alarm the soldiers under the general. They could sneak into the border so easily and avoid the generals. Soldiers, the biggest reason is that someone secretly helps, and only in this way can they succeed so easily!

"Success or failure depends on this. If we can kill this group of people and kill the nobles, it will definitely hurt the aura of the fortune. It will give me the court to buy decades of time. I heard that the three great sacrifices were consumed for this matter. My 30-year life span has exhausted all my potential, so this time we can only succeed, not fail! Everyone is to survive, this time the king has orders, either succeed or commit suicide! I am all. The dead men, family wives, children, and children all have rewards. You don’t have to worry about what happens behind you. Everything is the responsibility of the king. In this battle, everyone must do their best, even if they die, they must die worthy."

auzw.com"My lord, is the strange treasure that was born this time really so evil? I actually wanted this nobleman of the empire to venture to the Northland and come here to the gate. There will be fakes, will it be a trap!" a barbarian soldier asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, this matter is true. I heard that the strange treasure that was born this time is not trivial. It is very likely that there will be natural disaster-level powers. That's why the nobles of the empire will appear and risk their lives to appear here! Said the barbarian leader.

"My lord, I heard that the king was cruel this time. He sent out the Twelve Golden Warriors. He had to cut the grass and root out the roots. He was born specifically for the little beast. Is that kid really as evil as the intelligence said? How could a five or six-year-old child embark on the road of cultivation? Could it be that those **** are making excuses because of their defeat?" The barbarian soldier's face was full of doubts.

"This matter has nothing to do with us. Our business is to stop the nobles from this empire. The status of nobles is not trivial. There are masters guarding them. I wait for this trip with the determination to die and never retreat! There is only one belief in our hearts, that is Kill the enemy, leave everything else behind me, we are dead, and we will not shake our hearts by anything outside!"

In order to succeed in the First World War, the barbarians did not tell these dead men the identity of the target of this assassination, for fear that they will know that something will happen. The queen of a country is not a mortal, with great luck. Backbone by the weather, even the dead will be frightened, fear in their hearts, and hesitate to move forward!

For the high-level barbarians, they don’t want to be battered by luck. It can be said that these dead men have been given up by them from the beginning. If they can successfully kill the empire queen, they will also be battered by luck and die. It is the terrible backlash after their death that will affect their family members. No one is willing to accept such terrible consequences, even the dead. It is precisely because of such serious consequences that the barbarians hide themselves Got this secret.

When a queen of a country dies, it is only during a national war that it will not be backlashed by the fortune of the two countries, and only under the national war due to the confrontation of the fortune of the two countries, all the backlash of the fortune will be offset, and even beheading the other party can still plunder them. The barbarians did not start a national war with the empire. Under such circumstances, assassinating a nation’s nobleman would definitely be backlashed by the empire’s fortune, let alone being within the scope of the empire, the consequences would be even more serious. No matter whether these dead men were victorious or defeated, when they entered the empire, their fate was already doomed, and death was their destination!

It’s a pity that this team of barbarians still doesn’t know their true situation, that their destiny has been set, they don’t know that they have already stepped into the abyss of death, and they still hold a trace of luck. After the delusion can succeed, they will retreat and return to the world of barbarians. As a group of abandoned children, they are destined to die!

"I emphasize again that this time our actions are very important. There can be no mistakes. For us, everything except the task must be let go. No matter what changes in the outside world, no matter what circumstances we encounter, everything is The task is important, everything else must be discarded. There can be no thoughts other than the task in your mind. If you fail to do this, it will only affect everyone. It does not matter if you die alone, but don't affect everyone, don't Let everyone lose their lives because of your own fault and ruin this task. No one can bear such consequences. Do you understand?” Although these words are low, they can be in the low voice. The game is full of endless murderous aura. Anyone who dares to stand up and oppose it will only result in death. This is the responsibility of being a captain!

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