God of Destruction

Chapter 3738: Intercept

Chapter 3738 Interception

Don’t even think about leaving when you’re here. At least until you have all fallen, this barbarian and dead man cannot leave. This is the belief of all the guards at this time, no matter how much you have to pay, come to them. Saying that they will not flinch, they will not be afraid. At this time, they all regard death as home, and they are not weaker than these savages!

"Damn it, how could this happen!" When the guards launched a counterattack, the barbarian slaughter's face was cast with a shadow. He knew that his mission had failed and that he had been calculated by the **** group of **** in front of him. If they can't complete the task, everyone's sacrifices are in vain, and the hearts of barbarians and dead men are heavy for it. The consequences are beyond them!

"Kill, give me all my strength to strangle these bastards. If they want to die, we will fulfill them and use the greatest strength to solve them as quickly as possible. We don't have so much time to waste!" A deep voice came from the barbaric There was a sound from the head of the deadly warrior. As his voice fell, the faces of all the deadly barbarian warriors showed a crazy look. They were going desperately to use their last strength, the most powerful force, In order to be able to solve the enemy in the shortest time!

The barbarians are desperate, and the guards of the empire are desperate. At this moment, both sides are desperate. For them, they have no choice but to sacrifice their lives. When they pay a lot of money, they get only a terrible one. Failure is a heavy blow to all the barbarians and dead men. If they weren't for their hearts, they would have already collapsed!

Xing Tian didn’t care about the battle behind him. Xing Tian’s goal was the queen empress. As the barbarians, they would not be stupid enough to only send a team of dead men to assassinate the queen empress. Xing Tian believed that they would still pay in secret. There are other dead soldiers, even if they don’t, the betrayers hidden in the empire’s fortune cannot fail to discover this unexpected change. Although the Queen Empress has escaped the assassination of this barbarian dead soldier, this is not the case. It doesn't mean that she is safe, her situation is still very dangerous, as long as there is a slight difference, she will die and die here.

Whether it was for himself or to repay the favor of the general Moro, Xing Tian could not see the empress dying here. The consequences would be disastrous. All plans would be withdrawn and his practice would be severely affected. Impact!

Just as Xing Tian thought, even if the Queen Empress had a strange treasure to help her, she was still in a very dangerous situation. After being separated from most of the guards, not long after, there was another man and horse. Pursuing her, and this man and horse is not a barbarian, but a betrayer in the imperial movement. In order to prevent the Queen Empress from meeting with the general Moro, these enemies who were originally hidden in the dark had to jump out. Don't do it yourself, because time waits for no one, they don't have time to contact the barbarians who sneaked into the empire, they can only stop everything from happening by themselves!

auzw.com"Do you **** know what you are doing? You are betraying the empire and committing a crime against the empire. This is to punish the Nine Clan! You still have time to stop! "When blocked by a crowd of masked enemies, the guard squad guarding the Queen Empress glared at the enemies in front of them. They hated these **** who betrayed the empire!

In fact, when the Empress Empress was conspired by the barbarians to sacrifice, she had already discovered the danger of the situation as a guard of the Empress Empress, and understood that there was a betrayal in the empire, so they prepared in advance, but they still underestimated this. Betrayers, when the conspiracy failed, these betrayers walked from the dark to the light, and came directly to intercept and kill the queen empress, even if they were carrying a powerful backlash, because they are also dead men, trained by those betrayers The dead man!

"Kill! Don't leave one, you can't let one escape!" A low voice fell, and this group of masked men instantly burst into endless murderous intent. Unlike the barbarians who died, this group of dead men acted. It formed the power of its own battle formation, directly blocking the small team of Empress Empress, and did not give it any chance to escape!

Unlike the barbarians, this group of dead men has no family at all. They are all orphans. They have only one belief in their hearts, that is to fight for the master, even if they die, they don’t hesitate. Not afraid of the backlash of the empire's luck, they ignore the majesty of the empire, and the master's command is all their criteria!

"You **** the empress away, and I am blocking this place alone. Although this battle is fierce, it still can't hold us down!" As the general who protects the empress empress, at this time he took the initiative to take the heaviest responsibility and stay to stop The enemy is a dead end, but he did not hesitate at all, because he is the only one in this team that has this ability!

"It's only a few tens of miles away from General Morrow's barracks. As long as you enter the barracks, the empress will be safe. I beg you for everything. Go!" The general shouted, his body immediately exploded with endless fighting spirit, and a powerful aura. Blood erupted on him, he was burning his own essence and blood, forcibly improving his combat effectiveness, when he made such a decision, he had already put his life and death out of control!

In an instant, the masked man who rushed to was immediately blocked by the general's strong fighting will. Before killing the general, they could not rush to the queen’s side, and could not threaten the queen. The safety of the empress.

"Damn it, how could there be such a strong man here!" The masked killers who were blocked were involuntarily overshadowed by their hearts. They all underestimated the power of the empire and the guards. The power of the Queen Empress, although they are fully prepared, they face a general who regards death as home, and can do nothing for a while!

"There is no time, send a signal to let the **** barbarian dead man come soon, even if we expose us, we must also keep all these people behind!" As a masked leader, he made the craziest thing in an instant Decided, to send a signal at this location, this is a deadly move, because it is too close to the army camp of General Moreau, and over time, they will all be destroyed by the army! But they have no choice, as long as they still want to intercept and kill the empress, they have only one choice!

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