God of Destruction

Chapter 3742: Section failure is not a reason

Chapter 3742: Failure is not a reason

"Retreat. We are defeated. If we do not retreat, we will stay here. We should not pay a heavy price for the ignorance and stupidity of the savages. We have done our responsibilities, but the savages are too stupid and ruined for nothing. This is a great opportunity! Chief, if we don’t leave again, it’s really too late!" A masked dead man couldn’t help his fear in his heart and said what was in his heart, as well as the voice of all masked dead men. !

retreat! This is easy to say, but it is not so easy to do. Not to mention that there is such a murderous **** as Xingtian here. It is just those strong men who guard the queen empress who are not willing to let them leave like this. The most important thing is Yes, they don’t know if there are other enemies in ambush in the dark, and they retreat before clarifying the problem. One carelessness will directly collapse the situation and the team directly. After all, people’s hearts are separated by the belly, and no one knows each other. Thoughts in mind!

"Failure, this is not the reason for our retreat, we are dead men, even if we face death, we are not afraid of death, even if we die, we have to die in this battle, not in flight, we must be loyal to the master! "A low anger sounded from the crowd, this is not a lie, this is the true word of the masked dead man, this is his heart!

"No, we can't sacrifice in vain, knowing that we can't do it, not wanting to die. This is not loyalty, this is stupid. We never fear death, but we don't want to die so worthless. All this is not our fault. Everything is the ignorance of the savages and their fault, and this error cannot be borne by us!" Some of the masked dead are still dissatisfied, because no one wants to face death, especially if there is no hope of victory. Worthless death!

"This is not a reason. From the day you become a dead man, you should understand that without the command of the master, we have no right to retreat, and the master will see it when the arrow is sounded, and will also come to support it. Every time we hold on to a point, we will be able to win a glimmer of hope of victory for the master, fight, we have no choice!"

Anger. Among these masked people, many people are dissatisfied with this decision. Their eyes are full of anger, but they cannot resist because they are dead men, and dead men have no right to refuse, but This angry heart caused a rift in their original united team, causing problems in their cooperation. The more so, the less likely it is for them to work together to kill the empire guards in front of them and rush into the defensive circle to kill the empire. Empress Empress!

Regarding the situation of the masked dead man, Xing Tian didn’t care, because his energy was placed on the barbarian. He came alone. Xing Tian didn’t have the confidence to be able to kill all enemies with one block. It’s unpredictable. Under this kind of crisis, Xing Tian wouldn’t believe those guards. They might be loyal to the empire and to the empress. They could fight to the end, but Xing Tian didn’t think that these people would be too loyal to him. Give full assistance. If these **** retreat for the reason of protecting the queen empress when they rush to kill, the consequences will be serious and they will fall into a crisis of death!


For Xing Tian, ​​he has never let himself fall into such a crisis, nor has he pinned his life on the benevolence of others. With arrows, if the general Moro can't respond, he can't Sending soldiers to rescue, no matter how hard you can fight alone, it is useless. What you have to face is not only the barbarians and dead men, but also the betrayers hidden in the dark. For these betrayers, Xingtian alone cannot fight. !

Xing Tian was swiftly taking out his swords, and every time a sword was cut, one person fell. Although the barbarians were not afraid of death, they madly charged Xing Tian, ​​but no matter how they charged, they couldn’t reach Xing Tian. Xingtian could not be given a fatal blow, or even Xingtian’s safety could not be threatened. Such a result made their hearts feel uncomfortable!

"Damn, how could this be? This little beast is so powerful. I knew I would face such a situation. I shouldn't give up those crossbows, or else I wouldn't be as passive as now!" I remembered the bow and crossbow they had in hand, but unfortunately they gave up on the way to hunt down the queen empress. After all, time waits for no one, and the crossbow is too heavy, so they have to make a trade-off. They lost the threat to Xingtian.

Is Xing Nai really powerful enough to be unsolvable? No, Xingtian is not so powerful. The reason why he can be such a killer is like cutting grass. There is only one reason, that is, the enemy can't figure out the reality of Xingtian, and the enemy doesn't understand Xingtian's fighting methods, so he repeatedly made wrong choices. If it takes a long time, when these enemies really understand Xing Tian, ​​the situation will not be so passive. At that time, Xing Tian's desire to harvest the enemy's life so frantically will only be a joke and will only ruin his own life. , It can be said that Xing Tian has this terrible achievement now, everything is because he was caught off guard!

Xing Tian knows his own situation very well. It is precisely because Xing Tian knows his own shortcomings in his heart that he will do his best every time he makes a shot, and he will ensure that no one can stop under a sword, and he will be able to make the sword intact. It is precisely because of this that the enemy will have fear in his heart, will be frightened by Xingtian's killing, will be taken the initiative by Xingtian!

"Time is running out, we can't wait any longer. It is very likely that Moro's army has discovered our plan at this time and has sent his men to meet us. We have no other choice. Since we can't complete the task, we will kill this little one. The beasts, to avenge the leader, all come up with their last assassins, and they all arouse their own vitality. We sacrifice our lives to fight and be loyal to the king."

Although they have lost their leader, for these stubborn barbarians, they are not as civil as the masked dead men who betrayed the empire. When facing death and defeat, not only no one flinched, but on the contrary. Everyone is willing to lay down their lives for a battle, be willing to kill Xingtian with their lives, and avenge their leader!

When this voice fell, there was a trace of blood red aura from the dead savages. It was a manifestation of burning blood to the extreme. Under such circumstances, they had no chance of surviving. Only the last blow!

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