God of Destruction

Chapter 3753: Dilemma

Chapter 3753 Dilemma

It is human nature to shirk responsibility, even the general Morrow is no exception. When the plan exceeds his imagination, when everything is caught off guard, his heart will inevitably shift all responsibility to the betrayer and forget it. He was not responsible for his own responsibility. The result of this battle was such a result. If he is not responsible, why do these soldiers feel resentful and lose their hearts? It's not that he didn't think about it, but that he deliberately avoided it!

Under this battle, his iron-blooded division was maimed. Such a result was unacceptable to General Moreau. After losing such a powerful iron-blooded division, his own power was instantly weakened by more than half. So being able to occupy a high position in the empire's fortune is not only because of his own strength, but also because of such an iron-blooded master under his staff!

Once a person’s heart is lost, it’s not easy to recover. Perhaps for his **** followers, it’s nothing. Generals die in battle, and there is no undead in war. This sacrifice is nothing. , But for ordinary people, it is completely different. In the entire army, there are very few people who have no resentment. It can be said that this battle is over and General Moreau's own power is almost to collapse, if it is not for the Queen Empress herself They are all caught in a crisis of death. If it were not for the death of the guards who protected the queen and the empress, if it were not for the incomparable cruelty of the incoming enemy, General Moreau would suspect that this was a calculation against himself, so he had to Clear your own influence on the empire!

For the imperial dynasty, sacrificing a little manpower is not a big deal, and in the dynasty, oneself is not without enemies. There are many people who want to calculate oneself, and this battle has given the opponent a chance to put their own situation. Becoming dangerous, but now he has no real information about the betrayers hidden in the dark.

"Damn it, this war is terrible. After the first war, I gave my political opponents a handle. Although the queen empress was saved, but the guard was dead, and I lost my military spirit. After this war, I was in great trouble. Now!" When thinking of this, General Moro sighed deeply. After this battle was over, his next situation would be much more difficult, even if he would not be questioned by the emperor, but he won a terrible victory. The result also made my own hearts lost!

"Forget it, don't think about it so much. The first thing is to solve the current problem. The savages and **** don't need to care. Under this battle, they have also suffered heavy losses. In a short time, they can no longer mobilize the army to threaten the border. As for the military spirit, this cannot be eliminated in a short time. What I can do now is to find out the enemies hidden in the dark, and find out the enemies hidden in the army. The reason why this battle is like this, in the army There are also betrayers!"

auzw.com There are betrayers in the army under my control. This is not the general Morrow’s guess, but facts. Without internal response, it is impossible to make the situation worse. It’s impossible for the Empress Empress’s convoy to be intercepted and killed so easily, and it is even more impossible for the soldiers under him to not get any information. Behind all of this, someone must be deliberately interfering with everything, so that there is a problem in meeting the Empress Empress , Let himself fall into a passive situation.

At this time, General Moreau wanted to find the traitors hidden in the army. Is this possible? Will the enemy be so stupid as to wait for General Morrow to find him? This is almost impossible. If there are betrayers in the army, after this battle, they have no choice but to leave or self-destruct, and no one will remain stupid to stay.

Of course, the most important thing is that the military is in chaos and resentment. If General Moro fights for the existence of this betrayer, it will only make the military more chaotic and make the situation more uncontrollable, so although he is deliberate in finding and hiding The betrayers in the barracks did not dare to speak out, let alone reveal the slightest noise, for fear that a carelessness would cause a military change and put themselves in greater danger, making themselves more dangerous and even more dangerous. difficult!

A wrong step is a wrong step. This time miscalculation, the situation of General Morrow will naturally be more uncomfortable. The mistake can only be made by General Morrow, and nothing can be blamed on the Queen Empress. After all, the Empress’s identity is different. Generally, it is impossible to impose such a crime on her, so the terrible consequences caused by this battle can only be carried by General Moro himself!

"Fortunately, I won this battle. Otherwise, after the first battle, I have only one way to go. If the war is won, the task is completed. Although the price paid is a bit heavy, I still accomplished everything. Even if someone is dissatisfied, he also has the ability to protect himself. The search for the betrayer should not be too careless. It must be carried out in secret, so as not to trigger a military change. As for other things, you can put it down for now and wait for time in the future. There is a chance to deal with it again! Of course, before finding the betrayer, the military merits must be finalized. After all, military merits cannot be careless, so as not to cause a greater crisis!"

When he thought of this, General Moro showed a faint bitter smile on his face. This situation was something he had never thought about before in the future, but now he has to think like this, he has to do this, this is under the general trend. In the face of the general situation, no matter how powerful General Moruo has combat power and no matter how powerful an army, he has to bow his head!

Military merit! For many warriors who have given up their lives and have given their lives, isn’t what they want is merit? If you can’t follow the hearts of the people at this time, you can’t use this battle to complete the mastery of the merits before the flames of war are completely dissipated. , Over time, people's hearts will become more chaotic, and their situation will gradually become more dangerous!

Heartache! Unwilling! But this is the reality that the general Morrow had to accept and had to bear all the causes and effects after the war. If General Morrow couldn’t do this, then General Morrow’s situation would be even more dangerous. Now his enemies will be crazy to the point of getting out of control, let the situation go to the side that he doesn't want to see! When you really have to go to that moment, your situation will be more passive, the pressure you have to face will be heavier, and the threats you face will be stronger, crazier, and even more terrifying!

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