God of Destruction

Chapter 3754: Reasons for section failure

Reasons for the failure of Chapter 3754

Is military merit so easy to clear? General Moro shook his head slightly. This battle was really miserable. Although the army paid a heavy price and won the final victory, but Qiaqia gave opportunities to his enemies in the imperial fortune, Silai If you want to go, General Moreau can only pin his hopes on the Empress Empress. After all, the Empress Empress has personally experienced the cruelty and ruthlessness of this battle. She understands that such heavy casualties in this battle are not her fault, but the imperial luck. There was a big problem with North Korea's plan, so that the hidden enemy was caught off guard!

But let a proud person like General Moreau bow his head to a woman, even if the other party's status is noble, but this still makes General Moreau difficult to accept for a while, but without the help of the queen, I want to get through this now. The difficulties are also very difficult. Under such strong pressure, General Moreau felt exhausted for a while!

When General Moreau was in distress, the barbarians outside the border were angry, paid such a huge price, sacrificed so many soldiers, but ultimately got defeat, which made it difficult for the barbarian court to accept. In this battle, there were too many dead and wounded cavalry, and the barbarians were also greatly injured. In a short time, they could no longer mobilize such a large number of troops to attack, even if they knew that General Moro's army was also Was maimed, but they couldn't take advantage of it!

"Let’s talk about it, why we paid such a big price, but we ended up in failure, whether we made a big mistake, or we are really unable to shake the army under Moreau, if we don’t figure this out. , The next time we face Moreau and his army is still a disastrous defeat! I want to know where we are defeated?"

When they heard the angry voice of the king, many barbarians were silent for it. They also wanted to know where they were defeated, and they wanted to sum up the experience of failure, but their main force has always been in this battle. Outside the border, I don’t know what happened to the dead soldiers who sneaked into the border. I don’t know what happened to the Golden Twelve Warriors. In this case, trying to find out the reason for the failure is fundamental. Unrealistic!

"My lord, we also want to find out the reason, but for all the dead soldiers who sneaked into the imperial fortune, the twelve golden warriors were also the same, no one came back, we don't know what happened in the imperial fortune. What happened? Even the betrayers of the empire who contacted us did not have any news. Such a result was unexpected. Perhaps this time we underestimated the calculation of the imperial dynasty, even if we were ahead of time. Knowing the other party’s plan, and making preparations for it, but we are still not prepared enough to achieve our goal, so in my opinion, the biggest reason for our failure is that we are not strong enough, if our cavalry is strong enough to soar to the sky. With the army under your command, everything will not be like this!"

Not strong enough. This is indeed a good excuse and a omnipotent excuse. If one’s own strength is strong enough to push everything horizontally, what kind of calculations will be used to directly attack all the enemies. It’s just that this explanation won’t get anyone’s Recognition, on the contrary, in the eyes of these people, this is simply shirking responsibility. Fastest update


"No, I don't think so. Although our strength is indeed insufficient to fight the enemy, this is not the reason for our failure!"

"If this reason is not enough, if I have to find a reason, then I have only one idea. We have been calculated by those who betrayed. The information they gave us is wrong. Only this kind of explanation can make sense. So many dead warriors, and the golden twelve warriors died in this battle, without even a single message coming back!"

"The loss of the army is nothing to us, but the deaths of the dead are different from the deaths of the Golden Twelve Warriors. At the beginning, we all knew that they had little chance of coming back alive, so their losses were reasonable. However, they should have news back, but the result was not. The Golden Twelve Warriors were the arrogant we finally cultivated, but they were lost in this battle. This is the biggest loss for us. After all, Tianjiao is rare!"

Why did Wang Ting, the barbarian, clearly aware of the danger of war, send out his carefully cultivated Tianjiao to chase Xingtian? Instead of sending other dead men to complete this task? The reason is actually very simple, that is Qi Luck. They hope that the Tianjiao they have carefully cultivated can kill Xing Tian, ​​seize Xing Tian’s Qi Luck, and strengthen their own Qi Luck. If the dead man is used to chase Xing Tian, ​​even if it succeeds, it will be difficult. They got Xing Tian's luck, but in the end they lost!

"Perhaps this is the truth. The betrayers have also miscalculated, and even they themselves have been folded in. So far, we have not received any information. It is just that the death of the Golden Twelve Warriors is not necessarily a punishment. The little beast was killed. After all, we all know his strength. The only explanation is that our plan was broken by Moreau, and they were killed by Moreau’s strong men as soon as they sneaked into the border. They don’t even have a chance to react!"

Does this statement really make sense? Morrow is so powerful that even the little things that people like himself have to calculate the penalty days can be seen through, and they can all be trapped in advance. If so, can it be said that the betrayers are in Morrow's grasp from the beginning? Everything in this battle was under the control of Moreau and the empire's fortune, and his side and the betrayers stupidly rushed into the trap that the opponent had already set up like clowns, and the entire army was destroyed!

"But this doesn't make sense. If the enemy really has mastered everything, why did Moreau leave in a hurry at the last moment, so that his army is also dead and injured? He is not a fool, it is impossible to make such a stupid decision!"

"The reason, the reason is very simple, because to Moreau, his soldiers are nothing. If he can wipe out the betrayers, no matter how big the price is, it is worth it. Even this is very likely to be his and the empire. This is another big conspiracy, in order to attract us to attack once again, to damage us again, to make us badly injured, and to no longer be able to threaten the frontiers of the empire. If this is the case, even the high price is worth it. After all, we can exchange an army for the destruction of our barbarians, and anyone can accept it!"

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