God of Destruction

Chapter 3755: Undercurrent

Chapter 3755

silence! Endless silence shrouded the barbarians in the royal court. They were all shocked by this explanation. If all this is as it said, then this battle is really terrible, terrible, and the power of the imperial dynasty exceeds everyone. The imagination of the barbarians is not what barbarians can fight now. If they have to fight against it, what is waiting for everyone will be destruction!

After a long time, the barbarian king took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, this matter is so far, everything is over, we have no time to waste in this discussion, now what we need is to recuperate and recover. The power of loss, to convince the people, everything else can be put aside for the time being and not discussed!"

fear! Everyone understood that his king was afraid. He was afraid of the terrible empire’s fortune. After all, he paid such a huge price, but he got the news of failure. What's more, this terrible speculation made the king of barbarians uncomfortable. Don't be afraid, I have to be afraid. As a king, I don't want to be arrogant and ruin my throne!

With the words of the barbarian king, the barbarian generals who participated in the battle breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer have to worry about being dealt with by the royal court. The defeat in the battle is very miserable, especially for himself in this battle. The defeat was so embarrassing!

For the barbarians, they can erase this battle so easily, no longer arguing, no longer angry, but the major forces behind the betrayers of the empire who participated in this battle cannot do it. At that moment, when all the disciples sent by him died, these hidden forces were immediately vigilant, and they all understood that this time their plan had failed.

For this attack, the major forces did not know how long they had planned secretly and how much effort they had put in, but after World War I found out that they had failed and paid a heavy price. The most important thing is that none of them survived. No one escaped, which made it difficult for them to accept, even harder than those barbarians!

However, behind the anger, they still have endless worries. They are afraid that the Imperial Fortune will find clues from this battle, and they will be aware of these hidden forces, once their identity is exposed to the Imperial Fortune. , That waiting for everyone will be a devastating blow, the empire army will break the mountains and temples and give them death!

auzw.com"Check, immediately mobilize everyone's hands for me to find out what is going on? Why in this battle, everyone is dead, there is absolutely We need to find out the secrets we don’t know. Otherwise, we will fail the next time we attack. However, we must be cautious when looking for them. Do not seek merits, but show no mistakes. The power of North Korea found us smoothly. This is the most important thing, understand?"

Such an order is not only issued in one force. All the major forces involved in this battle have made the same choice. They are all worried about their own safety, and they are afraid to give the empire to seize their handle. So one by one couldn't wait to dispatch all the forces to try their best to find out the truth of the matter.

The truth, is the truth so easy to find? Is the easy-to-find truth still worth their fight? Unfortunately, these forces did not think so. For them, it must be faced, even if it is paid no matter what the price is, it is related to their own survival and death, so they can't be careless!

As for the empire’s fortune, after this battle, they also felt the change in their fortunes, and felt that General Moreau’s situation was unsatisfactory. After all, the military was in chaos and the hearts of the people were lost. Even General Moreau could not control it The strength of the army, not to mention the heavy losses of the army, so that the luck of the empire’s fortune has also been damaged, even if the queen empress has mastered the birth of the strange treasure, there is no way to recover the lost luck, it can be said that this For the imperial movement, World War I accompanied his wife and broke down.

The gain is far from the loss of luck, even if this battle also severely damaged the barbarians, and even taught the hidden forces a lesson, but all this is nothing compared to the loss of their own luck. , Air luck is the root of the empire's fortune, and air luck is related to the survival of the empire. Any loss of air fortune is a great harm to the empire's fortune!

"How could this happen? With the strength of General Morrow and the fact that his army did not do all the work, what happened in this battle that damaged the empire’s luck, if it weren’t for Morrow’s personality, The United Metropolitan Government believed that this battle was intentional, and wanted to weaken the foundation of the empire’s fortune. He had different intentions!” Feeling the change in the fortune of the empire, the eyes of the leader of a country revealed a faint loss and unwillingness. You must know this. Everything was carefully arranged by him, but the result was like this, which made him somewhat unacceptable. Such a result made him heartache and worried about the survival of the empire!

"Could it be said that this great catastrophe is really unavoidable. Fortune must face all terrible disasters, a catastrophe? No, I don't believe that all this will happen. Even if this is the general trend, I will go against the sky. , And fight for a **** path in this crisis. To keep the empire alive, no force can stop the empire’s iron cavalry!"

The idea is good, but it is very difficult to do it. Without strong enough power, if you want to go against the sky, you want to go against the sky, it will only be a joke, a big joke, and such a move can be. It's extraordinary. Once you take this first step against the sky, you will never be able to take it back. There are only two possibilities waiting for him, one is success against the sky, and the other is death!

Not everyone has Xing Tian’s unmatched combat power, able to survive under the punishment of heaven again and again. As the master of a country and the master of the fortune, the power and the fortune are closely linked. The lord of the country has a heart against the sky, and the entire empire’s fortunes also have the intention of being against the sky, and will be punished by the heavens. It can be said that when such thoughts are combined, the fortune of the entire empire changes immediately. The inexplicable pressure came from the void, and it weighed heavily on the imperial dynasty, and put a big stone on the hearts of all the strong empire dynasties, making their minds tremble, and making them involuntarily have A hint of terror and anxiety, as if being targeted by some terrible enemy!

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